Are you waiting to buy a PS3 when Gran Turismo 5 is released?

Are you waiting for Gran Turismo 5's release to buy a PS3?

  • Definitely, it's the only reason I want a PS3!

    Votes: 16 8.7%
  • Yes, but I want a PS3 for other games, too.

    Votes: 19 10.4%
  • No, I just got my PS3 this year.

    Votes: 26 14.2%
  • No, I've had my PS3 for more than a year.

    Votes: 82 44.8%
  • No, I've had a PS3 since it came out in 2006.

    Votes: 40 21.9%

  • Total voters
There is alot of people that have brought Playstation's only because of the Gran Turismo series. I have had my PS3 for over a year and it is still going strong. I would like to think that it will be as reliable as my PS2 has never missed a single beat in all the years I have had it. I suppose alot of PS3's will be put to the test when GT5 comes out.:)👍
Yeah. I want it for GT5, MGS4, Ratchet and Clank, InFAMOUS, God of War 3 and Killzone 2.

I was just waiting for loads of good exclusives before I bought it.
It kind of depends on timing as to when I get my PS3.

If Sony drop the price by enough on the current model I'll get that and GT5P. If they keep the price the same and replace the bulky model with this slim line version which looks to be on the cards, then I'll get that instead. But I need to take into account when GT5 is going to be released.

arrrrrgggghhhhh my head is hurting just thinking about it. Chop chop Sony and PD. At least tell me when the slim line, price drop and GT5 are all going to happen.
had one 40g, sold it cuz i killed prologue and GTA4 and nothing sparked my interest (maybe fifa09) so im waitin tlll the price drop and get a 120 or 160 when GT5 drops
Got my ps3 at australian launch date and bought Motorstorm, Resistance, Ridge Racer 7 and Into The Blue - Blu Ray. Played Motorstorm continously for a month it was that good, hadn't played a computer game for about 4 years till Ps3 came out! Ridge Racer lasted a day it looked that crap compared to Motorstorm I took it back lol.

Am getting an XBox Elite for Forza 3 between now and October 23, waiting for confirmation of price drop that is widely speculated.
i got my 60gb about a month or two after launch(NZ) after much debate whether to get a 360 or ps3 but when i saw the gt vision trailer i was sold i think it was the shot of when the camera panned back to reveal the pit crews:) , it took me back to when i purchased my psx with my first game on it Gran Turismo. That being said PS3 has been a fantastic purchase as Uncharted has to be the most fun game i have ever played and it serves really well as a media center to stream movies.
I'm waiting for GT5 to launch before I get my PS3, regardless of the price drop. GT3 was the only reason I got a PS2 in the first place and GT5 is so far the only reason I want the PS3 this time around and I don't touch prologues so I'll wait some more. :cool:
I just bought a secondhand PS3 now that the price is nice.
Otherwise I would have bought the PS3 when GT5 was out.

I will just play GT-series, Pro evo and perhaps a tennis game.

And offcourse the Blu-Ray player helps a bit aswell