ARGH! damn you no save option!

  • Thread starter mattsmith
so after over 11 hrs A-speccing Le Sarthe II, i turn on my tv to find that its magically unpaused itself at some point, and after 38hrs, i cross the line with a 222 lap defecit. strange thing is, i paused entering the pits, and when i turned the tv back on, i was in the gravel at the last chicane, with a full tank o gas and brand new tyres. how did it end up at the wrong end o the pits without losing any fuel or wearing the tyres?! :crazy: it had stopped recording the replay about 40 laps earlier so i can't see what happened

man am i pi**ed off! i'm tryin to build up enough cash to buy all the black cars in one hit. might have to get em b-specced for now, then hit em back later :guilty:

gonna go do somethin fun now to try cheer myself up

ouch sorry to hear that, I cant imagine how it got as far as it did unassisted...
:confused: I hate the 24 hour ones too, they almost require you to B-spec at least part of them :odd: I did the Nurb 24H on my own (near killed me tryin to get that one done so I could do some other races) but B-spec'd the Sarthes.

As far as gettin cash, just slap some S1s on your 350Z LM Concept and let Bob wear it out at the El Capitan 200 mile. Close to a mil a trip (after selling Minolta) and only takes about 40 mins or so running in triple speed... 3 pits, 4 tops.

again, sorry to hear all that wasted time :ill: I know that would be enough for me to put the paddle down for a couple days at least
I do not know if GT4 will unpause itself after a while. (GT3 would do that to you if left unattended for and hour or so) Other people have A-specced Le Mans over week or so, so chances are something or someone touched the controller by accident. I really couldn't tell you for certain.

However, I do know exactly why your car was where it was when you came back. I ran a free run of Sarthe II in a Jag XJR9 simulate a enduro with a LM car. After the computer let up autodrive, I directed the car into the pit lane, and set the controller down. It exited at the regular speed, but, with no input, coasted slowly to a stop. Now, Sarthe is by no means a flat course, noted by the bouncing cars experience on Mulsanne straight. The final straight, where the pits and finish are, and up to the first turns is not, either. Though it appears table-top smooth and flat while driving, the road is angled very slightly upwards. After my car (and yours) rolled to a stop, it began rolling backwards, downhill. It gathered speed, reaching 30mph before straddling the sand at the side of the track near the last chincane and slowing down to about 5mph (still backwards). It finally reached the turn you speak of, and, going back uphill (the track dips slightly before the straight) came to halt rolled back down, and eventually came to rest in the sand at the crook of the shallow "v" the course makes as it goes from the dip to the upward straight. On to the tires and gas. The car coasted, so the tires were never stressed. With no turnig or braking under power, they never even warmed up. And because the accelerator was never even touched, no fuel was consumed. Hence the full tank.
I always go to the Screen settings after pausing as I have seen the game unpause several times. I use a DFP and have blamed that previously but perhaps I am wrong. From the screen page a series of buttons is required to restart rather than just one "X".
If someone did accidentally touch your controller, you should lock your doors and hide it in a safe place next time.
My DFP was affected by the infamous pedal glitch. All it takes is a small accelerator blip and the game will unpause itself. The tip with screen settings should work, unplugging the controller will do the trick too.