ARK - Survival Evolved (PC, XBox, PS4)

  • Thread starter Paulie
I agree, I never checked the framerate but found it perfectly playable when I had an i7 2600 with 560Ti and 12GB RAM, now have a 760 and 16GB but not tried it since the upgrades. Keep in mind it is still early access on PC, so more optimisations will come I am sure. Also available for the XBone, there's a demo but not checked it yet.
Out of curiosity how frustrating is this game?

It looks like it could be great fun but stuff like "When you leave the game, your character remains "sleeping" in the persistent world. Your inventory also exists in the persistent world, vulnerable to theft. Death means permanent loss, and you can even enslave other players for your own purposes." seems like it could be absolutely infuriating.

How likely am I too go back on after work to find out I got ganked?
Out of curiosity how frustrating is this game?

It looks like it could be great fun but stuff like "When you leave the game, your character remains "sleeping" in the persistent world. Your inventory also exists in the persistent world, vulnerable to theft. Death means permanent loss, and you can even enslave other players for your own purposes." seems like it could be absolutely infuriating.

How likely am I too go back on after work to find out I got ganked?

Depends on the server you join, there are many who have a very rigid set of rules regarding that kind of thing. I've only played single player so far. The semi-permadeath is annoying though, you do have a (very) limited time to find your body or belongings but I always found myself so vulnerable, and was seldom able to find my pack or corpse. This is of course mitigated somewhat when you get to the point of stockpiling resources. It's a game with a pretty steep learning curve, though you can adjust a lot of settings in your favour.
I remember why I didn't buy it after originally attempting the free trial... No tutorial or guides in game.

I have no idea why things are happening or how to do certain things, just trial and error.

How do you sleep?
I remember why I didn't buy it after originally attempting the free trial... No tutorial or guides in game.

I have no idea why things are happening or how to do certain things, just trial and error.

How do you sleep?

There is info abounds on how to play online. Sleeping is not a thing in this game.
The main advantage of setting a bed down is that it then becomes a respawn point, so you will want to set a home base and bed relatively early. You do have to hit the ground running in this game, but you can build a very small rudimentary hut with a bed and perhaps a fire inside relatively quickly.

Once you have your pick and axe, look at putting one up but out of harms way as much as possible. A good start point is on the beach at the very southernmost part of the east coast (on the original map) before it opens out into a more dangerous area of swampland. Just keep an eye out for anything occasionally sneaking out of the jungle to the west. Kill some dodos for meat and tame a Dilo or two when you are feeling more intrepid. Also kill any trilobytes you stumble across, for their valuable chitin.

Another good place to set up a base is the "hidden lake" in the North-East corner of the map, which is a little haven with its own natural defences. I eventually upped sticks and moved everything there.
Something else occurred to me about this game the other day, it's going to be around 40GB to download on console when it comes out on PS4, that would take me weeks.:indiff: I wish they'd release a disc version.
New DLC pack...

There is a bit of 🤬 fight going on about paid DLC on a game that is still technically early access...Personally I don't care, but if you do....Go have a moan on Steam (or YouTube or whatever), not here please.
New DLC pack...

There is a bit of 🤬 fight going on about paid DLC on a game that is still technically early access...Personally I don't care, but if you do....Go have a moan on Steam (or YouTube or whatever), not here please.

Wow didn't know about this. And seems OK to me, if not, don't buy it. It's been optimized a fair bit since the early days and only seems to me that the release of certain dinos is holding this back from being a full release, though presumably there are other factors too.
I ended up purchasing it, to me this game is still great value, I've ended up paying $40(NZD) for a game I managed to put hundreds of hours into. In fact I probably have more hours on this game than I have on all my other (non sim racing) games put together ! I could also compare value to No Mans Sky, NMS was $80(NZD) and I doubt I would even get half the amount of hours in that game than I have done in ARK (not that I care about that, I'm still enjoying NMS too).

So far I'm enjoying the new expansion, I've only played for a couple of hours. I decided to start a brand new character and for the first time since I started ARK I was properly scared again....It was great fun :).
The environment is really tough, and you start again not really knowing what creatures will eat you and what ones wont. I died several times due to heat, a raptor or two and some other nasties, I had no fancy weapons or armour...Yeah it is great fun being scared again :)
I did manage to start a small thatch base with a bed, and tame a Parasaur :lol:. Looking forward to hopefully getting another couple of hours in tonight :)
This expansion looks amazing! Still waiting for a PS4 release though.:(
Really don't care if they stay in EA forever....We already got plenty of content, even more when you take advantage of some of the awesome mods that are out there, and hundreds of hours of gameplay and enjoyment.
And it's probably good that they still label the game as EA because it means we get free updates for an already awesome game for the foreseeable future :)
Had my first Deathworm experience, holy crap! talk about a **** your pants thing to come up against

For those still enjoying this

Wow wasn't expecting that, looks pretty versatile! It's funny how they introduce big features like that yet still need to work on basic issues like the numerous glitches, such as tamed dinos and mounts getting tangled, and implement some kind of save system for single player, as it's way too harsh, although not dissimilar to Minecraft I guess, and at least it is relatively easy to back up your save DIY-style.

I lost faith in the game when I accidentally aggroed a Titanosaur near my base, which proceeded to kill 90% of my dinos and demolish the base. But now I am more careful and my only concession (other than some tweakage to tame times etc) is to intermittently kill all the Gigas on the map using a console command, as they can just ruin the single player experience.

I'm now exploring the more central parts of the main island map using a Paracer with a platform saddle, and a couple of Rexes, taming new things along the way. Still have tons to do such as explore the sea, tame a Quetzal, explore the snowy areas etc. and not even tried the Center, Scorched Earth or these procedurally generated maps yet :)
When (if) the PS4 version comes out, I certainly won't be playing on a server with Tek Tier, but it looks cool anyway.
The PS4 version has finally released! All of the YESSSSS!!!! It will take me a few days to download on my interwebs speed, but I am hoping to get it some time within the week.
The PS4 version has finally released! All of the YESSSSS!!!! It will take me a few days to download on my interwebs speed, but I am hoping to get it some time within the week.

All downloaded yet ?
Hope you have fun. Hope you find some good severs, either way even on single player having the whole island to yourself is good fun too.
Let us know how the PS4 version plays.
All downloaded yet ?
Hope you have fun. Hope you find some good severs, either way even on single player having the whole island to yourself is good fun too.
Let us know how the PS4 version plays.

Not yet, had a lot of storms lately and the download will take me a few days. We don't have computers or TVs plugged in during storms.

somebody knows a good video what to expect from this game?

Anything by Sl1pg8r on YouTube.👍 Except the modded stuff if you want to see the standard game of course.
somebody knows a good video what to expect from this game?

PaulSoaresJr and iballisticsquid have also done good single-player mod-free let's plays, enjoyed them a lot.

Can anyone confirm if the console versions have the same Minecraft-style save system where you are pretty much screwed if you mess up, or do they allow for multiple saves and rollbacks? In the PC version you can at least manually back up the save folder, or I think there are one or two rudimentary save managers around.
I just read that in PvE your flyers can't pick up wild dinos, is that a real thing?

All downloaded yet ?
Hope you have fun. Hope you find some good severs, either way even on single player having the whole island to yourself is good fun too.
Let us know how the PS4 version plays.

Played it a couple hours yesterday in single player, seems to run smooth except for some tiny graphical glitches appearing in the bottom right of the screen.

PaulSoaresJr and iballisticsquid have also done good single-player mod-free let's plays, enjoyed them a lot.

Can anyone confirm if the console versions have the same Minecraft-style save system where you are pretty much screwed if you mess up, or do they allow for multiple saves and rollbacks? In the PC version you can at least manually back up the save folder, or I think there are one or two rudimentary save managers around.

Seems like you're stuck with the one save, no multiples.
Played this for over 6hrs today, had a pretty good time. Even though I think there was a x2 multiplier on everything today, in all that time my brother and I only managed to build a small house mostly out of wood, I got to about level 17 and we didn't tame any dinos yet. I'm disappointed that it seems all the official servers are on x1 rates, taming will take hours for anything I guess. :indiff: We also encountered a bug where we couldn't find the server we were in after logging out, even though we'd bookmarked it. Luckily I never logged out and by searching the exact server name my brother could find it again. We've both written down the server name now.
Played this for over 6hrs today, had a pretty good time. Even though I think there was a x2 multiplier on everything today, in all that time my brother and I only managed to build a small house mostly out of wood, I got to about level 17 and we didn't tame any dinos yet. I'm disappointed that it seems all the official servers are on x1 rates, taming will take hours for anything I guess. :indiff:

Yeah, I started my singleplayer save on vanilla settings and whilst x1 might seem "realistic" and gritty to the devs, it's just too much of a ballache. I seldom tweak such settings in my favour, but did turn taming up to x3, also made nights significantly shorter and made some minor tweaks to damage, in mine/my dinos' favour. Finally, I regularly use the console command to kill any Gigas on the map, as they are just too OP for me right now even though I'm at level 60-odd.
Got a bit more done tonight, got to level 20 and got all hide clothes. Pretty soon I'm going to start with tranq arrows and stuff. I also tamed a level 15 Lystrosaurus, my first tame! There was a x2 taming multiplier on in the public servers which made it a little easier.:sly: Some Dilo tried to kill me in the middle of the night when I was very nearly finished, thankfully I killed the Dilo and not the Lystro as vision was limited.:lol:
While we were out collecting drops a Carno came and blocked our path back to camp on the beach. We waited for it to be distracted with killing a Phiomia, but my brother didn't realise he was slightly burdened and didn't run fast enough.:lol: Took a while to find his pack.:P

Yeah, I started my singleplayer save on vanilla settings and whilst x1 might seem "realistic" and gritty to the devs, it's just too much of a ballache. I seldom tweak such settings in my favour, but did turn taming up to x3, also made nights significantly shorter and made some minor tweaks to damage, in mine/my dinos' favour. Finally, I regularly use the console command to kill any Gigas on the map, as they are just too OP for me right now even though I'm at level 60-odd.

Hopefully we don't encounter any Gigas. I am having a lot of fun playing this though, really just trying to enjoy the process rather than rush towards trying to tame a Rex or anything. Been having no issues other than an occasional little bit of lag, but my internet does suck and both my brother and I are connected to it at the same time on two PS4s.

Has anyone else got this on PS4?
@Paulie if you haven't gotten a concrete answer yet, no fliers on PVE are not able to pick up wild dinos. You can however take a Kaprosucus which holds some wild dinos in place. Then have someone pick you up on an aregentavis and carry the wild Dino to your place of choosing.