ARL Wednesday Nights - Gr4 Championship

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
United States
ARL Sprint Cup Season 15- Gr.4 Championship

Welcome back drivers to the ARL Sprint Cup Series page! We are now entering our 15th season. What started as a developmental league for the Gr3 series has grown to become one of ARL's staple series.

This season we are going back to a Gr.4 championship. GTsport BoP will be used. A limited selection of Gr.4 cars will be allowed. All cars will be running on RM Tires

Qualifying will be a 10 minute open session with heavy damage on. The pits will be closed during qualifying. Meaning you cannot change tires or repair damage during qualifying.

Races will be laps equal to 35-40 minutes per race.

Season 15 will be a 10 week season.

Whether you are an experienced driver or new, there is competitive racing for every skill level. So please look over the race info below and feel free to join us on Wednesday nights.

Lobbies will open at 9:30pm EST and qualifying will begin at 9:45pm EST
Race nights typically last about an hour and a half.

  • Lobby opens at 9:30pm EST
  • Open practice until qualifying starts
  • Qualifying starts at approx. 9:45 EST
  • Open qualifying to run for 10 minutes
  • Small break while grid is set
  • Feature race to start once everyone is ready
  • Tire wear X4
  • Fuel consumption X4
  • BoP On
  • Heavy Damage
  • Shortcut penalty weak to none depending on circuit
  • All driving aids disabled except ABS
  • Only Tuning allowed is brake ballast
  • Tire compound is Racing Medium
  • Grid start with false start check
  • Competition caution during feature race
  • 10 minute open qualifying session
  • Heavy damage
  • Pits will be closed during qualifying
  • No stopping for tires, fuel, or damage repair
  • Any driver that reenters the pits or resets once qualifying has started will forfeit their qualifying time and start at the back of the grid

The driver who wins pole position for the night will receive 1 bonus point towards the season championship
There will just be an overall driver's championship this season

Points awarded per main race will be as follows:

  1. 25 11. 6
  2. 23 12. 5
  3. 20 13. 4
  4. 18 14. 3
  5. 15 15. 2
  6. 12 16. 1
  7. 10
  8. 9
  9. 8
  10. 7
Bonus Points:
  • 1 bonus point will be awarded for pole position
  • 2 bonus points for the driver that is leading when the competition caution begins
  • A competition caution will be called with 8 laps remaining (track dependent)
  • 5 laps prior to the caution pit lane will close (drivers may only enter if they have run out of fuel or have engine damage)
  • Drivers who enter the pits while they are closed are not permitted to change tires and may only take enough fuel to get them to the caution lap. All damage may be repaired.
  • Once the leader crosses the start/finish line to start the caution they will slow to caution pace
  • Remaining drivers should continue to race to the start/finish line and then line up in order of position behind the leader
  • The pits will then open and the leader will guide all drivers to pit lane
  • Drivers may choose to complete a pit stop or stay out while maintaining caution speed
  • Do not pass other drivers when entering the pits
  • Drivers are allowed to gain position during pit stops (this is the only time during a caution you should gain or lose positions)
  • After exiting the pits any lapped car may regain 1 lap and 1 lap only
  • Once the lapped cars have rejoined the pack drivers will line up 2 wide for the race restart
  • The leader will have the choice of inside or outside lane for restart. All other drivers will line up accordingly
  • Racing resumes when the leader crosses the start/finish line
  • There should be 6-5 laps remaining once the caution is completed.
The penalty system for the GR.4 league is a little more relaxed than the Gr.3 series mainly because this is more of a learning league. If you feel like you need to file a IR on a driver please fill out the form below. Our Chief Steward and will review all IR along with the other BoD members.

  • MINOR ACCIDENT: causing minor damage to another drivers car, unsafe re-entry, cutting corners to gain an advantage

  • MEDIUM ACCIDENT: dive bomb, making a pass using out of bounds, not adhering to flag rules, blocking/weaving

  • SEVERE ACCIDENT: causing major damage to another drivers car, not conceding spot if you have ran another driver off track/ bumped them going into a corner intentionally hitting another driver, retaliation, dive bomb with no intention of using the brakes

  • GROUNDS FOR BEING KICKED OUT OF THE LEAGUE: intentionally trying to wreck other drivers, driving wrong way on the track, pretty much being a jacka$$ I don’t see many of us having a problem with this major point deduction because overall this is a clean group of drivers but you never know when you might have to use this penalty

With the recent update on GT Sport there have been many instances a driver getting stuck on the grid (including myself). Hopefully this will not be a problem going forward but until GT Sport fixes this problem we will need to adapt a rule for being stuck or disconnecting.

The rule we are putting in place for the time being is that if a driver gets stuck on the grid we will move the driver to the rear of the grid and restart.

If problem persist we will ask the driver to please exit the race and issue last place points to the driver/drivers for that race.

It really sucks being stuck on the grid and I want everyone to race each week but at the same time we can’t restart more than once for the same driver it’s not fair to the others.

Rule Update
After careful consideration and talking it over with BoD we have come to decision regarding quitting during races

If a driver quits during a race for any reason other than a disconnect/stuck on grid/personal issue (i.e. rage quits) they will lose any and all points accrued during the race night.
The offending driver will also be issued a warning for their first offense.
If a second offense occurs the driver will then face a 2 week suspension from the series
If a driver quits during a race we ask that you message the lobby host as soon as possible with a reason for quitting
If a message is not received within 24 hours of the race end if will be assumed to be a rage quit

Drivers that quit between races for any reason other than a disconnect/stuck on grid/personal issue will lose any and all points accrued during the race night.
If you do exit between races please state in the chat that you will not be returning and follow up with a message to the lobby host why you left.
Drivers that leave between races will not receive warnings or suspensions
Again if the driver does not message the lobby host with a reason why they left within 24 hours of the race completion it will assumed to be a rage quit.

Any drivers that experience connection issues or have to leave for personal matters will not be penalized.

GT4 Number Board:
There are also a gold and silver version of GT4 number board if needed. But there aren't really any classes on Wednesday series.

Incident Reporting Form

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GR.4 Series Manager: @PApunk924
Link to thread:

Please join the party chat even if you do not have a mic. This will help coordinating qualifying and cautions much easier

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Megane Trophy '11 GR.4
Ferrari 458 Italia GR.4
Dodge Viper GR.4
Lamborghini Huracan GR. 4
Any European Gr. 4 (2 drivers per car)
Chevrolet Corvette C7 Gr4
Dodge Viper Gr4
Ford Mustang Gr4
Honda NSX GR4
Genesis GR4
Lancer Evolution GR4
86 GR4
GR Supra
Week 1: Aston Martin Vantage GR4 (RH)
Week 2: Renault Sport Clio V6 24V 2000 N200 (SH)
Week 3: MClaren 650S GR4 (RH)
Week 4: Dodge Super Bee 1970 N300 (SM)
Week 5: Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport 2016 GR4 (RH)
Week 6: Toyota S-FR Racing Concept 2016 N400 (SH)
Week 7: Volkswagen Scirocco GR4 (RH)
Week 8: Lexus RCF 2014 N500 (SH)
Mitsubishi Lancer Gr.4 & Gr.B
Subaru WRX Gr.4 & Gr.B
Renault R8 Gordini 1966
Audi TT Cup 2016 (Gr.4)
VW Beetle (Gr.3)

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ARL is proud to announce the ARL Srint Cup. ARL is growing and a few drivers have said they would like to run more ARL events. We have decided to include a GR.4 Sprint Series. This series was brought up by current ARL GR.3 series drivers. We are happy to expand ARL and hope you guys/girls enjoy this series. The though process behind this series is for drivers to learn, get faster, and gain experience while at the same time having fun racing clean and competitive.


· Renault Sport Megane Trophy 2011
· Spec Tune
· RH Tires only
· No tire wear
· No fuel consumption
· Damage light
· No aids
· ABS is allowed
· Brake ballast tuning is allowed

Races start at 9 PM. Central


· 1 qualifying session to determine first race 10 min shootout for fastest lap
· after the first race the remaining 3 will be reverse grid based on previous race
· RH tires only
· Stay on track once qualifying is done so your time stays valid. If you re-enter the pits it will start you in the back of the field.


· Short free practice
· 10 minute qualifying session
· 4, 15 minute races or laps equaling 15 minute races
· False start check
· Race 1 (fastest first)
· Race 2 (reverse grid based on previous race)
· Race 3 (reverse grid based on previous race)
· Race 4 (reverse grid based on previous race)

· Points will be the same as regular ARL points for the night

· Same as ARL GR.3 Series

· Same as ARL GR.3 Series

· Same as ARL GR.3 Series

· Winner of the night will get to choose the next track we race. Track must be submitted by _______ before 8:30 pm central
· Winner of the month will get to select next seasons GR.4 Car
· If we have repeat winners in night or month we will put it to a vote and let the winner select one vote for their prize.

@TexasJDC @Nick Cannella @Ryan Kirk @Jw_wk1010 @WanganGhost @Whitey093 @Neutty @hirnsauger69 @FREEREVN @TTTtothetop @Herimopp89 @aceboy127 @SRT DK Racing @AJK_VAIL @SAMHAIN85 @Rick Bohart @Decambre95 @Conor Doyle @Drifter1171 @Alltrac185 @PApunk924 @tab1chevy @damonc84 @nanders @Infineon
Tuesday is good for me . Sign me up............r
So I see everyone has voted Tuesday as race night for your ARL GR.4 SPRINT CUP and I would be interested in joining too if there is room. If not I will be happy being a Stand-in when needed until a spot opens up.

Me and @Infineon both work at the same place on the same shift and Tuesday's work out great for us.

Anyway let me know if there is room.
Rinsky #70

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