ARL Wednesday Nights - Gr4 Championship

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
Ok - if its ok I’ll run tomorrow night - ill take the nsx - realizing this is your group’s finale for this season - ill stay towards the back (may be where i end up anyway!?) would hate to screw up a points race somehow. No clue if the nsx will be competitive - ill do some testing/practice tonight. Thanks - guess im ‘confirming’
Nice man. I’ll get you added.
@Nick Cannella I'm not on the list!!!
hello all, currently running in snail and looking for a 2nd league.

thanks - appears the new season starts june 3rd- ill look to (hopefully?) join in for that - good luck with your season finale! Ill look for a livestream?
Great that’s all we need another Canuck in an NSX. lol. And don’t be ruinin’ my battle for 24th, it’s a tight 7 way battle. Really good to see you in ARL. The lobby selection is random so no guarantee we’ll meet, but if we do I’m sure there will be an exchange of pleasantries...”No, I insist, after you.” See you Wednesday.
Week 8 Nurburgring GP 20:30 Clear (Laps 5 Heat, 10 Feature)

Confirmation is closed. Lobbies will be posted by 8:45pm Eastern
Lobbies posted.
Ryan23Kirk23 Lobby A
nog3861 Lobby B

Good luck tonight everyone

@BPeacock2727 please send friend requests to lobby hosts. Lobbies are friends only.
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