Assetto Corsa 2 Will be Called "Assetto Corsa Evo", Coming 2024

  • Thread starter GTPNewsWire
Oh my it's so soon... after 10 years.

So which of the 20 cars will you be driving first?

For me, it will be the Honda S2000.
When you hear the sound of vehicles on youtube that are incredible (alpine!), I can't wait to hear the engine scream!
And then listen to the giulia gta roar...
The Escort without a doubt
This game is not yet available on Steam
Planned Release Date: 16 Jan, 2025
This game plans to unlock in approximately 2 days, it had how many hours left yesterday,
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Are we there yet?
Yes - but not on Steam's store for some reason

£32.99, discounted to £26.39 for 2 weeks
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Yes - but not on Steam's store for some reason

£32.99, discounted to £26.39 for 2 weeks
Purchased and code obtained, it's in my library, just need to wait for it to unlock now.

Yes - but not on Steam's store for some reason

£32.99, discounted to £26.39 for 2 weeks
Looks like a quite cheap one. If I am on PC, I'd for sure click it
I will wait for Steam to get it's act together, because if I don't like it I will certainly go for a refund under their policy. Also, I don't see any driver updates for Nvidia specific to the game.
Supposedly steam comments have imploded since there are only 5 playable cars?
There were supposed to be 20 cars in the current stage of Early Access availble now.

I think people need to buy the other 15 cars that aren't entry level and avaialble from the start.
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Five starter cars. It was previously stated that you need to earn licences to get access to others.
I think the servers are also offline which is locking out some of the game modes where you might see or gain access to those cars. license, Special Events and Dealership are all currently locked out from the sound of it.
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I think we've taken car modeling to the next level.



The effect on the bmw's left headlight is the first time I've seen it in a car simulation.

I find the sensations quite good, but quite similar to ac1.
You can feel the wheels locking and the steering hardening, which is very pleasant.

But I'd have to adjust the ffb setting, but for the moment it's really not bad.
Vehicle handling is much improved.
You don't get that under-corner feeling with the standard vehicles, you can place it more easily.
And the feeling of speed is much better.

Hard to explain in english sorry.

With a 4070ti, I5 13700K in 1440 p
The game runs between 120 and 140 FPS the first race with the AI in the sun.
Two hours later I'm at 40 fps in the same conditions, I suspect a memory leak.
At night, with AI, I'm between 20 and 60 fps.

Assetto Corsa EVO update for 16 January 2025​

Version 0.1.1 is now live​

· View all patches · Build 17029859 · Last edited 5 hours ago by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Hello simracers -
Version 0.1.1 of Assetto Corsa EVO is now live. Your support has been overwhelming, thank you! While we resolve the server overload issues to enable online mode for all, we have enabled all cars in offline mode, so that your experience is less limited.
You will now be able to choose from all 20 car models contained in Early Access v0.1 in the Garage.
We are working non-stop in order to bring the game online again and allow for Special Events, Driving Academy and game economy to be playable as well.
Thank you for your patience
The KUNOS team.
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We are working non-stop in order to bring the game online again and allow for Special Events, Driving Academy and game economy to be playable as well.
Is this confirmation that single-player content requires an online connection? I don't recall hearing this before launch.
Is this confirmation that single-player content requires an online connection? I don't recall hearing this before launch.
It was something we had speculated upon, but...
I'm working on optimized settings but it's going to take a bit...

Why do I have to like tinkering so much? :lol:
Don't hesitate to remove all effects from the steering wheel, i found this on internet.
téléchargement (8).png

I don't know what they've done, but you get a much better feel for the asperities and vibrators, and all the work done by the suspensions.

On the other hand, I had my first crash and my DD+ suddenly turned to the right on its own and nearly ripped off my thumbs.
Now I drive with my thumbs out of my steering wheel 👀

EDIT: The game manages tire flats
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Assetto Corsa EVO update for 17 January 2025
Version 0.1.2 is now live
Share · View all patches · Build 17041232 · Last edited 9 minutes ago by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Version 0.1.2 of Assetto Corsa EVO is now live. This includes two key fixes:

fixed black screen issue showing only minimal UI on some systems

fixed potentially becoming stuck on the UI in locations such as the car setup menu

other minor fixes

Resolving server issues to enable full online mode for all is currently in active development as a priority. This current version is set to remain in offline mode for all players, with all cars and tracks available.

Thank you for your patience.