I have now tried out the T300RS for a little while today. The new Highlands Long track on DS4 was fun but with the wheel setup it is amazing. You don't notice at first on the DS4 the amount of crests, jumps and cambers that pull the wheel hard especially down Cabhag Straight you can easily lose it if you hit the grass. Great fun flat out down there overtaking cars
I tried to capture these crests in a screen capture.
Overall I am really enjoying the new Highland tracks and my favourite is the 'Long' track but the Drifting in the supercars was fun and the short town track is great for testing your brakes and the smaller cars.
Out of the new dlc cars I love the little Audi S1Q to throw around the tracks and the new Mazda 787B is quite a handful.
I took quite a few shots now they are 3840x2160px on PS4 Pro and will update the photo thread soon. It is a real shame there is no photomode on Consoles.
p.s Is there way to slow the hand movement down yet on DS4 (cockpit view of wheel)?

This puts me out of sink slightly, although the DS4 does feel better than it used to, was this updated today too?👍
p.p.s I had forgotten how good the physics and the handling were on the T300 wheel after playing so many other games and not being on this much.