Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi GTplanet members, thought to introduce myself by sharing a set of replay cameras for the Willow Springs track v1.0, which by the way is an epic track... New and existing cams have been updated for your racealot-viewing pleasure. Before saving to your PC consider to rename or backup files as necessary. Let me know your thoughts, ideas, likes and dislikes, its all the same. Enjoy and be safe.


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Added the 1988, 1986 and 1984 F1 seasons to the folder:

i'm glad you are making these also just an FYI, simdream has 2005 and 2012 if you wanna look into them and add the seasons also i believe ASR has around 6 or 7 1991 cars with VRC having the Jordan 191 along with it not sure if anymore 1991s have been released but just giving you a heads up.

P.S. I really love this, great to see people getting them crappy ol simdream mods and getting them to the public for free

edit: found out that ACFL has also got 2015 and 2016. Along on RD there is 2013 and 2014 seasons by another 2 people (both different authors) but on assettoland ACF1mania i think his name is has also got the 2016 seasons

New BTCC 2019 skin for Brands Hatch
lot of changes, roughly retexture of the first bridge, change billboards for BTCC ones, change sand by soil like the actual track, change the carpet and add green carpets on the kind of "brick in the grass" (if someone know the name)...

Great pics by Sali Hellie, big thanks ! :)
Next mod salvaged, the Dodge Viper GTS ACR 1999:

This one made me really angry several times today... but here's the changes:
- Visually, pretty much all external shaders changed or tweaked, lights fixed, collider, flames, driver no longer sticking through the roof, Lods added etc.
- Data, changed nearly everything, car now tops out just over 180mph, laptime pace just a smidgen off the Kunos Porsche 911
- I can't really be bothered to think of everything I've changed, basically if you know this mod, then you'll know what kind of shape it was in, if not then it's waiting to disappoint you on Assettoland as a comparison.
- Credits go to whoever converted it first, but mainly to A3dr as I used his RT/10 as the basis for the gearbox, suspension, brakes and AI, then tweaked as needed to hopefully convey the more track focussed nature of this performance edition.
- Anyone that wants to update the interior is more than welcome, it would also be good if someone could work their magic on the skins and get some racing stripes added (I deleted the original striped skins as they were terrible)

Took a look hoping to whip up some stripes and liveries but the way it has nodamage_lod0.png setup as the skin layer makes it impossible to use any 2D paint tool like PhotoShop or It may be possible using a 3D tool like Blender or AutoDesk but that's more time consuming and limits your talent pool. If you can create another layer just for livery painters to apply above/below the textures in nodamage you'll have more luck.
They were made by a friend of mine. I have also skins for the R10, R15 and some other lmp1 cars

Oh man you´re so lucky to have a friend who is so good at making this stuff. These are beautiful! You could recreate the whole Le Mans LMP1 grid from 2008-2011 without problems. But i don´t think that they are going to be released to the public, am i right?
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No, it was postponed for technical reasons.
Was able to see a qualifying session on YouTube yesterday. Sadly they are all using just one Kunos Assetto Corsa car, the Corvette C7R setup to TA1 specs. And to make matters even less interesting all the liveries look extremely similar. Apparently they wanted to use only Kunos official content so that means no Mustangs or Caddys to be seen. The actual race will occur tomorrow afternoon US time.
Anyone happen to know what are the most current LMP1 car mods?
The most current LMP1 mods are as far as i know the Rebellion R13 from Simdream and the BR1 released by Velo, although the skins aren´t really working on it. There is also another version of the BR1 on the model of a Dallara LMP2 on Racedepartment. Sadly, there is no Toyota TS050 from the current WEC season in AC at the time. But on Velo´s facebook page there is something that might interests you.
alright, just grabbed the f1 84 car pack and i'm already tweaking the engines

sounds seem to be a bit off; what's the closest one to accuracy? i need to source them for v8 powered cars (alfa), Ferrari V6 (til the 126 C2 by ASR drops) and for the bimmer M12 (Brabham)
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Took a look hoping to whip up some stripes and liveries but the way it has nodamage_lod0.png setup as the skin layer makes it impossible to use any 2D paint tool like PhotoShop or It may be possible using a 3D tool like Blender or AutoDesk but that's more time consuming and limits your talent pool. If you can create another layer just for livery painters to apply above/below the textures in nodamage you'll have more luck.

Funnily enough I was just doing this for MrB00 who was going to see about creating a set of racing stripes for it. Then I was going to use that base to create a load of colour combos and re-upload. Once I've done that it will have the nodamage_lod0 as a .dds file so others can make skins more easily.

can you please help in fixing the RTM Top Gear track? Problem: ingame the time counts normal per lap (you can see it clearly in the lap times app); once you have left the track, CM says a lap is just 18 seconds or similar:

So it is impossible to build a database for each car I want to try on that track. Whats the issue there?

The second issue is that the movement of the head (using NeckFX) is kind of disorientated once you cross the track at the gantry between the right - hander and the left-hander which is used later on the lap, entering the long airfield strip:


Don´t know if this can be fixed, though. I would be happy if someone with more skills than me can fix the lap time issue. Maybe this issue is connected to the upper one.

Here is the link:

Hope this won´t go down since we have so many posts here nowadays.... thanks in advance!

Small patch (less than 1MB!) for Cizeta V16T by TonyBarracuda (
  • Renamed class to street from GT.
  • Changed tags to "#Vintage Supercars/rwd/manual/street/v16/supercar/vintage/italy/" from ""
  • Updated UI badge.
  • Updated previews.
  • Updated livery icons.
  • Changed gear ratios to "-2.865/2.420/1.610/1.140/0.846/0.704/4.220" from "-2.125/2.312/1.524/1.125/0.888/0.676/3.830".
  • Changed power graph.
  • Increased power at wheels to 486 hp @ 8,000 rpm from 426 hp @ 7,500 rpm (10% transmission loss from 540 hp).
  • Increased torque at wheels to 495 Nm @ 6,500 rpm from 449 Nm @ 5,000 rpm (10% transmission loss from 550 Nm).
  • Increased redline to 8500 from 7500.
  • Increased rpm damage threshold to 8600 from 7700.
  • Increased AI shift values to 8400/5000 from 6925/5000.
  • Increased autoshift values to 8400/5000 from 7450/4700.
  • Increased total mass to 1775 from 1640.
  • Increased fuel capacity to 120 from 70.
  • Increased starting fuel load to 60 from 30.
  • Resized and repositioned ground collider.
  • Repositioned exhaust flames.
I strongly recommend using Content Manager to replace it's V12 sound to any high-revving V8 you can find on the internet.

Simply extract the main folder's content to the correct folder of the required mod.


Required mod: Yandex Disk (GTSupreme) or Google Drive (Assetoland)
Patch: Mega


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    22.6 KB · Views: 1,052
Ok tried the bmw from Marek. What kind of witchcraft was used there?!!!! This can't be the tyre model v10. More like v14, like ACC level of tyre feel. And FFB!!!! Don't get me started on FFB!! Best FFB in AC, period. After 5 laps, this shoot up to my top 3 AC mods of all time, maybe top 1. My good what a car. Brilliant.

Had some great fun with this today

Have you tried the updated primera? I've not updated yet a few on RD seem to think its a bit tail happy

I struggle getting temps into the rear tyres on the older model
Had some great fun with this today

Have you tried the updated primera? I've not updated yet a few on RD seem to think its a bit tail happy

I struggle getting temps into the rear tyres on the older model
Yes I have. You have to play with the setup, it has serious oversteer. It's because it is to low in my opinion. If you have cold tyres it won't let you out of the pits because of height. I also adjusted the camber and toe, and it's better now. But still not the way I like it. I think it's to oversteery for sure. And the default setup should be adjusted.
OK so this was a drift tune car.
I liked the stupid wing on it so i decieded just to see if i could make it a track focused car.
Main 'changelog' is it doesn't want to go sideways for fun.....

Not mega fast, but feels ok, not sure about exactly what if anything that wing is doing...but hey..

enjoy, try out, test, change it, throw it away, whatever...tell me its pants if you like.

I am still seemingly rubbish at simple mega links so any probs please let me know what i am doing wrong. I think this should bring up a folder with a zip as well?

View attachment 914308

Thank you.
Nice work there. I usually do this in 3DsimEd. Select the tree, material and then alter the ksAmbiant (0.2)/ksDiffuse (0.2) and ks SpecularEXP (8.0)

I´m afraid, not quite what he imo wants. Maybe selecting the trees and giving them the "Shadow Receiver" tag can solve that. But nevertheless, you should convert png allways to dds files. They are mostly compressed and in a better format that graphic cards can handle with.

Thanks for the info!
Unfortunately thats above my skill level, but great to know that it's possible.

If anyone could help me out with that, it would be amazing and we could finally get a good looking version of Jerez out there!
The most current LMP1 mods are as far as i know the Rebellion R13 from Simdream and the BR1 released by Velo, although the skins aren´t really working on it. There is also another version of the BR1 on the model of a Dallara LMP2 on Racedepartment. Sadly, there is no Toyota TS050 from the current WEC season in AC at the time. But on Velo´s facebook page there is something that might interests you.

I have the current TS050 for AC
Oh man you´re so lucky to have a friend who is so good at making this stuff. These are beautiful! You could recreate the whole Le Mans LMP1 grid from 2008-2011 without problems. But i don´t think that they are going to be released to the public, am i right?

Sadly yes. Some of his content was stolen by others and thex released them as their work. Since then he has not released anything
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