Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I'm back - aside from my disappearing now and again when hitting the bollard, I also now know why the Bahrain 2020 wouldn't load and that's because it has the flow shader in it - and I don't have it installed in my assetto directory so it kept crashing. Just took the 5 off the kn file and now it boots up - happy chappy now. It was your suggestion which led to me digging further so thanks again

Just install the flow shader, you'll find out that many tracks need it and you'll just get the same crash next time.
I had this installed a while ago. Went driving Nords to check something else and I now noticed that on every spot where smoke is, I now see some sparkles fly across the road, direction smoke. Can't remember seeing this before.
Was/is this intended or is it some strange CSP thing (0.1.62-preview15 installed atm) ?View attachment 946009

Someone recently did a new config with smoke and sparks from the campfires, as well as 'Doof Music' and coloured lights, so perhaps you auto-downloaded this new config via CM?

EDIT: After reading more of today's posts, I guess you've already figured this out. :dopey:
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Here are a few more that I've been working on this past week.

AI for acf milan castello:


Milan Castello updated, just a very minor tweak to ai_hints file.

@slider666: thanks for letting me try your surface rework. I like it. The tweak just helped one particular car which I like to drive a lot, and is more than likely not related to your surface change. In allowing me to test it though, I found something I wanted to tweak. 👍
ShaftPP: aka dawn2dusk
v1.0 by RMi_wood

A PP filter for Assetto Corsa, using SoL 1.6+ lua for consistency

A realistic (or not so) filter for showing those sunrays coming from the dawn/dusk

Set your track for sunrise.. sunset... drive through a forest, a city, a togue...
Watch out! You will get a little glare coming around that corner!

Thanks buddy. This PPF is gorgeous. I did a few tweaks on the glare for my own personal taste, but the overall result is great, its now an absolute joy to race in nords at sunset. And it also improved my fps considerably. Hope you keep developing it with new versions.
I'm never filled with confidence when a new car puts you in the passenger seat on initial start up... I mean, some things should be relatively obvious during testing, no?

Please don't shoot the messenger.

I did just copy a post from a facebook group because I know that some people here dont (want) to have access to FB. I didn't touch the linked file at all. And I did gave credit to the modder and the source.

I am sorry that you are not happy with the quality of the mod.
radical skins v3 pic..jpg

A few more skins for Shaun Clark's SR3 Radical, for those, who like me are having a blast with this mod. These are liveries from other series that you may recognize, just adapted to the SR3. You will have to unzip to the skins folder manually. Enjoy.
What factors, besides the detailing of the 3d model and textures, can affect the CPU load and FPS with a filled AI grid?
I am trying to optimize RSS Formula 2 to have a complete starting grid. Despite the fact that the mod has LODs, I get much lower fps than with Kunos cars. At first I thought it was because LODs are heavier than necessary. And i made very light version of LOD D.
It didn't increase the fps. Then I changed lods.ini so that LOD D is displayed already at 1 meter distance. Thus, I see all the cars of rivals, even the closest ones, in the low detail (as an experiment). But the FPS still hasn't changed.
I think that it makes no sense to experiment further with LODs files.
But what needs to be done? What can affect performance like that? I can put other cars on the grid in the amount of 18-25,
RSS Formula 2 - only 7-8. In addition to reducing the detail of LODs, what other ways can improve performance?

How about enabling some optimization features from CSP?
Please don't shoot the messenger.

I did just copy a post from a facebook group because I know that some people here dont (want) to have access to FB. I didn't touch the linked file at all. And I did gave credit to the modder and the source.

I am sorry that you are not happy with the quality of the mod.
Don't be daft, I know this wasn't your work and you did nothing wrong at all. We should all feel free to comment on the bad as well as the good in the interests of improvement and advancement. I was just surprised that such a glaring and basic error was so instantly apparent, even in a beta. The modder must only use chase cam I guess. Hopefully he'll address this along with its other issues. Thanks for sharing it.
Don't be daft, I know this wasn't your work and you did nothing wrong at all. We should all feel free to comment on the bad as well as the good in the interests of improvement and advancement. I was just surprised that such a glaring and basic error was so instantly apparent, even in a beta. The modder must only use chase cam I guess. Hopefully he'll address this along with its other issues. Thanks for sharing it.

I know that feeling. I am always surprised when I find a car that cant be driven by the AI (most of the time because the limiter was set lower than the AI-upshift). This shows that the modder didnt even tested his car with the AI.
Oh man, this is the one from Wack, right? Seeing this brought back all sorts of nightmares. I spent a day trying to fix the cockpit once but the textures are shared across a couple of low-res pngs (PNGS!) and the illogiocal way that materials are grouped defies belief. The instrument clusters look like photocopies of faxes so rather than tidy them up properly (or get proper high-res textures) it looks like the original modder just reduced the overall brightness to hide the artifacts, thus removing all of the warning lights and other detail etc from the dials. The various shader values applied to the cockpit are so random they seem to have been determined by a bingo caller.
I did manage some stuff like de-tippexing the window seals and fixing the shifting animation but silk purses and sow's ears was the background chant. The cockpit is a wormy turd that I couldn't even roll in glitter - it really needs deconstructing and materials assigning properly, so probably warrants the expert attention of @AC Modder to sort it out properly. What say you - could it be added to the list? It's a nice little car apart from the 8-bit cockpit.

No, sorry, I'm not that interested in modern cars. Too much electronics in them. :boggled:
I have the Rio (version from here I think? NOBODY 0.3) but its quite buggy in the track, VERY bumpy in areas as to be unraceably so, especially inside and just past the tunnel, to the top of the hill. Graphically, when you drive down toward the sea, the entire sea is the reflection of an oversized street?


I do love this track in FM7 and hoping someone has a lead to a better/newer version where these "bugs" are fixed?

(ill try grab a video to show what I mean, edit in a bit, give it a sec to upload.)
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Just install the flow shader, you'll find out that many tracks need it and you'll just get the same crash next time.

I really want to but on my triple screens I get now and again stutter with it enabled during race - I then spend time stressing over the stutter so instead I've now disabled it on all the tracks and no stutter. But yep, I would like to have it tbh but that's how it goes sometimes - I'm just grateful to get the modded stuff I've now got. :)
I really want to but on my triple screens I get now and again stutter with it enabled during race - I then spend time stressing over the stutter so instead I've now disabled it on all the tracks and no stutter. But yep, I would like to have it tbh but that's how it goes sometimes - I'm just grateful to get the modded stuff I've now got. :)

been wondering what causes the stutters, never had them before, for me the worst is the Bernese Alps, stutters when I come past the lake and the helicopter at the same time (just outside the tunnel) and I run a reasonably beefy system. Will try uninstalling flow shader and see if that fixes it!

EDIT: Yeap. that did fix it. Helicopter looks a bit wierd with fixed blades but the lesser of two evils and easy enough to delete
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hello, in terms of stuttering, I have tried to deal with it over weekend and has got some new insight that can share.

Particles FX : Is the one that trigger my stuttering, and to be specific, it's a Firework ! I have disable the firework in order to minimize the stutter on those track section that shoot out the firework. It work in my case and proven that firework is quite a demanding effect even to powerful gaming rig.

DRM REVIVAL MOD 1.3 for Assetto Corsa New Update

Dear Costumer,

we are happy to release today the update of our DRM-REVIVAL MOD for Assetto Corsa with two new cars and a big changelog.
The new version called DRM_REVIVAL MOD 1.3.

You can download the new version by clicking the download button ( see below )
While you downloading the DRM REVIVAL MOD 1.3 you can read the changelog.

I'm very happy to see the new DRM update. I love the DRM cars.

What are these two new cars? I guess one is a BMW, what's the other one (Flachbau)?

And anyone know in which division they go, Div I or Div II?
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