Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
How do car modders get good data for their cars? I was told that to get good data you need to contact the car manufacturer but obviously I dont think that's very possible for a lot of modders.
They are part of a skin pack I made for the 1996 JGTC season.


It requires Velo's NSX, Legion's 993, this 964 and this 300ZX.

You will also need JeezyCreezy's R33 and this McLaren skin to complete the GT500 grid, along with my Supra.
the 964 link is ded but thanks anyway the skins are amazing
How do car modders get good data for their cars? I was told that to get good data you need to contact the car manufacturer but obviously I dont think that's very possible for a lot of modders.

Grab yourself an account here for a start or just google until you find a spec sheet pdf for the car you want data for.
Some cars are harder to find what you need but that should at least start you off
Hi All,

Did anybody have a problem starting a practice in Lausitzring after the Kunos Update?I'm getting Race cancelled. Can anybody help pls?

22:31:42.228: ⊕ [QuickDriveModeViewModel:125] StartAsync()
22:31:42.228: → [GameWrapper:244] StartAsync_PrepareRace(): Assists: (TyreBlankets=True, ABS=1, TC=1)
22:31:42.229: … [GameWrapper:409] StartAsync(): AcManager.Tools.GameWrapperUiFactory
22:31:42.242: → [GameWrapper:296] StartAsync_Ui(): Starting game: (Basic=Race, Mode=PracticeProperties, Additional=[WeatherSpecificDate, WeatherDetails, QuickDrivePresetProperty, CarCustomDataHelper, TrackDetails, WeatherProceduralHelper, WeatherSpecificLightingHelper, WeatherSpecificTyreSmokeHelper, ModeSpecificPresetsHelper, WeatherSpecificVideoSettingsHelper, CarSpecificControlsPresetHelper, CarSpecificFanatecSettingsHelper, CarRaceTextures, AcPatchTrackOutline, ExtraHotkeysRaceHelper, DriverName])
22:31:42.673: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:449] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Auto-loading stuff for “tmm_lausitzring/layout_gp” from tracks configs list
22:31:42.675: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:472] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Freshly loaded list: 298
22:31:42.675: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:475] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): ID to install: tmm_lausitzring
22:31:42.675: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:449] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Auto-loading stuff for “tmm_lausitzring/layout_gp” from vertex AO patches for tracks list
22:31:42.677: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:472] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Freshly loaded list: 437
22:31:42.677: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:481] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Entry is not found: tmm_lausitzring
22:31:42.678: ⚠ [PatchBaseDataUpdater:486] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Nothing found for: tmm_lausitzring/layout_gp
22:31:42.678: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:449] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Auto-loading stuff for “tmm_lausitzring/layout_gp” from backgrounds for loading screen list
22:31:42.679: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:472] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Freshly loaded list: 50
22:31:42.679: ⚠ [PatchBaseDataUpdater:486] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Nothing found for: tmm_lausitzring/layout_gp
22:31:42.679: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:449] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Auto-loading stuff for “ferrari_458” from cars configs list
22:31:42.681: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:472] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Freshly loaded list: 346
22:31:42.681: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:475] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): ID to install: ferrari_458
22:31:42.682: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:449] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Auto-loading stuff for “ferrari_458” from vertex AO patches for cars list
22:31:42.682: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:472] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Freshly loaded list: 4
22:31:42.682: … [PatchBaseDataUpdater:481] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Entry is not found: ferrari_458
22:31:42.683: ⚠ [PatchBaseDataUpdater:486] TriggerAutoLoadAsync(): Nothing found for: ferrari_458
22:31:42.683: … [AcsStarterFactory:85] PrepareCreated(): Starter created: AppIdStarter
22:31:42.684: → [TrackDetails:56] Set(): Track time zone: (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, daylight saving time: True, date: 08/08/2020 22:31:42
22:31:42.753: … [WeatherSpecificLightingHelper:29] Process(): SUN_PITCH_ANGLE:
22:31:42.754: … [WeatherSpecificLightingHelper:29] Process(): SUN_HEADING_ANGLE:
22:31:42.754: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:111] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke.ini_backup_cm
22:31:42.755: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:116] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\weather\sol_02_few_clouds\tyre_smoke.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke.ini
22:31:42.755: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:111] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke_grass.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke_grass.ini_backup_cm
22:31:42.756: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:116] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\weather\sol_02_few_clouds\tyre_smoke_grass.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_smoke_grass.ini
22:31:42.757: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:111] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_pieces_grass.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_pieces_grass.ini_backup_cm
22:31:42.757: … [TemporaryFileReplacement:116] Apply(): D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\weather\sol_02_few_clouds\tyre_pieces_grass.ini → D:\Program Files\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\system\cfg\tyre_pieces_grass.ini
22:31:42.758: … [ModeSpecificPresetsHelper:99] Set(): Custom presets active: False
22:31:42.759: → [CarSpecificControlsPresetHelper:52] SetOverride(): Car steer lock: 720°
22:31:42.759: → [CarRaceTextures:43] Set(): Time taken: 0.08 ms
22:31:42.789: → [AcPatchTrackOutline:51] Set(): Time taken: 0.09 ms
22:31:42.850: … [StarterBase:99] WaitUntilGameAsync(): Game is already here!
22:31:42.852: → [ExtraHotkeysRaceHelper:606] .ctor(): Extra key bindings: 0
22:31:42.852: → [ExtraHotkeysRaceHelper:607] .ctor(): Extra joystick bindings: 0
22:31:49.947: → [GameWrapper:361] StartAsync_Ui(): Result: <NULL>
22:31:49.949: ⚠ [LapTimesManager:177] OnRaceFinished(): Race finished, but PlayerStatsManager.Instance.Last is missing
22:31:49.950: … [RhmService:93] KeepAlive(): RHM will be killed after: 00:30:00

Disable merge meshes in CPU optimisation page in csp settings.
Been on the f1classic forum after a long time and Rainmaker came out of hiding and posted a new track a few days ago, Suzuka 1992. Go get it, if you want it. Personally haven't tried it yet, so can't say how it is.

I tried it and it looks like a better version of thestrobe8's Suzuka 1992 (

Visually I dont see many differences but the AI is able to stay on the track now.
You guys, I heard that he actually threaten to shut down Assettoland using DMCA for the mods he have updated/edited if they posted any of his updates.
Any evidence to support this allegation? If not, then I don't think repeating unsubstantiated rumours is a good idea, especially when the AC modding scene is permeated with bitter squabbles and pointless rivalries that seem largely based on inconsequential nonsense and over-inflated egos.
how to make a downloadable mod without including unauthorized content.
Let say you mod a paid mod, that you own. You want others to share, no changes to the .kn5 have been made.



this can be done for tracks also
Yes, I've seen it. This is a very interesting and useful solution!

Does anybody have any idea why this white "stain" appears and disappears on the car windshield?
It's the Mitshubishi Evo 8 S2.


Hi guys, I don't remember how I have to turn off the ai headlights on CM, please someone could help me? I thank you in advance :bowdown:
There is no ultimate track list available. Rainmaker used to maintain a list of tracks over at f1classic forum, but even he couldn't keep up with crazy fast developement. Anyway a list is still there, but it's outdated. But a good start anyway. Register at this site and go through track subforum:

Then of course there is race department.

Legion's blog:

Then you have the YouTube channel from Terra21:

Mega folder from ACF:

Nagp forum:

Tracks from @__EASY__ :

Gt supreme site by @TonyBarracuda:

And finally this thread. Go through the posts from @VheEth, @Jimlloyd, @RMi_wood, @slider666, @pk3r72owns and also many others I forgot probably.

The best way I would go about this is not to look for a list, as there are over 1000 tracks available, but use the search in this thread for the name of the specific track you want (probably 90% are available). If you don't find a link, you'll find people talking about where to find it. Next step should be then f1classic forum and finally Google: "Name of track assetto corsa".

That's great. Got a lot of tracks but was looking for more. Thanks for info
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