Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Donkenvoort gt4 (whats wrong with brakes), KTM gt4 (hard suspension and you dont feel steering wheel), Panoz GT4 (you just dont feel it at all) cars...all were tested. But still, its so so far away from Kunos original cars. You just can feel it. Proper feedback, feel identity of the car, brake balance. To say true, its good AC has so many mods, but most of them are super fictional.... Thanks god its B8Supercars, Ute series, some classic F1 cars (Hesketh), Alzen porsche. What else good mods i have skipped? Just can not remind.

more and more playing RaceRoom. Really hot battles there and good quality
0) Sorry if I'm new to the forum and I don't know each of you but I would like to tell you these things.

1) I want to thank this wonderful forum.

2) I want to give my personal thanks to these people without any particular order:
LeGeNd-1, Masscot, JacubP, RMi_wood, Teddie (and sons/family), Mike173, Paulo Ribeiro, ales100i, OooAhh Cantona, SpeedStar2000, jaqory, Wolf24h, Opperslang. (Thanks to everyone involved and not called in this post)

3) In a very short time from my registration I realized that here there are not only people passionate about virtual racing. There are professional people here at various levels.
A) 3D graphic artists
B) 2D graphic artists
C) Engineers and others with skills in physics and aerodynamics capable of making even pale professional people.
4) Heartfelt thanks.

It is often difficult to be able to contact the producers of the original mod and sometimes it is even impossible

I have seen improved mods for what little I understand of them stopped since 2016 or 2018 and thanks to the modders of this forum to make simple creations/project or advanced achievements even more professional.

Thanks MODDER thanks to all for what you did/do and will do but thanks for your time/effort and dedication.

Brno Circuit - reworked v1.2
from Sneer, Rafael Malagoli (Malagoli Garage)

fixed some fall through holes far from track itself, extended lights, worked on the trees, made new grass fx & untested rain fx, vao-patch and some other minor fixes and tweaks ...



#config, #fix, #tweak, #update
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Can I make a little track request please, for a criminally overlooked gem - CART/Indycars Burke Lakefront Airport. There are 2 versions out there, and I think one is based on the other, but with better skyscrapers. The track surface itself seems fine, with bumps here and there as you'd expect, but most other things about it could do with a top notch track updater like yourselves having a quick look. The textures look quite bad, but I kept it because I love the layout and its ok to race on. But the 6 foot tall traffic cones on both versions CANNOT be forgiven. Is anyone able to give it some love and realise its potential please? :)

Cameras for SimTraxx Buttonwillow?

After watching someone I follow on YT run a track day at Buttonwillow, I searched, read some reviews, and purchased the version from SimTraxx (and their price is reasonable). Overall, it's a pretty good, challenging, accurate and "complete" track. However, the replay cameras are completely useless, as the view stays in one place and only rotates during a lap. A disappointment for a "pay mod" and apparently typical for their work, as they don't seem to completely finish their track mods (as I've read).

I've searched for camera updates and contacted SimTraxx about an update, but if one of our "camera wizards" has it, it could definitely use some improved cameras.

Bangsaen Street Circuit, damn fast, and dangerous. I lived on edge of this track in the years I lived in Thailand. They convert regular streets once a year for it. Its awesome to watch, would love to race it.

View attachment 955996
turn this google map sideways,
View attachment 956000

If you need colour, lighting etc, shout I have HEAPS of info and lots of friends still living there.

damn.. I miss living there...

I have being watch Bangsaen races for a few years. I must say I have fall in love with the city and the races.
I remember a day of races there, where the weather was windy, very windy and the sky was completely grey, however the air temperature was near 30º Celcius. It was the same day that an impressive crash happened on a TCR race cars.

What is amazing is that I had think about Bangsaen and Tripoli, while posting a track sugestion to Teddie.

its not that bad

but of course would require some work...

i know that has made a tripolis track...
its now on us to remember him to upload it haha.

Haha, like I said earlier, thought about Tripoli too. I miss playing Spirit of Speed game. Many moons ago.
I have tried, but unfortunately, it don't run in Windows 10.
And the music was awesome. Hehe
I wouldn't mind have all Spirit of Speed tracks in AC. Even we have 2 Brooklands (poor convertions) and Avus (my Avus track don't load) :guilty: in AC.

I have being watch Bangsaen races for a few years. I must say I have fall in love with the city and the races.
I remember a day of races there, where the weather was windy, very windy and the sky was completely grey, however the air temperature was near 30º Celcius. It was the same day that an impressive crash happened on a TCR race cars.

What is amazing is that I had think about Bangsaen and Tripoli, while posting a track sugestion to Teddie.

Haha, like I said earlier, thought about Tripoli too. I miss playing Spirit of Speed game. Many moons ago.
I have tried, but unfortunately, it don't run in Windows 10.
And the music was awesome. Hehe
I wouldn't mind have all Spirit of Speed tracks in AC. Even we have 2 Brooklands (poor convertions) and Avus (my Avus track don't load) :guilty: in AC.


thats where my passion for pre war racing came from....

so many cool cars and tracks in there...

roosevelt raceway.... so cool
You're an animal. Thank you so much. It's going to take a while for me to get through all of this.
You're welcome.

And although I don't mean to cause you pain or any mental health issues, here are some links that I overlooked in that posting:

Lemax Sim Racing Mods

Shaun Clarke

Malagoli's Garage


RaceSimStudio (RSS)

ASR Formula – Assetto Corsa Free Cars

United Racing Design (URD) Corsa

Assetto Corsa - Mesa's Artworks

AC Classic Hot Rods | Duffer Josh


Grand Prix 1988 tracks for Assetto Corsa (official)

Some are regarded as the highest quality mods, some have paid and free options, and others may be useful to scratch that occasional itch, even if in a rough way.

Finally, there is an extensive project from @gutbomb in this thread that you should not miss:

The Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project

Take care!
Is there a track out there IRL that people have been really really wanting, but has not been done yet in a racing game...?

Mellaha, site of the Tripoli GP and debut of the Mercedes W165 in 1939. Very fast layout.

Also: Marlboro, MD and/or Thompson CT. Both were part short-track oval. part dedicated road course. Both also venues for mid-Fifties SCCA heroes: Roger Penske, Carroll Shelby, Walt Hansgen, Dick Thompson, Bob Holbert, Bruce Jennings, George Constantine, et alia.
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as the theme of late seems to be on manners.. Id like to ask about modding decorum.

For scratch made tracks/cars I 100% get credit, or referring back to original creator, and getting permission.


If you are modding a mod, originally ripped from another game without permission, is it still important to reach out to modders to get permission to fix/alter/change to taste? The concern of course being that if you share it, and give "credit" and at some future point the track become a legal issue, you provided a paper trail back to the original ripper. Occurs to me "no honour amongst thieves" seems to be the go here.

Presumably (and from what I can read) the go is to refer to original download source (authors release page) then do your mod in a non destructive manner that adds to the original without destroying or overwriting any of it. (the Easy saga some pages back illustrates this point). But, if original gets taken down at some future point then all is lost? So maybe complete reupload AND reference to original? BUT what about when you must change the original geometry and cannot be done as an "addon"?

Hello, Thanks for the info and rules but:

That is very hard for the mods to many drifting tracks I am doing to convert them over to gokart racing or Oval circuits. I actually have to go into the KN5 files and fix/modify several things, then add the correct pit stalls, starting grids, etc.

I know for the pit stalls I could make a separate KN5 file, but with 3dsimed, which I only use, I find it a pain not easy to do, so I just add everything to the main KN5 file.

So what I do is for my own learning experience and to be used only for myself. To keep original KN5 untouched in my case would be hard to do with allot of the drifting objects needing removal or be modified. I will not release any of them privately unless I can release them to the whole group, which with the rules, dont see that happening. Sorry.

So that is where I stand on some of the track mod stuff I am doing. Did track desgining long ago with NR2003, but designing tracks from scratch, is too much of a learning curve nowdays with AC for me.

Anyway, take care,
You're welcome.

And although I don't mean to cause you pain or any mental health issues, here are some links that I overlooked in that posting:

Lemax Sim Racing Mods

Shaun Clarke

Malagoli's Garage


RaceSimStudio (RSS)

ASR Formula – Assetto Corsa Free Cars

United Racing Design (URD) Corsa

Assetto Corsa - Mesa's Artworks

AC Classic Hot Rods | Duffer Josh


Grand Prix 1988 tracks for Assetto Corsa (official)

Some are regarded as the highest quality mods, some have paid and free options, and others may be useful to scratch that occasional itch, even if in a rough way.

Finally, there is an extensive project from @gutbomb in this thread that you should not miss:

The Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project

Take care!

Allot of these I have bookmarked already, but thank you very much for the quick list of links to the websites.

take care,
Released!! V2.0 Jaguar XE SV Project 8 v2.0

v2.0 update consists of many improvements and 3 cars: Stock, Touring, S1

Stock: Original wheels, normal interior, wing.
Touring: New wheels, normal interior, removed wing.
S1: New wheels, no backseat, rollcage, wing, improved performance.

Check the readme for entire changelog because it's huge!

Original model: Rallyworld
Rest of the credits: Assettoland, Opperslang, Adriaan, JakubP, RMi_wood, Nizzar, Mr Boo

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What will be your next project?
Brno Circuit - reworked v1.2
from Sneer, Rafael Malagoli (Malagoli Garage)

fixed some fall through holes far from track itself, extended lights, worked on the trees, made new grass fx & untested rain fx, vao-patch and some other minor fixes and tweaks ...

View attachment 956068

View attachment 956069

#config, #fix, #tweak, #update
What a wonderful surprise! Brno is one of the best OG track mods for AC, and I appreciate you updating it to 2020 CSP standards! Nothing to do with the track itself, but there is an edit required. The background does not load. This is solved by removing "screenshot" from the jpg file name.
0) Sorry if I'm new to the forum and I don't know each of you but I would like to tell you these things.

1) I want to thank this wonderful forum.

2) I want to give my personal thanks to these people without any particular order:
LeGeNd-1, Masscot, JacubP, RMi_wood, Teddie (and sons/family), Mike173, Paulo Ribeiro, ales100i, OooAhh Cantona, SpeedStar2000, jaqory, Wolf24h, Opperslang. (Thanks to everyone involved and not called in this post)

3) In a very short time from my registration I realized that here there are not only people passionate about virtual racing. There are professional people here at various levels.
A) 3D graphic artists
B) 2D graphic artists
C) Engineers and others with skills in physics and aerodynamics capable of making even pale professional people.
4) Heartfelt thanks.

It is often difficult to be able to contact the producers of the original mod and sometimes it is even impossible

I have seen improved mods for what little I understand of them stopped since 2016 or 2018 and thanks to the modders of this forum to make simple creations/project or advanced achievements even more professional.

Thanks MODDER thanks to all for what you did/do and will do but thanks for your time/effort and dedication.


Firstly Would like to say of course you're welcome and aswell welcome to the home of AC PC modding: GTPlanet :gtpflag:. Secondly and of course I am very grateful for helping you out on mods and stuff and vice versa. So you got my respect on here my friend and will all be grateful on having you here and this is speaking for everyone else :cheers:
Brno Circuit - reworked v1.2

when I compared to my original Brno_circuit, I noticed your version is much more demanding for me in VR, with the original in hotlap, I have a steady 90fps, with the reworked it cannot reach 90 fps.
Is this as expected or is one of the goal to make those "improved" tracks less demanding on hardware?
What a wonderful surprise! Brno is one of the best OG track mods for AC, and I appreciate you updating it to 2020 CSP standards! Nothing to do with the track itself, but there is an edit required. The background does not load. This is solved by removing "screenshot" from the jpg file name.
Oh, my fault sorry. Copied these from my screens folder where they worked. But yepp, by removing "Screenshot_" in the file names makes them work again. Thx for your hint. 👍

when I compared to my original Brno_circuit, I noticed your version is much more demanding for me in VR, with the original in hotlap, I have a steady 90fps, with the reworked it cannot reach 90 fps.
Is this as expected or is one of the goal to make those "improved" tracks less demanding on hardware?
Sorry, as @OooAhh Cantona mentioned I mainly updated the track to 2020 CSP standards with a bit more eye candy. But yapp, eye candy costs a bit. On my system I lose ~5 average fps driving the whole track. I didn´t tried to optimize it a lot. Just put in some LOD settings. Even mentioned having optimized it in any kind... :indiff:
Maybe later on some optimization could be done? :boggled:
Meanwhile old version can be driven instead, as I renamed the track and both tracks can be driven simultaneously... :dopey:
Released!! V2.0 Jaguar XE SV Project 8 v2.0

v2.0 update consists of many improvements and 3 cars: Stock, Touring, S1

Stock: Original wheels, normal interior, wing.
Touring: New wheels, normal interior, removed wing.
S1: New wheels, no backseat, rollcage, wing, improved performance.

Check the readme for entire changelog because it's huge!

Original model: Rallyworld
Rest of the credits: Assettoland, Opperslang, Adriaan, JakubP, RMi_wood, Nizzar, Mr Boo

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Thank you and the team.

Can you please check the strange AI-behaviour in the S1-version. I dont understand the problem, because the ai.ini is identical n all 3 versions.
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