Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hey @DBag, I really appreciate these LoDs but the Noble has the same issue as your LoDs for the Nissan Pulsar. In LoDs B, C and D the wing mirrors show the set-up graphics, so look pure red or blue on the cars in front. You can see this easily in CM showroom if you cycle through the LoDs in the 'car' tab.
Any chance of getting these updated please?

I would if I knew the cause... I wonder what is causing that? I've been seeing this same issue on almost every car I load into game with. While sitting in the pits before I select drive I see this setup graphics too. I had initially thought it was a csp issue.
Hey @DBag, I really appreciate these LoDs but the Noble has the same issue as your LoDs for the Nissan Pulsar. In LoDs B, C and D the wing mirrors show the set-up graphics, so look pure red or blue on the cars in front. You can see this easily in CM showroom if you cycle through the LoDs in the 'car' tab.
Any chance of getting these updated please?

I would if I knew the cause... I wonder what is causing that? I've been seeing this same issue on almost every car I load into game with. While sitting in the pits before I select drive I see this setup graphics too. I had initially thought it was a csp issue.

A quick fix is to just replace the mirror texture in CM on LOD_B (and maybe C if you like) with a silver/grey coloured one that the car is already using.
A quick fix is to just replace the mirror texture in CM on LOD_B (and maybe C if you like) with a silver/grey coloured one that the car is already using.

I wonder why this texture isn't being imported back after the kn5 is extracted... Thanks for the input, norms!
Coming soon.... AMG GT Black Series. Finding the the performance stuff will be a bit hard since its a newer car. I also might do the door/hood animations keep in mind that they will be experimental.
Is there a quick and easy way to smooth (or remove) the bump map that was introduced to both layouts when Deep Forest Raceway gained the reverse route?
I just tried it again with my new FFB wheel settings and unfortunately it still feels like I'm hitting large potholes every twenty metres.
The track author has no interest in reverting to the original mesh.
removing "sx_lemans_veg.vao-patch" should help a bit
Hmm this didn't seem to have much efefct.

On a related note to Masscots question, is there a guide for how to apply a generic higher resolution road mesh to a track? Some nice tracks like tsukuba gtts and most touge ones suffer from simple meshes which can give notchy feedback .
A quick question, with the bmw e30 group a car i dont have side windows only windscreen when in cockpit view. Especially annoying with rain fx. Is this on my end or its a general thing ?
Make sure that you have the latest dwrite.dll file in your root directory. The latest is dated 9/16/20 and is included in the CSP package.

Thanks, but I do have the latest dwrite.dll file in my directory. I have tried installing the latest patch using CM and also by doing a full manual install (which is what I normally do) and I still get the error, but it's not on all tracks. So far it's just with one that I particularly like driving at the moment.
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Curvelo replaced the terrain texture with a 8192 google sattelite image, looks FANTASTIC in game, no more uniform grass, lots of sand etc about the actual track, and since i know have image in there will place trees as per real world positions. If any Photshop gurus wanna jump in and fix the actual texture (clone paint out the trees etc with terrain) give me a shout ill send it over.

Any guru's with grassfx wanna give me hand on settings, if I dont add the MASK bit i only get grass on deep green, which is actuall the tree images, if i DO add it every thing has grass, I want everything to have grass except sand colours brown to dark brown

TEXTURE = grass_fx/


Don't assume those kind of things please. I didn't know. Yep, I know many things but didn't know that one.
If you didn't post this line, I would bin the mod. Haha, fortunatelly you did. :)

Dear Paulo,
just have a look at:
Data/car.ini, find this:
and decrease to a value that suits you.
Sorry for the late answer,
FIA GT1 1997 Preset and BOP

View attachment 958047

The cars

The competition was a multi class competition with GT1 and GT2 cars. But since the GT1 class had over 20 cars and most tracks on the calendar in AC only have only 24 pits, I made this a single class championship preset. We also sadly have only 7 liveries from the GT2 class.

As said before, three factory teams joined the competition this year:

They were joined by the semi-privateer and full on privateer teams:

URD, @GzeroD, Assetoland for amazing cars. @jaqory and others for amazing skins. Hope you enjoy it. I certainly do.

i always wonder one thing : why buying the urd porsche ? there is the porsche from kunos with, i guess, better ffb and physics.
the difference between these two cars is so huge to justify buying the mod ?
Is there a quick and easy way to smooth (or remove) the bump map that was introduced to both layouts when Deep Forest Raceway gained the reverse route?
I just tried it again with my new FFB wheel settings and unfortunately it still feels like I'm hitting large potholes every twenty metres.
The track author has no interest in reverting to the original mesh.

Hi @Masncot I just tried the Deep Forest track and yes the track is bumpy. For this game, I have my FFB turned down and have the
game setup for "Lock to Horizon" in cockpit view. I have several tracks that are in this same category of bumps, but with my settings above, all these
type of tracks are Raceable. I tried the Radical SR3 and the Lotus 88 F1 car and had no problems racing. I dont think I could drive this track without
"Lock to Horizon". It kind of reminds me of the roughness of the Rio track.

Track improvements that could be done besides the bumps. Corner signs need to fixed in Reverse direction - signs still set for forward direction, Side lines could be a little better even though I had no incidents racing in both directions. Looks like in the Reverse map he just flipped around the pit stalls from forward to reverse. Some of these are mentioned in the RD discussions.
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