- 29
- Netherlands
Don't work for me...CSP 0.1.66 PREVIEW2
View attachment 970263
Works for me on CSP 1.60
Don't work for me...CSP 0.1.66 PREVIEW2
View attachment 970263
Extract and copy "animations" and "extension" folder from the addon patch to your car folder of bt62.
- Trees (Some time ago I saw a method to rework trees from AMS on Blender)
Yes, excellent. Think this is laser scanned if I'm not mistaken, or at least LIDAR scanned track. AC deserves a more accurate version of this track. And AMS version is the most accurate one out there.Hello everyone. As mentioned a few weeks ago, I am proceeding with the conversion of the modern Hockenheim from AMS. I need help completing the track (I lack time and skills T_T). Contact me privately if you want to collaborate or testing the track.
What do I need/help:
- Trees (Some time ago I saw a method to rework trees from AMS on Blender). @RMi_wood, @TheRealCeeBee ?
- Add starting places
- Add places in the pit
- Add sectors, and DRS zones
- Cameras @safi hellie, @DaBaeda ?
- AI lines @LiquidSkyMan ?
At the moment I am working on buildings and objects around the track, collision objects etc. That's it, thanks in advance for anyone wishing to contribute.
View attachment 970333 View attachment 970334
Nah, not that. It's not even listed there. Just takes a coupla minutes to load the track data (VAO and all that jazz)... Eh. I'll just wait then.
I'm sorry mate but... The what ? I'm a bit of boomer when it comes to PC stuff ahah.
I didn't think it was related to that tbh, but was posting that link just in case...but I had the same problem as you a while ago with CM taking a bloody age to load tracks, and then one day it just went back to quick loading tracks. I did clear out a tonne of cars and tracks so take from that what you will.
Thank you so much for the response. You have an eagle eye. I found the car at RTM.RTM Ripped it a year or two ago, absolute garbage! soo much understeer its impossible to control
Extract and copy "animations" and "extension" folder from the addon patch to your car folder of bt62.
This great S2000 is updated.Love it!
Nice to hear that mate. Enjoy!Many thanks for sharing, works on all 3 versions with CSP 1.60
Don't work for me...CSP 0.1.66 PREVIEW2
View attachment 970263
Hi.Hey gang, Just subscribed to Ilya's patreon, but am unable to get any other versions to work. If I un-archive and manually drop 1.67 into Assetto directory, it shows up ghosted with an "unavailable for installation" error message. If I drop the archive onto CM, it doesn't show up at all. I updated CM to the version on Ilya's patreon, but still nothing. Any tips?
2016 Jaguar F-Type R v1.4
original model: Forza
conversion: Dareks
updates: Alez Cash
- added shift animation
- fixed engine specs*
- fixed empty aero files
- added visual damage & dirt
- updated some textures
- fixed collider position
- removed handbrake
- added auto shifter
- tweaked a few shaders
- added US license plates
- removed some skins
- swapped sounds
* the real car has a supercharger
the original mod was naturally aspirated
As good as it gets, as far as I am concerned, it is a bit sad that Alez announced it was to be is last mod for AC.
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2019 v0.8
Next Updates: Lumirank, moving Net, Banner rework, Reworked PBR
View attachment 970253
My wipers works too, but i want to see water exit of the tyresNice to hear that mate. Enjoy!
It works also with all latest CSP versions 1.65 1.66 1.67.
Probably Brabham's official mod has been updated (now i see in October 1st' news). I'm gonna download and check what's changed. Maybe there is the issue for you.
[A single line change in config should be enough, although.. we'll see
Nope, Brabham official one is not new. Moreover, i cannot find your issue, mate :/.
I have taken this screenshot a few minutes ago on 1.66_2:
Where did you get YOUR mod?
If it is highly improved version, i will add my wipers to work with it.
Did you all read the pdf included in the gtlegends pack?
It says GTC 60s Legends coming next!
Some great cars in that pack!
Yup, same here..Quick question, anyone else lost the Extended Physics tick box option since that last CM manager update 2 weeks ago? If I downgrade to previous Paetron CM build it is there, but when I update again it disappears. In the change log it states it was going to go public so I would assume would be there?
This is an beautiful mode and is a wonderful homage to the work of Khyzyl Saleem:
@K E N N E T H This is a unique model, an absolute visual pleasure and I hope to see many more in this vision. Clearly a huge amount of time and dedication has gone into this model, congratulations to everyone involved.
I noticed however that there is still an issue with the #Steer_Ratio / Rod and Lock with this vehicle.
I have therefore attached a fix for those who wish to use it (primarily wheel users) and have attached the details and evidence explaining why this is the case.
Currently the vehicle is set to have the following data in the the car.ini:
STEER_LOCK=320 <<Real car's steer lock from center to right
STEER_RATIO=16.5 <<Steer ratio
As you can see the data states that this vehicle has a #Steer_Lock of 320 degrees which is 640 degrees lock to lock.
The real world maximum data value reported for similar vehicles of this type is 360 degrees / 720 degrees lock to lock. The data in the ini is not far from the maximum specification, however the rods delivery is inaccurate.
This is verified here by Kunos own instructions for configuring the ROD:
By reducing the #Steer_Lock below the maximum value you are effectively removing the real the world physical rotation wheel users can apply.
It is very possible that in some cases a lock of 10:1 was used at some tracks, however this should not be reflected in the controls config.
As a reference point lets look at the Audi_R8_LMS (not the exact vehicle) and the steering locks for all vehicles in ACC:
Lets also look at the Porsche 911 GT3 RS:
As you can see Audi frequently report a maximum lock of 720 degrees (Porsche 800) with a #Steer Ratio of anywhere from 13+ to 17+ with around 20 degrees at the tire depending on the ratios.
Now lets take a closer look again at the data supplied with this wonderful model and compare it to a screen shot of the live in game telemetry to see how It compares and translates in game.
STEER_LOCK=320 <<Real car's steer lock from center to right
STEER_RATIO=16.5 <<Steer ratio
How this translates in game:
View attachment 970108
As you can see the data is misaligned the vehicle is reporting an in game #Steer_Ratio of 10.2 (as we are left wheel to left side in this picture) with 31.5 degrees of angle at the tire all in less than 320 degrees of physical rotation?
Now lets take a look if we input the manufactures specifications:
STEER_LOCK=360 <<Real car's steer lock from center to right
STEER_RATIO=16.5 <<Steer ratio
Now we have a #Steer_Lock of 360 degrees / 720 degrees lock to lock which is the maximum reported value advertised for this vehicle type from in ACC and the data sheet above. The ROD has been adjusted to compensate for the added rotation.
Lets see how this translates in game and in telemetry.
View attachment 970109
As you can see the car now reports an in game Steer_Ratio of 16.5 and 21 degrees the tire (as we are left wheel to left side in this picture) which is within margin of error when compared to the spec sheet ACC et al.
However as these vehicles frequently change their DOR and SR from track to track, something we are unable do in AC and I acknowledge that this is a "maximum" reported degree of rotation and was likely not used on every track, it therefore makes sense to find an average.
As the cars run between 13+:1 and 17+:1 ratios it does not seen unreasonable to use 15.5 as a reference point.
Lets input the data and adjust the ROD to compensate:
STEER_LOCK=360 <<Real car's steer lock from center to right
STEER_RATIO=15.5 <<Steer ratio
Lets see how that translates in game and in the telemetry:
View attachment 970261
The game is now reporting a #Steer_Ratio of 15.5 (as we are left wheel to left side in this picture) with 23 degrees of angle at the tire all in 360 degrees of physical rotation. When driven on the track the car handles far more realistically and feels vastly superior on a wheel.
We have now corrected the lock/ratio and rod, found a suitable medium for wheel and controller users and provided a more accurate representation of the vehicles specifications.
Finally we address the elephant "so did Kunos get it wrong” as some of the data in this vehicle was lifted directly from base content, the answer to that is yes and no.
Kunos had to cater for many situations, including limitations with consumer grade wheel inputs (from a decade ago) many of which were not DD or 900+ DOR. They also had to consider balancing, setups, bopping, console controller users etc which was no easy task.
Kunos have openly admitted on several occasions, which I find incredibly admirable, that they have made mistakes in the past, here is one of those examples:
Many internally were unaware what #Steer_Assist did and assumed it was power steering or game pad assist (and not a gamma) and were applying it to vehicles incorrectly. Kunos later clarified what #Steer_Assist was and stated that any and all affected vehicles would be updated and fixed, not all were.
While the data included with this vehicle many not be completely incorrect, and it works particularly well for controller users, what I can say is that the data in ACC and modern AC mods (including those ported from ACC) no longer align with the older data in the original base AC content, improvements have been made.
Much has changed in sim racing and as such modding has evolved, much like consumer hardware and while the data entered in some AC cars is not bad, incorrect or wrong, that’s not to say it’s completely infallible and can not be improved upon.
Thanks again for sharing this mod with the community.
The files for the fix are attached for anyone who would like to use it:
Yup, same here..
When it is greyed out check to left hand side and check which version is showing. It won't show installed as others. I hope this helps.
Thanks for the track (loved it in rF2, love it even more in AC.Hello!
Here are a couple of my works. I converted the track with rFactor2 (Nevsky Ring), the car (LADA Revolution) was first made for Race07, then I converted it for Assetto Corsa.