Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Do you know the Tatuus FA01 Maxi mod?

How can I add that car some tyre textures? Or could anybody can?

Actually, can anybody work on that? That's a very fun car to drive. No ERS, no DRS... pure fun... only the skins are kinda meh-ish...
Ooow...for a moment I thought it was going to be the Eiger Nordwand from GranTurismo6....
Great track that was...

Better to lower sound volume...

Close, but not quite. It's Eiger's great grandfather - Grindelwald - only seen in GT2 and disappeared after that :(

Eiger Nordwand is based on an actual location but not actual roads (there's only a hiking trail where the circuit is). But Grindelwald is based on actual roads in the region (albeit the layout changed a bit).


Soooo looking forward to this one :D There are still so many good classic GT tracks I'd love to see in AC. Red Rock Valley, El Capitan, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi, Classic Rome & Rome Night, Tahiti Road/Maze... I hope one day we'll get them all :embarrassed:
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Hi i am author of the car. Thanks for new data. I don't have enough knowledge for realistic physics etc. editing.

I fixed g-meter;

G meter working like wing and it affects physics (This was the reason for slow performance in the old version) Is it possible to cancel/zero the affect on physics? I've been able to reduce it to the least possible affect for now.

Welcome to GTP and thanks for your work on the M4 and for re-releasing it unencrypted. There's a lot to like about this car. Out of interest, where was the base model from?
Hi i am author of the car. Thanks for new data. I don't have enough knowledge for realistic physics etc. editing.

I fixed g-meter;

G meter working like wing and it affects physics (This was the reason for slow performance in the old version) Is it possible to cancel/zero the affect on physics? I've been able to reduce it to the least possible affect for now.

thank you for releasing the unencrypted version so we could also improve it.
Hi i am author of the car. Thanks for new data. I don't have enough knowledge for realistic physics etc. editing.

I fixed g-meter;

G meter working like wing and it affects physics (This was the reason for slow performance in the old version) Is it possible to cancel/zero the affect on physics? I've been able to reduce it to the least possible affect for now.

Ah, you see, that's why the car couldn't go past 200 kph
Close, but not quite. It's Eiger's great grandfather - Grindelwald - only seen in GT2 and disappeared after that :(

Eiger Nordwand is based on an actual location but not actual roads (there's only a hiking trail where the circuit is). But Grindelwald is based on actual roads in the region (albeit the layout changed a bit).


Soooo looking forward to this one :D There are still so many good classic GT tracks I'd love to see in AC. Red Rock Valley, El Capitan, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi, Classic Rome & Rome Night, Tahiti Road/Maze... I hope one day we'll get them all :embarrassed:

And circuito de madrid too, the most amazing place
[QUOTE = "Badgerman, post: 13340248, member: 305269"] Ese cars lod.ini no está configurado correctamente. Debe descomprimir data.acd con Content Manager y luego buscar dentro de la carpeta denominada data para lods.ini. Bajo la configuración lod_0 verá un número listado para la configuración "out" - aumente ese número a algo bastante grande, como 2500 o algo así. El coche ya no te desaparecerá ...

No olvide cambiar el nombre de data.acd a xdata.acd o algo así, de lo contrario, AC continuará leyendo los datos originales sin importar lo que cambie. [/ QUOTE]

Thanks so much!!

I will follow your advice!
As this hasn't been posted here yet;

From the BE_Modding Facebook-page, DNRT BMW E30 325i Cup:


For VR users here's a tweaked kn5 with the driver actually holding the steering wheel. Just swap it in to the main car folder. Backup the old one first if you like. Or live dangerously. Your choice.

Somebody else can remove the magical anti-gravity floating handles and switches on the insides of the doors...
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There was a couple of versions of this livery already but they weren't quite accurate (imo) so i decided to make a new one and tried to get it as accurate as possible.
The livery has had a lot of additional PBR/config work done to it (thanks to @UolterUait for doing that) so make sure you install the extension folder - I've included that in the RD upload anyway so just drag the contents into your AC folder and it will install everything correctly. This will work for any other skins you have for this car too. This skin has had new caliper texture added as well.

Go grab it from here and have fun taming this beast of a car

There was a couple of versions of this livery already but they weren't quite accurate (imo) so i decided to make a new one and tried to get it as accurate as possible.
The livery has had a lot of additional PBR/config work done to it (thanks to @UolterUait for doing that) so make sure you install the extension folder - I've included that in the RD upload anyway so just drag the contents into your AC folder and it will install everything correctly. This will work for any other skins you have for this car too. This skin has had new caliper texture added as well.

Go grab it from here and have fun taming this beast of a car

View attachment 988192
Wow, nice job mate, and great work @UolterUait with the PBR/refraction goodies. Looks amazing.
Wow, nice job mate, and great work @UolterUait with the PBR/refraction goodies. Looks amazing.
Thank you mate, this is one livery that deserved doing correctly. Pretty simple in looks but not to actually make. The car has lots of weird mapping which gave me headaches. Oh and can you let me know if the rear lights look ok as mine go black under certain lighting conditions.
Thank you mate, this is one livery that deserved doing correctly. Pretty simple in looks but not to actually make. The car has lots of weird mapping which gave me headaches. Oh and can you let me know if the rear lights look ok as mine go black under certain lighting conditions.
Rear lights looked good, I love the vertical refraction. Haven't spotted any black light so far. Refractive lights look sooooo good in VR, they really come alive.
I've been trying to get the hazards to kick in to check out the blinkers but not sure if they're active or not?

Thanks, I thought that car deserved much more. I hope I didn't mess up anything as I often do
All looks great but you know me, I'll be sure to shout if I spot anything.. ;)
I really should spend a lot more time driving Kunos cars. They tend to get forgotten about in a sea of mods.
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Welcome to GTP and thanks for your work on the M4 and for re-releasing it unencrypted. There's a lot to like about this car. Out of interest, where was the base model from?

Thanks, it's from CSR 2. Ripped by

thank you for releasing the unencrypted version so we could also improve it.

Thanks, i hope so too :)

Ah, you see, that's why the car couldn't go past 200 kph

Yes but last version's top speed 305 kmh :cheers:
Rear lights looked good, I love the vertical refraction. Haven't spotted any black light so far. Refractive lights look sooooo good in VR, they really come alive.
I've been trying to get the hazards to kick in to check out the blinkers but not sure if they're active or not?

All looks great but you know me, I'll be sure to shout if I spot anything.. ;)
I really should spend a lot more time driving Kunos cars. They tend to get forgotten about in a sea of mods.

Must just be my game or filter then as it only does it when I'm messing with photo mode so all good. And yeah shout if you see something that doesn't look right :D

Have fun with this one
I'll be glad to fix anything if needed.
I made only hazards work as it's a race car and I couldn't find much more reference for lights. I think they are binded to up arrow on the keyboard by default, I'm not sure about binding on wheels as I have my wheel retired in a closet right now
Aha! Got them working with my down arrow. They look great.
Is down arrow the default for hazards then? Cool. I never knew that. I'll map it to a spare function on one of the funky switches on my wheel.
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Well i decided to add it to the Released folder, please report bugs haha

Parque Fundidora Monterrey 1.1

One of my home tracks!



This is my WIPs folder, you can PM reporting bugs etc.

Very nice set of tracks @damone13x

Thank you for sharing your work.
If I have the time, surely will PM you, if justified.

I too did my own take on the Ueno Clinic livery, but this was years ago and I don't have an awful lot of experience to make things look very good.

Are you kidding? Best livery work mate. Well done.
Close, but not quite. It's Eiger's great grandfather - Grindelwald - only seen in GT2 and disappeared after that :(

Eiger Nordwand is based on an actual location but not actual roads (there's only a hiking trail where the circuit is). But Grindelwald is based on actual roads in the region (albeit the layout changed a bit).


Soooo looking forward to this one :D There are still so many good classic GT tracks I'd love to see in AC. Red Rock Valley, El Capitan, Citta di Aria, Costa di Amalfi, Classic Rome & Rome Night, Tahiti Road/Maze... I hope one day we'll get them all :embarrassed:

The very one.

The beta name for Grindelwald was Eiger Path. ;)

Whilst my track making skills are, for lack of a better term, "basic", I got tired of waiting for classic GT2 tracks to make a return.

So I'm going to try to do something about it.
By Request - RainFX for Horsma Raceway, Finland

Got to say this is a great way to discover new tracks - Just goes to show the variety of content... and tastes we have in the :gtpflag:community

Horsma Raceway_rainfx track bg.jpg

This track does have a config file - Add this on the end of the; YourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\ghoults_horsma\extension\ext_config.ini

Installation Help
If you want to move/copy the track config from the loaded tracks folder you can;
1. Create and extension folder (all lowercase) in the track folder
2. Place or create an ext_config.ini file using Notepad or similar text editor
3. To create a save as *.ini file you need to switch the files from *.txt to *.* all files
4. Copy the rain FX text for your track and paste at the end of the existing or newly created ext_config.ini
5. Sometimes there will be other KN5 files that need to be in the extension folder for track lights etc.
6. Copy these from the yourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder and paste in the tracks extesion folder
7. To stop AC from getting confused. You can add the following to the beginning of the ext_config.ini file for each track;
Please Note: from time to time, configs in the tracks/loaded folder get updated so you may prefer to just have the rainfx as an ext_config in the track extension folder if you are not worried about a self-contained track or don't remember to check the track config on a regular basis

I am also providing a link to my 80+ GDrive collection of RainFX Configs by myself and several other authors

All the RainFX track Backgrounds can be found in the GDrive link above in the 'RAINFX Track Bg' folder

DIY RainFX Video

Hope that helps
Jan 2021


  • ghoults_horsma_rainfx.txt
    1.4 KB · Views: 53
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Rain on my car! Yes.

@flyingsaucer has added RainFX support and moving wipers to my beloved Nissan Skyline R30 Super Silhouette which I tried it out and oh boy it does look magnificent in cockpit view a lot. And I also changed values on the entire car by using those preset KS shader values made by someone here which I don't remember the name of to make it look as good as a Kunos car hopefully.
(Also, don't you all think this GT5 Smoke-styled preview preset made by Uolter Uait from Discord look fantastic? I do think so and it's another step for me to plagiarize Gran Turismo on my AC!)

View attachment 971460

Can someone re-up this? I love this car (Nissan Skyline KDR30 Super Silhouette) and I have the 2.1 version without Rainfx support. Driving this in the rain would be amazing. Somehow I managed not to see the original post and now the mega link is dead.

What a great community - this sim will never die!
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Whales Coast v1.0

A 4.7km fantasy circuit set along the North Welsh coast.

View attachment 988118

I've seen this previously and assumed it was based near an old whaling station somewhere. . . but this is a North Wales track??? Hate to sound triggered but as a proud Welshman I must tell you the country is spelled Wales, not Whales 👎

Haven't tried the track yet, but looks fun.
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