Big update of Le Mans´85 Tracks
- removed shadows from invisible walls
- removed some more unneeded shadows too (minimal FPS Gain)
- adjusted grass brightness for better matching different parts
- reworked trees completely
- fixed some false tree textures
- optimized them performance wise too, while reworking them (gained ~30-40fps more)
- added working hotlapstart
- added basic Rain FX config
- joined old configs and changed them for working lights, Grass FX ...
- crowd are configurable by CSP Track adjustments
- fixed some alpha shader for different objects
- added some more difference LOD settings for gaining a bit more FPS
- removed visible wall in the Virage de Mulsanne (right side in front of the garages)
- added @DaBaeda´s cams (thx for them, as for all the other ones)
- ....
Making a new AI line will take still a while. LSM is to busy for now.
Sorry, no new screenshots to show. Could only post some very old ones, so better none.

Hardest part for good fps is still (as in so many other Le Mans tracks) the S/F part with all the ads, buildings etc.
Maybe later on even more optimization could improve even more performance, but this was the first time working with optimization, so mainly worked on the trees.