Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

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Excuse me guys,please help
doubt with 6 wheels
does anyone know how to run past 4 wheels on assetto corsa, I don't know which dummies work?
And then.....some people upload and sell the encrypted versions. Wow
Let me get this right. You've paid for a model that someone (illegally) ripped from GT6, when he has no rights to own it, and you are charging your "users" for this? And you posted it here to let us know that we can't have it?

How does any of that make any sense?

Oh, and if you wish to use GTP to advertise your cars for sale in future, I can send you a copy of our advertising rates.

Excuse me guys,please help
doubt with 6 wheels
does anyone know how to run past 4 wheels on assetto corsa, I don't know which dummies work?
Yeah, we know.

Does this version have the bumps smoothed out, I tried a 2016 version a while back and it was vomit inducing and almost undrivable!

I don't have touched the road mesh.
Just test it. I don't think it's that bad.

Hi Gunnar, is that the same version as available on Filemissing´s discord? Or even further improved?
It's updated with night lights. Link on Filemissing´s discord is also updated.
Christ, the direction sim modding is going in with everone wanting donations or gold memberships or patreons or some other way to milk a hobby... I swear it's doomed.
Enjoy it while you can folks.

Agreed, but I tend to think customers are part of the problem, just like with pre-orders and micro-transactions and DLCs. None of those would have become the norm if people didn't buy them.
This will not kill the hobby though, as many people don't share that philosophy and still offer some fantastic mods for free.
You could all pass on most paid mods and enjoy the game just the same. Only a handful are really worth paying for, imo.
I actually has no problem if someone improve our mods. Thats not the problem. The problem is that they sell our free mods as their own work. And every time we tell the admins of the websites on which our free mods are selled to delete it one day later they upload and sell our free mods again.

That's a reasoning I've read frequently during the past years. I can understand the frustration resulting from seeing your work being sold, but that's just pride. It doesn't actually changes anything to you. And the good thing to do would be to make the community aware of who steals your mods, so people don't buy them. Not to keep your work to yourself and a handful of people. The work is done, is it really better to deny hundreds of players a chance to use the mod and thank you, rather than just accept that some asshole will make 20 bucks on your back ?

Actually, this all comes down to not really understanding the "philosophy" behind modding, and to wanting to control your stuff after it was released to the public. While modding is all about sharing. You're not the only one, there are many modders out there thinking people don't deserve to enjoy their work for one reason or another. Usually the same guys who feel the need to share videos of those private mods, just to flex when people ask for a link.
Agreed, but I tend to think customers are part of the problem, just like with pre-orders and micro-transactions and DLCs. None of those would have become the norm if people didn't buy them.
This will not kill the hobby though, as many people don't share that philosophy and still offer some fantastic mods for free.
You could all pass on most paid mods and enjoy the game just the same. Only a handful are really worth paying for, imo.
Absolutely agree. Act like a sucker, get treated like a sucker.
My main concern is the undeniable increase in money-begging that's permeating this hobby and might eventually become the norm. 'Buy me a coffee' PayPal buttons make me slightly uncomfortable (especially when the link is front and centre BEFORE you even get to the mod download link) but at least those are benign and can be used after the fact if the recipient deems the mod worthy and wants to reward the modder for their efforts. Remember when producing the mod and getting appreciation for it was reward enough for the effort? Ah, the good old days. But more and more mods are being distributed using compulsory pay-in-advance or subscription services where the purchaser won't even know what the hell they are buying until its too late. Maybe this is just the way the world is heading right now with every kid wanting to be a celebrity Tiktokker when they grow up and every modder wanting to monetise their hobby into a revenue stream whether the quality of the mod warrants it or not.
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Ferrari 250 GT SWB 'SEFAC Hotrod' - V1.0


Version 1.0 changelog:

- Wiper animation, wobble and glass rework for rainfx by flyingsaucer
- LOD's implemented
- Tyre visual corrections
- Complete interior overhaul (mapped, AO & PBR) by Arturi
- PBR added to exterior
- Gearbox simplified for Auto-shift users and Ai.
- Gauge improvements as well as "vintage" gauge ext configs
- Exhaust particles
- Driver tweaks by Mascot
- Other small visual tweaks

There will still be developments to improve the mod as much as possible beyond v1.0 so feedback is always welcome. Message me on here or on Discord with the same username. Enjoy!

See the Filemissing discord server for further developments.

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Let me get this right. You've paid for a model that someone (illegally) ripped from GT6, when he has no rights to own it, and you are charging your "users" for this? And you posted it here to let us know that we can't have it?

How does any of that make any sense?

Oh, and if you wish to use GTP to advertise your cars for sale in future, I can send you a copy of our advertising rates.

Yeah, we know.

View attachment 994989

There's the reason not to merge multiple messages into one. I can't 'LIKE' the first part pf the merged message without implying that I also 'LIKE' the second part.

BTW, I second the suggestion that we posters should be able to delete the entire message, not just the text therein. Think of all the space you'll save without all those empty boxes!

Do you know where I can find it ? Mosport is his only track on RD, and google didn't help.

Oops! Sorry! Shouldn't seem guilty of saying all Canadian tracks look alike (they DON'T), but muy bad. There are a couple of Montreals; the only I've kept is the one you already have, so....

EDIT: This being the rare example where my quibble with concatenation (is that a word?) doesn't apply.
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There's the reason not to merge multiple messages into one. I can't 'LIKE' the first part pf the merged message without implying that I also 'LIKE' the second part.
Like it or not. That's up to you. Single posts can contain 2 topics, good news and bad news, so it's not like it's a simple multi-quote issue.

BTW, I second the suggestion that we posters should be able to delete the entire message, not just the text therein. Think of all the space you'll save without all those empty boxes!
We remove empty messages when we see them. However, feel free to report them (and yes, you can report your own) and we'll get them.
Like it or not. That's up to you. Single posts can contain 2 topics, good news and bad news, so it's not like it's a simple multi-quote issue.

We remove empty messages when we see them. However, feel free to report them (and yes, you can report your own) and we'll get them.

Thank you.
From Fecebook. This is not my mod.

Erik Wispelwey
Assetto Corsa Tuned Mods & 4k Photos

tSponsor2rshaed ·

Visually there's a lot to be gained on this, especially on the interior, but either I'm not able to do that or not willing to spend that much time on it. So take it as is or reject it, your choice
Original is by AssettoPedia. Specs-wise this is a stock edit, visually for the most part.
Thanks to
Jasmin Klačar
Paul Murphy
for beta-testing and feedback.

I'll explain to you what it's really about us. we used to publish all of our cars for free and never wanted to benefit from them.

but since some people started to publish or sell our work on other websites and that without our permission we decided to only publish our work for money.

You don't like this method, ok. But ask yourself why we do it that way. If we had published the R18 for free, no one would have said anything against it and I bet in 2 days at the latest someone would have spent our work somewhere as theirs and earned money with it and we just don't feel like doing it anymore

As long as there are people like that, we won't publish anything for free.

I don't care if you understand and accept our point of view but if people would do that with your work you would be pissed off too
interestingly, not one of my cars... even the wonderful Alfa 33T12 has been "transformed" and others selling it.
Actually I cant think of 1 mod from GTP or RD that has been done as you say... re-released by someone for $$.

And yes... your "offer" has done nothing but create a "Streisand" effect that people want your mod...
and will do everything to get it WITHOUT PAYING. (or 1 guy from csru will buy it and then offer it for free, because you wanted to charge for rip).

In the GTR2/fF days many models were paid for, and ALL were released for free. I was personally involved in procuring the Ferrari 312 (released by Barika) and the Porsche 917K by RMi, both were paid models.. that we released for free after over 100hrs of remodelling and another 200hrs of physics work.

sorry, but your excuses have also 0 value to the community here.

Yes but we don't want to enscrypt our mods. Some of our supporters want to make their own physics and their own adjustments to make an evo version to compete with the 919 evo and that is ok for us as long as they don't publish them
Then you have obviously produced an inferior mod physics, otherwise others would not want or need to "make their own physics".

end of story
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Never! Never get anything from CIR it really is not quality, not quality use of your $$$

The eatc mod isn't bad, I personally haven't tested the 2021 edition which is latest so I have no idea if they've improved any physics etc, but by far the best TCR mod is the Tommy78, he's working on the 2019 wtcr version currently. I've already emailed him regarding a "homologation DLC" pack, which would contain the other cars currently available for use in TCR series around the world but most of those models aren't obviously partaking in that current version of 2019 mod. Problem is with the astra, even though it's a homologated car, barely anyone uses it.

Hell even the 4 cars that Kelly Racing brought downunder for 2019, are for sale currently tells you all you need to know about the popularity.

P.S. Anyone by chance happen to have the eatc 2020 files?

eatc 2020 files:
be careful, the Lada Vesta is bad.
You have to remove it to make a complete grid.
Take that of 2021.
eatc 2020 files:
be careful, the Lada Vesta is bad.
You have to remove it to make a complete grid.
Take that of 2021.

Thanks for the link ill check it out.
have done some testing of the 2021 mod, seems pretty good first impressions. not sure if the physics have been ripped from the tommy78 mod but they drive like youd expect tcr cars too.
Lada, renault & lynk n co are all fine. im surprised that within their file structure of 2021 the astra and their bmw rwd conversion are still of eatc naming, whereas everything else is filed tcr, looks to have come direct from Rollovers. Im still going to await the full WTCR 2019 mod release before making any judgements.

Speaking of Rollovers, just completely vanished without a trace. anyone here able to shed any light on why that is?
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I did search and came up blank so if anyone else has had this and fixed it I'd be grateful for some help. I also tried searching the CSP discord but even though a few people have the same problem I found no answers...anyway I get these weird shadow lines on my cars. Doesn't matter what filter I use either.
Not sure if it's obvious from this shot but the lines are running along the edge of the bonnet.

I did search and came up blank so if anyone else has had this and fixed it I'd be grateful for some help. I also tried searching the CSP discord but even though a few people have the same problem I found no answers...anyway I get these weird shadow lines on my cars. Doesn't matter what filter I use either.
Not sure if it's obvious from this shot but the lines are running along the edge of the bonnet.

View attachment 995028

Yep thats what i had from 1.72 upwards, even 1.74 Preview does it. So i ended up switching back to 1.69 preview and it goes away...
But then so do my windscreen reflections so have to disable windscreen fx.

I asked on here, discord and got no answers that could help.

Once you see it you can't see it and its annoying. I tried all sorts from shadow distance to disabling shadows etc.
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