Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
we are friends we started creating together, this is his first track made, it works well but now the level of detail is increasing a lot on the new ones he is working on thanks also to my modeling on 3d objects (houses, billboards)

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this is his second very real almost complete track in development
Morano - Campotenese hillclimb near to me in Calabria, South Italy

this is my cousin in the real racing

Well i got the track after a bit of chasing which i wouldn't normally think is necessary. (RSS and many payware send link straight after payment).

He says RD one is basic and the website one is 2.0, but so far can't see any difference....

So much can be found free so I am always happy to pay a little bit if needed, but if i am honest not sure i like the cut of his jib on this one.

On RD he responds to criticism of the basic track by sending the web address for the full version, which could land him a job at Codemasters.

The fact the website seems to send out the basic version as well seems a bit odd.

I think its more honest mistakes than out right scam though...
I almost didn't post this video, but I suppose even if it incurs some level of wrath from the SD team, I'm willing to fall on that sword. I was contacted by a friend of my channel who happens to be among the most talented modders in the community in my opinion, and he is at the end of his rope with SD. He's asked for his work to be removed, and they ignore him. He and so many other talented people deserve better based on how much they've given the AC community over many years, so I think it's best that I do what I can.

Thanks for the share my man!
Thanks for doing this, I’ve been thinking of doing the same on my (small) channel, as I don’t have to worry about being demonetised.

I mentioned them in this video....

The Ethics of Modding in Sim Racing a follow up might be due.
hope the classic GT fans will enjoy these! I have cracked the ditferent interior leather colours with @norms help.

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Unfortunately skin with #2 does not work. Only the #155 (I have the latest version 1.0 from that car).
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You're right, not working here either, in showroom that is.
In game it's OK, though it doesn't show the taped headlights very well.


I had same issue myself, I took the file, resaved in photoshop exporting as DC3 .dds and working all good my side now with the body paint at least.


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Today, back to sebring Historic - I've been patching together historic aerial images, and skewing them to fit current google earth images.

overlaying a track over these leads to this result. I think it's about as accurate as I'll get from something from 60 years ago.


These are examples of what I had to stitch together.


Today, back to sebring Historic - I've been patching together historic aerial images, and skewing them to fit current google earth images.

overlaying a track over these leads to this result. I think it's about as accurate as I'll get from something from 60 years ago.

View attachment 995903

These are examples of what I had to stitch together.

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hell yes !!!

looking forward to this , any eta on when this will be on your patreon?
If you are interested in real hillclimb routes, I have started distributing my Gubbio - Madonna della Cima italian Hillclimb Championship and FIA MASTER 2018 you can follow me on my
and on my site under construction.

I had not written anything so far because I thought it was not correct to highlight a paid release. but I see that there is also talk of paid mods I take advantage of it :)

This is the first release,
there are many improvements and optimizations on the shaders to do and some additions to the 3d (few things) to make it perfect, also I have to create the file extension and add details at the start of the master layout, whoever makes the donation will still benefit from these developments and will be able to participate in the event that I want to realize. KING OF THE MOUNTAIN or KING OF THE TOP (I have to choose the name).

if you have any suggestions they are welcome.

Track made with RTB, 3d models developed with sketchup and blender, textures (all real of the place with photoshop).

as soon as the site is ready, the management of sending the download link and subsequent RSS-like upgrades will also be automatic
I almost didn't post this video, but I suppose even if it incurs some level of wrath from the SD team, I'm willing to fall on that sword. I was contacted by a friend of my channel who happens to be among the most talented modders in the community in my opinion, and he is at the end of his rope with SD. He's asked for his work to be removed, and they ignore him. He and so many other talented people deserve better based on how much they've given the AC community over many years, so I think it's best that I do what I can.

Thanks for the share my man!
I remember ages ago asking JPEG if I could use his Corvette DP physics for a private test mod I wanted to make of the C7 Corvette DP. He was fine with that. Next thing I know, before I could finish it "ScamDream" released a pack including the C7 DP poorly ripped from FM7 with, you guessed it, al of JPEG's physics from the Corvette DP mod IER made.

But the internet was created for whining and drama! (...and porn) :lol:
The Three "P"s that make up the internet.
Pissing and moaning
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Kyalami 1967 - Addon Features

Alike other members have mentioned on this thread, this track is one of those must-have for your memorabilia of racing collection...

Recently drove Guerilla's Toyota S-FR Racing mod on a 20lap race, and had a hoot... It felt fast and flowing, take a peek at this short video. 18car grid, evening racing, with a reasonable FPS count.

@Cozy61, out on a limb here, but this historical GP track is a strong candidate to be included in the Round the World Challenge that you're putting together.


Addon features:
- track & ambient lighting
- rain FX
- replay cameras
- vao-patch

Rename compressed file to it's original .7z format (by removing "_.txt") - enjoy.

Further goodies found on this thread:
- mod link by @protofb (@LiquidSkyMan)
- AI lanes from @KevinK2
- cams from @DaBaeda

Round the World Challenge additional track requests and video intro
I have 7 track slots available out of the maximum of 24. If you have one you want included let me know in the discussion section

1975 South African GP for AC

I recently rewatched Rush and got an itch for mid-70's F1. One race I've always been particularly fond of is the South African GP. So I mashed them together and got this...

Kyalami 1967 by Reboot team:

Privateer skins by susanthedeath2:

AI hint and pit lane for Kyalami 1967:

This is a small tweak- an AI hint for last corner, and smoother entry and exit for pit lane. This was done with the GPL 1967 mod in mind. Keep aggression level at 80% or below for this car/track combo.

Cams for Kyalami 1967.
Doesn´t overwrite existing cams.
Have Fun.


  • kyalami_1967__lights+rainFX+cams+vao.7z_.txt
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can someone help me to get the

Sprint car Brasil 2006 s1 with the tracks included,.. has once had this complete but i have deleted it by mistake,..

tnx in advance
Sorry, I’ll check and fix later - anyone else getting this?

I fixed the body paint by resaving the file to DC3 export type, I uploaded my fixed file in a earlier post I made above.

I appreciate your work on the skins you have been making past few weeks :)👍
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Cant we fill copyright claims on their videos?

I've thought about that too, why not play their game at them. I went on their videos, downvoted everything one night after they striked Ted's videos because I was so angry. Probably won't do anything, but I thought a review bomb sort of might have fed doubt to potential buyers checking out their YouTube videos was my reasoning.
Today, back to sebring Historic - I've been patching together historic aerial images, and skewing them to fit current google earth images.

overlaying a track over these leads to this result. I think it's about as accurate as I'll get from something from 60 years ago.

View attachment 995903

These are examples of what I had to stitch together.

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View attachment 995910

I hope you manage to save the Warehouse Straight and the Webster Turns; that was one of the most interesting sections of the old layout.
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