Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Just here to say I support Mike from Simracing604. I'll be posting a video tomorrow which proves undeniably in a way they can't combat that they used my sounds without permission. I delve into the files etc. BTW not been here in a long time. How's everyone doing? Any new requests do let me know!
Glad to have you here! My request would be maybe a soundmod for the F40 (with some nice crackles on the overrun). But the one that I would like to see the most is a good 787B sound (I already requested this through Discord though)! :drool:
Putting the same message in every post counts as spam. You do however have a signature option you can use.

OK, if you consider this as spam, then we have absolutely no chance to inform people. who have no gtplanet account and don't see the signature. And the signature text is too small, to have an effect. That's really sad. :banghead:
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Just here to say I support Mike from Simracing604. I'll be posting a video tomorrow which proves undeniably in a way they can't combat that they used my sounds without permission. I delve into the files etc. BTW not been here in a long time. How's everyone doing? Any new requests do let me know!
Hope you didn't forget our convo on RD. ;):cheers:
Nice to see you here!
New EXT_CONFIG featuring RainFX, GrassFX, LightsFX + VAO for the ruapuna_park2012 updated by @DaBaeda.

This is only the ext_config (his original ones is backupeed as ext_config_original) inside the folder. It's more complete because he's one have only GrassFX and some textures fix in terms of exposure. Enjoy :)

Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
Assetto Corsa Screenshot 2021.03.07 -
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OK, if you consider this as spam, then we have absolutely no chance to inform people. who have no gtplanet account and don't see the signature. And the signature text is too small, to have an effect. That's really sad. :banghead:
The message is not relevant to your delivery method being spam.
I was hoping to not see it here, but there is it. Also about the (This is not my mod. I haven't tested it yet, so install at your own risk) if this is not your mod then don't post it at least ask first
About the first part of your post... why is that ? FB exclusive ? Lots of people are NOT on :censored:book FYI...
I was hoping to not see it here, but there is it. Also about the (This is not my mod. I haven't tested it yet, so install at your own risk) if this is not your mod then don't post it at least ask first
Did you not want it shared because this car is only a test build, or do you not like any of your mods being shared?
so lets be clear i think they will go after these mods next as these are the ones missing from their f1 collection :

F1 1991 :
link is in video
F1 1979
F1 1999
F1 1989

all of these exist for rfactor and or gtr 2

if someone would want to start here is the link of the 91 mod to start with

I think 1991 not so interesting, because ASR Formula making this season from scratch. Released 10 cars (= teams) for free, and 4 car in EarlyAccess beta, only is 4 missing.

I can share working link for all other mod in Rfactor. (But basicly some models comes from F1Challenge! :D )

I more prefer to do F1 1999.
For me it was a unique season, a lot of driver changes, surprise podiums and wins (example France, Nurburgring).
Only 2 car is exsists for AC from this season:
- the Ferrari (good quality scratch made by ASR)
- and the Williams converted from (rF1 or F1C or similar), there was an older version, and other updated by Velo(?). But the physics is very very understeer for me ---> undriveable....

Can anybody contact with the creators of these mods?
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the answer to sim-schlock-dream issue may be pretty simple, message Ilja, make him aware of the issue, and ask him to release a CM patch that makes all simdream cars not work. strangle them at the source.

I can appreciate the anger and helplessness felt by people at the ongoing situation, but this is absolutely not the way forward to a positive conclusion. The very last thing we should be encouraging is handing groups or individuals the power to decide what content we can or cannot use with the game.
About the first part of your post... why is that ? FB exclusive ? Lots of people are NOT on :censored:book FYI...
it's not FB exclusive it's a test version of the mod and it's not ready. when it will be ready I will share it, the car still has no sound and some other stuff I just take a sound from another car so it won't be silent

Did you not want it shared because this car is only a test build, or do you not like any of your mods being shared?
Yes because this car is only a test build it not have its own sound I just take from another car so it won't be silent and some other stuff
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View attachment 995960
I just released v0.95 this beast. Enjoy. This is to give back to the community who give so much to us.

It is my first release/conversion/modification and I don't know what I don't know, so please be gentle. I can hold onto this forever to chip away at it or share for us all to enjoy and help correct. There are a few obvious things that needs attention.

This is for all of us, and I hope all of us can help perfect it. All I ask is that we maintain sanity on the versions. I added a version number, so please update with fixes, or send to me and I will maintain.

I would love help from the community to fix a few things please.

@flyingsaucer - wipers
@Masscot - driver / steering animation
@Arturi - any additional shading - its just a matter of time before this car gets removed from RD.

I will update link to Mega after. Used RD as an initial distribution channel. Nearly 500 downloads in 2 hours - I would say it served its purpose.

All the best,
why am i tagged? i never touched the car
why am i tagged? i never touched the car

I never said you did. If you read the post again, you will see that I am asking for your help to look at the car and see if you can improve it, like you did with the 250.

Of course you don’t have to. Wow, this type of response really makes me consider if it’s worth sharing anything. I may have overestimated the value of doing so.
To be fair your post wasn't clear, I thought those people worked on the mod and the answer was legit imo. If I was tagged in a post I would ask for some explanation too.

I have downloaded the car and the first thing I would advise you to do is to bake body ao and add it to the skins, they all lack it.
And another weird thing is about rims, when in cm you try to make a new skin they completely disappear and show only the brake discs (which looks low poly, maybe they come from lod b or lod c?)
To be fair your post wasn't clear, I thought those people worked on the mod and the answer was legit imo. If I was tagged in a post I would ask for some explanation too.

I have downloaded the car and the first thing I would advise you to do is to bake body ao and add it to the skins, they all lack it.
And another weird thing is about rims, when in cm you try to make a new skin they completely disappear and show only the brake discs (which looks low poly, maybe they come from lod b or lod c?)

I updated the post. Please check to see if it stil confusing. If anyone read the actual credits on RD they would know who helped and who didn’t. But hey, who does that right. Let’s just download and **** all over it.

Do you know how to AO bake? if so, go ahead and help.

I made the wheels that way on purpose. It will be obvious to see when the car has been tinkered with. At least not full encryption. Think of it as a form of version control.

for your skins just transfer the ss.x files (rim files) to the directory of the skin.
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In cm showroom, click the body of the car, open the txdiffuse texture, click on generate AO. Save the texture that gets made and place it on the txdiffuse slot. You should use that one to make a bright green version to use as txmap, if you have ps you just need to lead the ao and paint the green channel using white. Save it then and place it in the txmap slot.

To add ao to skins, load the skins textures (the ones for the body), load the AO you made previously.
Place the AO layer on top of the painted layer containing the livery and set the AO layer to "multiply" instead of normal.
Now save it overwriting the old skin texture and it's done

this is helpful. Is this something you can do and post here as an update?
Managing Mods and Transferring Everything to a Larger Hard Drive

I recently had to move my AC install from a 500GB SSD to a 1TB SSD. Even with LZX compression, my 500GB drive was already maxed out. This is because of all the wonderful mods being shared by the community, and a lot of work from the contributors to this thread.

I'm sharing some info and the software I used while this is all still fresh in my mind.

DISCLAIMER: Be careful and perform these suggested operations at your own risk. This is not the end all, be all guide on how to do this. Others may use different procedures and software.

LZX Compression
If you have Windows 10, LZX is an excellent compression algorithm. Not only do you benefit from it's 3 to 1 compression and free up hard drive space, if you have a faster processor, it does speed up launching sessions. To oversimplify what it does, the files are smaller and load faster from the drive, then the CPU decompresses them into memory.

Every time you use either option, it scans first for any files that are not already compressed, and only compresses those. So when you install new mods, you can run this compression routinely, and even select folders full of mods, most already compressed and some not. The fewer new mods you've installed, the less time it will take to compress them.

For compressing your AC mods, you have two options.

Option 1: Use the compression tool in Content Manager. This can be found on the Content > Tools screen (lower left in image below). LZX is selected as the default compression. Unless I'm wrong, I think this only scans and compresses DDS and Kn5 files in the cars and tracks folder. There are also other folders to compress to save even more space--more on that in Option 2.


Note the impressive compression stats and pie chart.


Option 2: Use CompactGUI[2]. This allows you to compress any folder you select, whether it be everything installed in your cars folder, or just one, newly installed mod. It can also be used to compress other folders in Assetto Corsa, such as the extension, textures, drivers, or any other folders that contain DDS and Kn5 files. DON'T FORGET these, as compressing these will substantially free up hard drive space.

Click on the light blue bars to select the folders to compress.

You can download CompactGUI[2] here.



Cloning Hard Drives

It's usually not a good idea to just copy files from one hard drive to another, ESPECIALLY If you've used LZX. In additional to other issues, when files are copied in Windows 10, apparently they're decompressed as they're written to the other drive. You may have 1.3GB compressed onto a 500GB drive, and if you try to transfer everything to a 1TB drive, it will fail. For this process, you need good drive cloning software.

Below are the control panel and utilities I used, and to successfully clone a 500 GB SSD full of compressed content to a 1TB drive takes about three to four hours, mostly waiting as the processes are completing. HDD drives will take a little longer.

Formatting New Drives, Extending Partitions, and Changing Drive Letters
If you buy and install a new HDD or SSD, you will first need to format it. In Windows, search for "Create and Format Hard Disk Partitions." Select it, and this will load the Disk Management control panel. In the lower section, your new drive should appear with a gray bar-not blue as in the example below. If you right-click on it, select "Format" in the popup menu and perform a Quick format. There's an option for a more thorough format, if you feel it's necessary. If the drive is new, this usually isn't necessary, and it takes much longer to complete.

You may also need to return to this control panel to extend the partition that was created by the cloning software. For example, if you clone a 500GB drive to a 1TB drive, you'll likely end up with two partitions, and the drive in the control panel will show a gray area to the right. Simply right-clicking and selecting to extend the partition will allow you to use the drive as one single partition.

You should also return to this control panel to reassign drive letters. More on that below.

IMPORTANT: When using these utilities and following these steps, be very careful to select the correct hard drive. If you're not, you could format or clone to the wrong drive, and loose software or other files.


Cloning Software: Macruim Reflect. This is an excellent utility, there's a free version, and it's quite easy to use. Below each drive it finds on your system, there's an option to "Clone this disk..." Carefully follow the steps, and again, select the correct drive to clone to. Once cloning begins, and if you're cloning a drive with a lot of content, you can find something else to do away from the PC, but check the status bar during the process.

Macruim Reflect download link


DON'T FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE NEXT-TO-LAST STEP--extend the partition.
Read the paragraph above, just before the Disk Management control panel image.

After you've successfully cloned your drive, then physically removed the old drive (you may also leave it installed-more below), leaving the new drive in place, you need to assign the drive letter of the old drive to the new drive. If you do this immediately after the physical swap and turning the PC back on, Steam and other software or utilities that were referring to the old drive should refer to the new drive correctly. I did this, and had no issues whatsoever. Steam immediately saw the drive as if nothing changed, and all shortcuts to software and content on the drive work exactly as they did before.

To do this, return to the Disk Management control panel, right-click on the drive, select "Change Drive Letter and Paths..." and select the correct drive letter. It's okay to give the drive a different name, as long as the letter is correct. If you wish to continue using the old drive, be sure to assign a different drive letter to it first, then it frees up that letter to assign it to the new drive. After re-assigning drive letters, I recommend restarting your PC, just so it "readjusts" to the changes.

Identifying Physical Hard Drives

During this process, and especially if you have a lot of hard drives installed in your PC, CrystalDiskInfo is an excellent utility, and it's free (make a donation if you can). In addition to evaluating and reporting the status of the installed drives, it provides the manufacture name (if it's correct on the drive), the serial number, and other information. This makes it much easier to identify the physical drives when opening up the PC to remove or replace them. When you launch it, give it a minute to scan and assess your installed drives, especially if you have several installed.

CrystalDiskInfo Download Link. There's a lot of spam and some misleading download buttons on this page. The smaller blue buttons under the three Editions are what you're looking for. I downloaded and installed the Standard Edition--not sure what the others offer, other than background graphics.


Suggested Accessory Peripheral
This hard drive docking station, or something similar to it, is very useful for transferring data, or cloning and testing drives.

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we are friends we started creating together, this is his first track made, it works well but now the level of detail is increasing a lot on the new ones he is working on thanks also to my modeling on 3d objects (houses, billboards)

View attachment 995893

this is his second very real almost complete track in development
Morano - Campotenese hillclimb near to me in Calabria, South Italy

this is my cousin in the real racing

The free version of the Salerno Croce looks almost ok, i hope the full version is better developed because for 6€ the quality standard should be MUCH higher to be honest. I don't want to compare works, but 6€ are a lot of money for a track that (at least the free one) don't have full working ext_config (no RainFX, no LightFX) and have a lot of holes in the meshes and no VAO patches :-/

Btw keep up the good work man, we need more hillclimbs track
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Yatabe Test Track - reworked

Yatabe Speedway was a high speed test track in Japan.
Surrounded by a lot of trees, but it were these trees who look imo a bit odd.



So I reworked them to look imo a bit better.



Added @DaBaeda cams and grass fx config part, thx for them. 👍 :cheers:
Extended the config with rain fx, some flashing lights, some tweaks. Added a vao-patch too.

Many thanks for @Fanapryde for testing the track and make these screenshots while reworking it. The final version looks now slightly different, missing yellow lines should be back again, some very dark trees now a bit brighter to match in better.
Hope you enjoy it. :)

@SimRacing604 you´re not alone. We stand with you.
This was long overdue, that someone comments on such business practices and classifies them correctly for uninitiated users. 👍
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