Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Can anyone share a light on my problem concerning the 'placement' of Formula cars tyres? I have been trying to relocate the front tyres including suspension rods to the desired location via 3DSimEd, but ingame it won't show that way. Alligning the wheels in CM doesn't do the trick either. Is it something in the data that has to be altered?


View attachment 996364

Yes, for the trackwidth, you need to modify the suspensions.ini file in the data folder , precisely in this section (values below are just an exemple ofc) :

WHEEL_LF=-0.06 ;Left front graphical offset of the wheel positioning in the x axis (width). + is left - is right movement
SUSP_LF=-0.06 ;Left front graphical offset of the suspension positioning in the x axis (width). + is left - is right movement
WHEEL_RF=0.06 ; Right front as above
SUSP_RF=0.06 ; Right front as above
WHEEL_LR=-0.09 ; Left rear as above
SUSP_LR=-0.19 ; Left rear as above
WHEEL_RR=0.09 ; Right rear as above
SUSP_RR=0.19 ; Right rear as above

You can do it in CM ticking the "Align using data" function. That will display the car the same as ingame.

In case the wheelbase is also wrong ingame, you 'll need to alter the car.ini file here (3rd number) :

GRAPHICS_OFFSET=0.0,-0.61,-0.40 ; 3 axis correction (x,y,z), applies only to the 3D object of the car (meters)

and the suspensions.ini here :

WHEELBASE=2.395 ; Wheelbase distance in meters

Hope it helps ;)
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Is there any way i can turn this into a rear camera?
Is there a way to use CSP required cars and tracks without CSP? Sorry about having to ask, I haven't been paying close attention to how it all works.
Yes, for the trackwidth, you need to modify the suspensions.ini file in the data folder , precisely in this section (values below are just an exemple ofc) :

WHEEL_LF=-0.06 ;Left front graphical offset of the wheel positioning in the x axis (width). + is left - is right movement
SUSP_LF=-0.06 ;Left front graphical offset of the suspension positioning in the x axis (width). + is left - is right movement
WHEEL_RF=0.06 ; Right front as above
SUSP_RF=0.06 ; Right front as above
WHEEL_LR=-0.09 ; Left rear as above
SUSP_LR=-0.19 ; Left rear as above
WHEEL_RR=0.09 ; Right rear as above
SUSP_RR=0.19 ; Right rear as above

You can do it in CM ticking the "Apply physics" function. That will display the car the same as ingame.

In case the wheelbase is also wrong ingame, you 'll need to alter the car.ini file here (3rd number) :

GRAPHICS_OFFSET=0.0,-0.61,-0.40 ; 3 axis correction (x,y,z), applies only to the 3D object of the car (meters)

and the suspensions.ini here :

WHEELBASE=2.395 ; Wheelbase distance in meters

Hope it helps ;)

Thanks for your input mate! Off trying... :-)
Is there a way to use CSP required cars and tracks without CSP? Sorry about having to ask, I haven't been paying close attention to how it all works.

Hi there! You probably know this already, but unless you're really struggling with the system requirements (and don't want to gamble on see how CSP impacts performance), CSP is pretty much doble-click install & play. There's pretty little to fine-tune.

...and apparently we now have "new members" creating accounts on popular forums and discord channels, only to post chastising messages, over and over to flood the threads, about how everyone's stealing mods from and scamming Sim Dream Development. Gee, I wonder who these new members are. Now the moderators and discord channel owners have to do extra work to remove them and their messages, and block each new account.
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Hi there! You probably know this already, but unless you're really struggling with the system requirements (and don't want to gamble on see how CSP impacts performance), CSP is pretty much doble-click install & play. There's pretty little to fine-tune.

I have new hardware to run it fine but I think my game looks better without it. We'll, I'll keep messing around with it. Thanks for the reply.
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It's a fantastic mod, one hell of an enjoyable beast to drive!
In fact all this week, starting from Midnight tonight (GMT) @Bigfatluke is have an FileMissing... Time Attack Special at Goodwood!

You should pop a lap in, you don't need to join our discord to use our servers, so feel free to jump on and set a lap with Luke and the rest of us! 👍
View attachment 996261

It's the first time I have been online and I'm quite surprised to see the car is using my data. I edited the car to have the authentic 4 speed and no 5 speed option, and that's what I get on your server. The car is easier to drive and faster with a 5 speed of course. I was under the impression you had to use a standard data.acd online to stop cheating.
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Now the moderators and discord channel owners have to do extra work to remove them and their messages, and block each new account.
Takes two clicks, no matter how many posts they make.

I always get a mild chuckle thinking about how much time they spend and the hoops they jump through to create all these accounts when it takes two clicks to remove everything (including any PMs they send).

I love that we live rent-free in their heads too. To misquote Raul Julia, "For you, the day GTPlanet banned your account was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday."

Edit: See? :lol: Love it. It's also hilarious how quickly they get gay - I've lost count of the number of accounts people have made expressing a desire for me to fellate them. I mean, flattered, but straight and spoken for, chaps.
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Looking for a Ferrari Testarossa

Not a Ferrari 512 TR


Those we have plenty of already, in AC and other titles, but suspiciously the Testarossa is nowhere to be found!
These two were never finished for a unknown reason

Either you'll have to wait till someone properly converts it from either RR3 or Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends or wait till Geroda74 releases it in his '''GOLD''' mods. I'm already full of projects not in a mood to do a Testarossa now.
The Testarossa post reminds me, how hard is it to get and convert models from the Ghost Need for Speed games?
Because there's a lot of good models that people can use in that game for AC including an early Testarossa.
It's the first time I have been online and I'm quite surprised to see the car is using my data. I edited the car to have the authentic 4 speed and no 5 speed option, and that's what I get on your server. The car is easier to drive and faster with a 5 speed of course. I was under the impression you had to use a standard data.acd online to stop cheating.

Hey Tim,

This is usually a symptom of a mod having having an unpacked data folder instead of a data.acd.
It's very possible that this mod did not come packaged with a data.acd (I'll need to check the source).

Very good catch, however this may mean that the leader-board needs to be reset and that users would need to download an updated version of the car before they can reconnect.

I'll speak to Luke and see if an update can be pushed out, Nice Catch :cheers:
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The Testarossa post reminds me, how hard is it to get and convert models from the Ghost Need for Speed games?
Because there's a lot of good models that people can use in that game for AC including an early Testarossa.
They don't have proper interiors they would make good use for a GTA mod but not so much as an a AC mod. AC needs models with fully functional interiors so from games like Forza/GT/PC you can port heat models but you would be better off remodeling the interior which takes a lot of time. Its much faster and easier to port a model with a fully functional interior.
Interesting experiment. What would be possible with better technology? 👍

hmmmm I used to do a bit of this with my phantom 4 pro, and never thought to do it for tracks. Give me a reason to unpack the drone again. Biggest issue is the processing required to get better quality, I did a traffic intersection from 900 photos (50x50m)and back then it took 3 days to complete processing for something about 10 times better fidelity than this clip. The software was alos DAMN expensive, maybe things got a lot better in the last 5 years or so since i last played with it.
Its much faster and easier to port a model with a fully functional interior

That would be nice, but I am not sure any modern game has the Testarossa, just the 512R. What would be great is that one of the modder doing scratch would do one. Some time they come up with "funny" models, with no historic value and an iconic cars like the Testarossa gets forgotten.

There's a Ferrari Testarossa Koenig Special out there:
But I'm guessing it's not what you're after.

Yes this is not what I am looking for, nothing authentic about that one.:lol:

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They don't have proper interiors they would make good use for a GTA mod but not so much as an a AC mod. AC needs models with fully functional interiors so from games like Forza/GT/PC you can port heat models but you would be better off remodeling the interior which takes a lot of time. Its much faster and easier to port a model with a fully functional interior.
Well, that's a shame. Personally though, I still think some people should give it a try. I mean yeah, it'll take more time than with a regular interior, but I think it would be worth it.
These two were never finished for a unknown reason

Either you'll have to wait till someone properly converts it from either RR3 or Test Drive: Ferrari Racing Legends or wait till Geroda74 releases it in his '''GOLD''' mods. I'm already full of projects not in a mood to do a Testarossa now.

In terms of Ferraris i would prefer these over the Testarossa these 3 legit want to make me to start modeling in 3ds max but i just fail to even set up a blueprint correctly lol.
512M Testarossa

456 GT Venice

F50 Boldie i could maybe recreate this one on the stock F50 Body but I'm not quite sure lol.
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any chane we'll get period-correct track skins?

Itwon't be exactly my job^^, I'm not very good in skinning.

This would be awesome.

Have you given any thought about modding Kunos' Red Bull Ring to represent the same era's AI Ring?

For A1 Ring, I did it some months ago, but it was forbidden there because it's a dlc track. I can reupload it but sadly can't share it here.

I have new hardware to run it fine but I think my game looks better without it. We'll, I'll keep messing around with it. Thanks for the reply.

I've not tried with tracks but aside from encrypted cars, any 'CSP Required' car can be edited to work in vanilla AC, although you will inevitably lose some functionality and or aesthetics. Start with removing any extension configs and see how you get on, due to reworking textures and shaders on all the cars I download, I usually delete the config and not had any problems running a much earlier CSP version than that 'required' by the mod.
Bad news; the SimRacing604 channel has received another fraudulent copyright clain. It is now on three strikes, and due to be deleted in seven days...

Ev-zWv6WEAkj3FA.png can't end like this...
Yeah, I just saw that on Twitter. It would be a shame for him to go, I'll do what I can to help.
I already reported SimDream's channel for instance.
Does anyone know why there is a discrepancy between what this track (Homestead 1996) looks like when imported to 3dsimed and what it looks like in game (NR2003)? I'd love to have this in Assetto Corsa but it looks horrible in 3dsimed. I converted it to rFactor and it looks like it does in 3dsimed, of course. So to recap, does anyone know why it looks smooth in NR2003 in-game but utter ***** in 3dsimed?


In-game NR2003
Yeah I know why, basically the way 3dsimed imports the track lowers the poly because the original game reads splines instead of meshes i guess. You need to use TRKMAKER.exe to import the spline then export it and you will get the 3d model of the track without some objects. I figured out a strange method to make it drivable, hard to explain I would need a video lol.

BTW i have that track converted, original Homestead. I will include it inside my current Homestead.
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