In Blender, the car seems to have the right size, about 4,6 meters, but when i load it in kseditor, it seems like its 10 times the size

. In 3DSimED too the size seem right. Do i just need to scale the car to 0.1 its size in blender ?
You have to set the correct scale in blender import + output profiles and make sure you save those profiles or you will go nuts with hitting the wrong scales all the time.
I don't have the correct scales from the top of my head but it is super easy to evaluate when using the standard blender cube as a reference when importing and use the CM custom showroom preset to a reference car when exporting from blender _> kseditor (you should see here already if your scale is drastically off).
Once you have found the correct scales, make sure to create and save the proper blender in/out profiles (I named mine in reference to where the data came from, like CM or 3Dsimed, etc, …)
It seems that I can't make any changes to any car with 3DSimED anymore. Or of course I can but I can't drive them. Tried to change windscreen-shader and got this error:
View attachment 997740
Any minor change causes this with any car (tried maybe 5-10). Unencrypted cars all. Hmm.
Also got some error about maybe fuel indicator goal or something like that..?
Extension tweaks still work and most of the stuff I do can be done with them but it complicates stuff IMO.
Don't use 3Dsimed for such edits.
It is a complete PIG software fro that sort of edit and what it loves the most is silently renaming objects and object trees without any regard to logic without you knowing it, … resulting in completely messing up all your data file references !@#$%
It is best to use 3Dsimed exclusively as a file converter and nothing else.
Use a proper 3D editor to work on fbx files and use kseditor (don't forget to use the proper in/out sequence, taking care that your fbx persistence file is properly carried over (also meaning: DO NOT DO texture file references and materials in your 3D editor but absolutely exclusively do them in kseditor)).
A windscreen material fix is super easy and fast this way:
1) Export bad mod from kn5 to fbx with CM
2) import fbx file into blender (or whatever 3D editor you use)
3) fix windscreen related objects if necessary (some mods do not have the required glass objects or have flipped normals, etc) - can be skipped if all objects are ok)
4) export fbx from blender (or whatever) after object fixes
5) import fixed fbx (again, ONLY object fixes if necessary - DO NOT FIX textures or references or materials in 3D editor) into kseditor (make sure to use the persistence file you exported earlier from CM or you will be doing all your materials and texture references again (you really want to avoid that hassle)
6) assign the correct materials and textures to the fixed objects in kseditor
optional: 7) I find it good practice to double check at this point that all major functional objects have their correct materials assigned, ESPECIALLY glass objects, mirrors, etc)
8) export fixed file from kseditor to kn5
9) load new kn5 into CM custom showroom and double check that all relevant materials are confirmed fixed (especially transparency settings like to be finicky, double check those!)
10) if you have made any mistakes or sometimes overlooked something resulting in an object renaming - make sure before you load a session to double check all usual functional objects with CM custom showroom and their respective references in the data files (i.e. mirrors, light objects, etc, …)
11) also test that LODs are properly working, the low res cockpit is properly assigned and working, wheel blur is proper, … (the usual quick check of typical errors that may be made by having the wrong tag active while exporting the kn5 file from kseditor)
Many of those can be quickly fixed on the spot in CM custom showroom by simply correcting them and re-saving the model in CM custom showroom without having to move again through kseditor.
If you mod a lot, make sure to streamline your workflows with all of these tools and maybe type down a quick checklist - saves you a lot of headache and making mistakes that burn a lot of trouble shooting time (you know those endless crash back to CM moments with cryptic error messages only to find out that you broke an instrument reference as you forgot to rebuild the instrument in kseditor after having renamed it in your 3D editor as you worked on the dashboard, …).