Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
BMW M3 GTR 2001 version
original car was done by Assettogarage the 2001 version replica was done by Dragster666

Phew where the wheels on this thing hard to replace! 3Dsimmed bugged out the wheels and in 3ds max i had to figure out at what number the wheel dummies should be so that the wheels don't glitch out or go inside the body. It was frustrating definitely. Getting that out of the way
this is as close as i could come to the 2001 car on the 2005 chassis the car looks identical i used the rims from the most wanted car the front bumper sorta fits but if you look closely it kinda pops out or that it isn't attached very well i really dislike the MoTeC gauges that Assettogarage used but alright. I also detuned the car to 444 bhp what the real car was like the AG car was like 200+ bhp more.
A comparison between the 2001 car with the 2005 one.
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sorry to ping such an old comment but the link is apparently down
Southbank Skatepark - Photogrammetry based Showroom
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install to: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\showroom



I love this showroom - probably my new favourite! Thanks ;D

Question about RainFx, driving the MC12 at Brand Hatch, in pancake the wiper wipes the rain, but in VR the wiper does not wipe the rain!
Any suggestions from the resident experts?

Beside that the rain looks so good, hard to argue that the rain in AC at this point in time already looks better than rain in any other title.
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Monaco 2019 (with updated Swimming Pool section)

Hi all! As you may know there are lots of versions of Monaco around online, but none of them include the updated Swimming Pool chicane Monaco introduced in 2016. In an attempt to replicate the feeling and flow of the new track, I have modified the swimming pool section walls and surfaces, so Turn 16 is like the newer layout of the track. The base version I used includes one of the incredible Blackcelica skins.

I hope you enjoy it!

The AI needs tweaking, so feel free to work on it


Get the track here


  • Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_monaco_2019_30-2-121-20-12-3.jpg
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I now that Forza and GT Converts take way more time. But i was talking about a rfactor convert. you don't need any dummies if you take them from kunos and if i remember correctly the cars don't got any animations. I'm sure if you do like dummies, animations for doors and lights it takes a bit more time but still it's ****ing easy to make it. But you said it already, i got my own opinion and you too. I just want to tell you that your mods are low quality and not even worth a penny. I don't even know how legal it is to gain money from something where you don't have the rights for like the brands of the cars or the sponsors on the liveries

The original authors of his rips the vlm modding team state on their website that they dont agree for someone to convert their stuff and make a profit for it.

But you know how ac is today.. everyone has a patreon.. they come with the excuse of the time they spend to convert it to ac but the seem to forget about the time the original authors spend on creating these mods.
Because they release them for free and dont cry about the time they lost in creating these mods.
Here is a new camera file for use with Legion's "Daytona Road Course Faux '67" track. For those who don't know, this is the version of the track with the infield twisty bits but no chicanes. (Sigh here, and think of the "good ole days") Just delete the ".txt" extension from the file, and drop it into the data folder contained within the sans_chicane file for the track. Enjoy :)


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Great job Tony. Converting cars, from any other SIM format takes time. It is easy for those who sit on the sidelines to comment on quality. YET, I have seen ZERO mod contributions from them. Fixing a shader here and there is copy and paste - hardly worth a mention. Getting a car to run, look good enough as a grid filler, from nothing - worth a mention.

For those who comment from the sidelines - If someone is asking for a donation for their time to convert mods - you don't know their circumstances - either contribute or shut up.

VLM and FRM stated these cars shouldn't be converted, and if they were just to credit them and NOT MAKE MONEY FROM THOSE.
And what has he done ? The exact contrary of what the ORIGINAL modders, the CREATORS asked. Strange hill to die on my friend.
Here is a new camera file for use with Legion's "Daytona Road Course Faux '67" track. For those who don't know, this is the version of the track with the infield twisty bits but no chicanes. (Sigh here, and think of the "good ole days") Just delete the ".txt" extension from the file, and drop it into the data folder contained within the sans_chicane file for the track. Enjoy :)

Can you post a link to that track?
Cant find it on his blog
I just noticed on Assetto Land that there's 2 Acura sedan mods uploaded on there created by ACR. That's nice.

I'm honestly more excited to drive the TL here, I've been wanting to drive one of these in AC for a while.

The TSX though is still great, I can see myself pinning this against the other normal car mods available.
Bentley Continental GT3 2015 ACC, Sprint and Endurance V1.0



The team:


— 3D car conversion
— added Sprint and Endurance car models
— added LODs
— added damage textures
— created wiper animation
— raindrops visible on internal windows
— added extension folder
— added ext_config.ini file per skin
— added LED_PANEL
— added SAS
— added wobbling safety net and antenna
— added SuperGT numberplate
— added RainFX code into car.ini
— added custom fonts

— scratch made by _FileMissing & _DestinyOvLight

— scratch made by _Fabr_123

— scratch made and converted from ACC by _enkay74

— by _Fanapryde & the whole team. Thanks to _Masscot for the VR testing.

Thank you all, guys :cheers:

** CSP 0.1.74 preview CustomEmissiveMulti issue **
With the latest CSP 0.1.74 preview, you won't be able to see [CustomEmissiveMulti] meshes emissive light.
In order to see the dashboard indicators and the secondary dashboard leds working correctly, just use the CSP 0.1.73, 0.1.73 preview (if you want RainFX working) or try a newer CSP build when available.

My cars are optimized for A3PP filter. Actual GT3 cars apparently use different colour emissive for brake lights in daytime and nighttime, which means there's a chance an heavy colour correction by a PPfilter may produce wrong colours compared to the ones I made — texture and CSP code — using a different PPfilter.

Download: Link
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I have spent today trying once again to import stuff from Gran Turismo 4 - as it's probably my most played game of all time, and the nostalgia googles are super powered... FINALLY i've got something to show for my research - I present to you, GT4 (gt PSP but shhhh) Tracks in blender


Amalfi Coast



Grand Canyon.



I feel like we need to make a AC:GT team to collaborate on porting all of these tracks to the game :D

Seems like this works with every track in the game, so the possibilities are any of these
WOW! I always wanted to drive Costa di Amalifi in AC!
Found this via an article at Jalopnik:

Soldat Raggio from Ridge Racer. Basically almost entirely scratch made (because the original 3D model isn't up to scratch), with performance as close as possible to the original car while making it believable for a sim. The author also manages to include a rocket start feature using KERS :crazy:

If twitter link doesn't show up, here's the DL:

They're trying to port a few more cars and even some RR tracks. Reading the readme, their discord is called "Trackside 765" but I can't find it via google. I know one of the members is a member on GTP who used to do lots of hybrid modding in GT2, but hasn't been active since 2018. If anyone is interested in helping them out, get in touch!

Oh Guys, it's easy! it all exports at the correct scale and everything.

Here's about 20% of El Capitan in Assetto Corsa. Added a normal map to the asphalt and that's it. Obviously some changes are needed like the trees etc... but it shows just how good Gran Turismo looked back in the day.

Here's a download link so you can try it yourselves in game.

Here's a video of it.

Here's some photos of it.

I guess the next step is to document the process so other can have a go at it?

If anybody is interested in picking a track and having a go at the conversion let me know, with a few people it'd only take a few weeks to get all of the GT originals in AC.


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Lets give it a go... Will require some guidance and tools I suppose... PM when your workflow procedures are ready - thanks.
Watkins Glen 1967 - reworked



  • physical mesh redone and fixed holes by doing this new mesh
  • new AI
  • complete renewed kn5 (reduced file size round about to 50%)
  • new cam facing people
  • new US flag
  • reworked s/f stand and marshal
  • ...
  • new cams
@TaistoTurri :
  • retoned trees skin
  • new horizon
  • grass fx
  • rain fx
  • fixed trees
  • smoothed visually some meshes
  • some minor other things ...
Thanks a lot for all other involved ones too (Filemissing, Flyingsaucer and all the helping ones on FM´s discord server) bringing this track to a better state. :cheers: 👍
Hope you enjoy it... :)

Edit: new update with fixed armcos:
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Watkins Glen 1967 - reworked

View attachment 1001038

View attachment 1001034

  • physical mesh redone and fixed holes by doing this new mesh
  • new AI
  • complete renewed kn5 (reduced file size round about to 50%)
  • new cam facing people
  • new US flag
  • reworked s/f stand and marshal
  • ...
  • new cams
@TaistoTurri :
  • retoned trees skin
  • new horizon
  • grass fx
  • rain fx
  • fixed trees
  • smoothed visually some meshes
  • some minor other things ...
Thanks a lot for all other involved ones too (Filemissing, Flyingsaucer and all the helping ones on FM´s discord server) bringing this track to a better state. :cheers: 👍
Hope you enjoy it... :)

Wow! Thanks so much for this!!!!!
Ripping content from GT4 PSP

Well it’s not technically ripping as it is more taking screengrabs and stitching them together, but hey ho. It’s the best (only) method I’ve found that actually works.

You will need JPCSP a java PSP emulator

A copy of GT PSP

Launch the emulator (I keep the controls window open too as it doesn’t detect my Xbox One Controller

View attachment 1001226

Go to time trial, select car, track etc.

View attachment 1001227

In the time trial you’ll need to take several scene exports and stitch them together

View attachment 1001228

I found using the third person camera behind the car is the best way, as it seems to capture more of the environment around you
Then in blender or whatever just open the obj files they will be saved in the JPCSP directory under ‘export’

View attachment 1001229

As you can see you won’t get the full track so you’ll need to take several scene exports then edit them into the track mesh.

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I'll give you all the hugs for Citta Di Aria :lol:
Haven't seen this one here yet, spotted it at Assettoland yesterday: Jaguar XK120S. I had no expectations so this was a pleasant surprise. All in all very nice mod, the model is beautiful, the car drives nicely and after ~100km haven't found anything to complain yet.

View attachment 1001279

What? No 72-spoke Borranis?

I tried it, wasn't bad, but these wheels don't really fit the car.
I'm using the race version (which most probably is the same base model) from Jaba/Velo:

What? No 72-spoke Borranis?

Ha, that was my thought too, it's not a 'real' XK120, but that's the modder's style so fair play.

Oh, cool didn´t know this. :boggled:
Will he release it for free or as paymod?
For sure, it will be better than this one, but nevertheless, never bad to have a choice... :D

It's a free one! Hope he won't mind me nicking some of his previews from RaceDepartment:



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