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  • Thread starter daan
I wonder how many 'likes' I should demand before sharing this :-

View attachment 1005227

Over 9000! comes to mind.​
Amazing job!
One thing (two things):
This is one of those anomalies where LOCK=360 is asynchronous, so in data\driver_3d change it to 250 to remove the butter from the driver's palms. Maybe he was having a pre-race wank to ease his nerves.


Also, no shifting animation? I'm sure some of your other cars have an animation for the gearstick tight in on the right, so maybe it could be copied in?
In case you guys wondering what about the upcoming Mandalika Circuit in Indonesia looks like, A content creator made this one and it rocks well for me to drive there!

Car: AVR-500R (by @natsuki )
Livery: I made it for personal use

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You can have the circuit by donating just a dollar or however you like ^^
Track is very well made with all the csp stuff including night lightning. Of course surrounding is fictional as now this is one big construction site. Still has trademarks envisioned for it like pink hill. The only thing it lacks is normal skin with real life sponsors.
mod with manual gearbox, what must be edited to have the sequential gearbox?
(unpack data.acd if the data folder doesn't exist)

look for:


change to


for paddles/sequential.

Repack data folder, delete remaining data folder.
Add an appropriate shifting animation to reflect the change.
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thank you I did as you said, but nothing happens remains in manual, I miss the animations, (mod Porsche 962 C (Chassis 004)), I can't use the manual gearbox in the game
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I wonder how many 'likes' I should demand before sharing this :-

View attachment 1005227

Over 9000! comes to mind.​
I posted here for the 'in' joke. I've already shared it, you know where or for those who don't, please check my signature.
Can’t wait to try it out, one of my favourite cars every and one I’ve drive in the real world a few times as well (well various Formula Fords).
Amazing job!...
This is one of those anomalies where LOCK=360 is asynchronous,....
Also, no shifting animation? I'm sure some of your other cars have an animation for the gearstick tight in on the right, so maybe it could be copied in?

The original was set at 200, I changed it as a matter of course but neglected to check it.
Took lots of hits and misses to find a driver that fit. More than one 'perfect fit' had the drivers feet sticking out!
I suspect it would take a LOT more trial and error to find a matching shifting animation.

No promises.
@GzeroD the real question now is when are you going to start on patreon and charge 50$ a month for support and read only messages?
i would suggest that you set 100$ a month to get light access to the library and about 250$ for full access..

just giving you credit for not falling into payed conversion hole like the rest of the "modders"
keep up the amazing work mate !
Also a heads up, the Oran Park Lidar version track on RD is imho, a bloody fantastic replica version of the real thing - used to go there as a youngster to watch the V8s and TC races, greet drivers/teams in the pit area, and being at awe seeing those racing cars up close - those were happier days.

Oran Park LiDAR | RaceDept

Currently in the process of updating it with the usual SFX features...
View attachment 1005251

If anyone else has not yet tried it yet, then give it a go... Perhaps even worthy of an online Hotlap week-event sometime down the road/track (no pun intended)...

Here's a YT video showcasing those additional WIP features...

WOW! that AVR500R!! What a great damn car to drive, I bought the "new" 2021 version from his website.
What are cars are available in AC in this category, i think I just found my groove.

The Lancer GT500 is similar, but more brutal/raw. Faster outright, but harder to drive. One of my favourites! (It does have a tendency to porpoise a little, but can mostly be dialled out.)

And I presume you’re tracking URD’s Shiro JT5?
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I wonder how many 'likes' I should demand before sharing this :-

View attachment 1005227

Over 9000! comes to mind.​
Thanks a lot ! 👍
This is an incredible fun car to drive (it even was in pCars).
Together with the Russel Alexis one of the very rare Formula cars I have installed... :D

One thing: the tyres are rather shiny, even after several laps. Something with the shaders ?
Otherwise, perfect work.
The Lancer GT500 is similar, but more brutal/raw. Faster outright, but harder to drive. One of my favourites! (It does have a tendency to porpoise a little, but can mostly be dialled out.)

And I presume you’re tracking URD’s Shiro JT5?
I have the SHiro, but, its pretty much the AVR right? And the AVR is better.

Got these lined up at the moment

The honda sounds like scalectrix cars ;) Lexus is a bit of fun and yes, that Lancer is wild.. ill dig into its setup later, currently I cant get it around a corner ;)
As I am banned from Racedepartment, I post this here.


Mid-Ohio (work in progress)
Other stuff coming, have fun!
I've was stuck in a wrangle over track skins on racedepartment. I'm only posting them on here now. Work of mine that was removed last year is being allowed by someone else now doing a worse job. I complained last week and they started having at go at me again. This community is far better than racedepartment.
If i could ask a question why do my rims shake like they want to fly off the tire only the wheel_LF seems to work without shaking.
Help on this would be appreciated.
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You need to make sure that the wheel dummies and all the wheel objects are set at the correct rotation angles, you might also need to apply the transformations to some of these as well. If the LF is working fine, copy the rotation angles from it and use them for the other wheels.

For the first time in years making engine swaps, I got an encrypted car. In showroom and on track.
The engine donor car was not encrypted. So why the heck this happened? What am I missing?


I usually downgrade the stupid 25000 hp engines to the car stock specs. At least I try.
As I am having some success, I would like to continue my 'mods'.

Anyone got this experience and know a fix for it?

If it was working before you changed the data then I would guess that the data.acd was encrypted and linked to the .KN5 so that it only works if the data.acd is unchanged. So presumably, nothing you can do other than use the car as it was released, rip the encrypted model/convert from scratch or stick it in the bin where encrypted cars belong.
I wonder how many 'likes' I should demand before sharing this :-

View attachment 1005227

Over 9000! comes to mind.​
Finally it's about time someone publically released a Formula Ford for free! I used to have a hatred for that open-wheeler when I drove its ToCA Race Driver 2/3 incarnation (which if looked closely, resembles a hodgepodge of different Van Diemen chassis from different years), due to having extreme FWD understeering and being very fragile on tire contact with another Formula Ford. But over the years I kind of missed driving it again since I now started to apprecciate it a lot for what it was.

Albeit this one seems to resemble more a Mygale than any Van Diemen instead to me after I researched it, I wonder where he got the model from...
If you're like me, and you have 1315 tracks - or even more - and you want to do a bit of spring cleaning, for that you need a test car.

And if you're like me, you might not have a wheel, and you might not be the best at sim racing. So you need that test car to be fast enough, yet docile.

I present to you the Metalex MTX1-06.


It's an old Czech formula type car, 4 speed, about 100 bhp, 420 kg, top speed of about 200 km/h (125 mph). Very neutral handling, not much understeer, not much oversteer either. And as a bonus, great visibility since it's an open cockpit.
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