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Encrypted aphidgod/A3DR's wrx? Noice š
the layout has changed but I can find no dark theme setting. May be a browser setting.Is it just me? The whole layout of the site has updated and changed to a dark theme overnight. I love it.
It's like that because there's more people that don't care about the quality of their mod than people that do care.Wow that list of bad is massive, had to check out the list of good modifiers, very short. Such an elitist attitude towards a hobby, which is suppose to be enjoyable. I don't get some people, smh
Apparently even this track can provide some great racing, to everyone's surprise xDTime for some Paul Ricard
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Its right at the bottom of the page:the layout has changed but I can find no dark theme setting. May be a browser setting.
the worst part is that GOOD modders like Chivas, AVR and also Legion are in there...Wow that list of bad is massive, had to check out the list of good modifiers, very short. Such an elitist attitude towards a hobby, which is suppose to be enjoyable. I don't get some people, smh
ahh....I tend not to scroll to the very bottom of the page
I found a version of this on racedepartment. I took the Huratach for a spin, as it wasn't dangerous enough you do this![]()
Ok guys, now the circuit is much more dangerous, and this has been simply because of the bush, looking at onboard cameras, I have seen that bush surrounds half of the track, THAT subtracts half the visibility, now in the curves it is not visible nothing, as it was in reality, now you have to be very careful when overtaking, you have to look for the safe zone, which in the end will be the main straight and little else, the feeling of narrowness of the track I have increased by pushing the large buildings to the fences, some balconies are placed above the track, that increases the feeling of a narrow track.
edit, if you always look for the safe area on this track you will be far behind compared to drivers who are looking for the ideal line, and that line is very VERY risky.
The ai is not very polished yet, but I promise that I will make it VERY difficult, it will not be easy to win a race on this track, either alone or online
Use the Source of the Nile Skins here: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/formula-hybrid-2021-f1-2021-community-skin-pack.41263/ then copy the file attatched (delete.txt first) to your C:\Users\yourpc\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager\Presets\Race Grids - Then select from race grid presets in content manager quick drive.Is there any way to use the exact driver skin names in CM? I mean, I have the 2021 Formula Hybrid with the 2021 skin pack but there always seems to be an odd driver name (not a current F1 driver) name thrown in. I have deleted all of the skins that come with the car.
Thank you for any help
Chivas quality really went downhill though. The last release they did had cars with near zero force feedback, SuperGT cars with hybrid prototype engine sounds and really bad handling. It was really a mixed bag of stuff. I asked about it and they said they do not use a wheel so the FFB was unknown to them. Not what I would call good modders at all. They have not fixed any of the issues and have not released anything in several months. AVR are decent but really have released the same car twice so not really enough to base a good/bad title to.the worst part is that GOOD modders like Chivas, AVR and also Legion are in there...
That version of racedepartment is probably mine haha because as far as I know no one else is working on this circuitI found a version of this on racedepartment. I took the Huratach for a spin, as it wasn't dangerous enough you do this š
Well, there is one currently under development šHope someone will make the new 911 Cup car and do a proper mod. The shortly released Porsche 911 GT3 2022 is already a great mod. Thanks!
Why is this list so big? Like is it a list of people he doesn't like? I see makers of mods I enjoy. Like RMI, Like Tyrone, Like AVR. And then people wonder why some projects never make it to AC. Because if you make one "bad" mod (No mod is bad, it's an art it's purely personal judgement) and you are stuck with that reputation because of a list like this.ha. We better let Krusty the Klown know he has to add Zinski's name to his terrible modders list (along side yours and mine, scroll down..).. appears if someone even touches a mod, everyone is guilty by association.
https://github.com/RustyChest/list-of-assetto-mods read thisWhy is this list so big? Like is it a list of people he doesn't like? I see makers of mods I enjoy. Like RMI, Like Tyrone, Like AVR. And then people wonder why some projects never make it to AC. Because if you make one "bad" mod (No mod is bad, it's an art it's purely personal judgement) and you are stuck with that reputation because of a list like this.
That looks better than what I posted. You must know what you are doing šCOMING SOON - TRACK UPDATE by CrisT86
Paul Ricard 2021 & Paul Ricard 2019 (v0.9.7 updated)
Sorry guys if i was away in the last days, but i got my first covid vaccine dose and i got fever for 2-3 days and a bit of pain basically everywhere, hair includeed šš
New EXT_CONFIG for Paul Ricard which works on the version by @marc_13000 @Blackcelica also on the 2019 version (which was an update of the v0.9.7 version available on RD). They will be 2 different ext_config because, even the tracks are the same, both requires small different fixes.
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Why is this list so big? Like is it a list of people he doesn't like? I see makers of mods I enjoy. Like RMI, Like Tyrone, Like AVR. And then people wonder why some projects never make it to AC. Because if you make one "bad" mod (No mod is bad, it's an art it's purely personal judgement) and you are stuck with that reputation because of a list like this.
Is not the first time i do this kind of stuff, so yeah, i know something, but not that much šThat looks better than what I posted. You must know what you are doing š
cant wait for release. I am just learning configs. At least I am attempting to. I just got AC set up using ambient light rather than sun angle so if it gets stormy during the day, the lights turn on.Is not the first time i do this kind of stuff, so yeah, i know something, but not that much š
Are you using Blender? If yes then what is not working and what tutorial are you using?Could anyone put the escort wheels onto the sierra for me?, i keep trying following tutorials, its not working...arggghhhhh.....
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They look like they have rubbish shader settings, probably KS ambient is set too low, but KS diffuse is set alright. What that means is that they will look okay under light, i.e. in game but not in certain previews. You can download these presets to fix the basic properties (albeit I can say from experience that they almost certainly need texture improvements), just drop them under Documents>Assetto Corsa>Editor>Materials LibraryView attachment 1061245
Help. Why do the SimDream 1984 cars show up very dark in the previews?? In game they are fine
The obvious problem with that list is that he groups all "bad mods" the same, no matter what they did "wrong".It's not really a list of people he doesn't like or has personal grudges. Now of course you don't have to stick with the good mods from his list but it does help for a complete beginner who I'm sure would be overwhelmed with the number of mods available in AC. It helps complete beginners to stay away from Sim Dream/RTM stuff and other paid not for worth stuff and set a standard that they may or may not want to retain.
Many mods are made with less than ideal textures, bloated KN5 files, and very high poly counts, this list helps to sort those out and keep it organized. Now obviously no one can stop you from using any of the bad mods and you're free to do so as many of us do, but this list helps one to get to know this sim better and refines their eyes to an extent.