Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
anyone got the values for a Satin metallic paint via ext_config? tried to work by modifying the metallic template but obviously it did not work
hi, does anyone know how to change the default "update previews" preset in CM? i have mine but everytime i need to search it from the presets list, and in options i can't load the one i want to use, thank you.
Immagine 2021-09-27 145607.png
hi, does anyone know how to change the default "update previews" preset in CM? i have mine but everytime i need to search it from the presets list, and in options i can't load the one i want to use, thank you.
Right click and choose OPTIONS. A window will open where you can cange at will. That setting will be saved for the next.
I you only want to change one preview per car, hit Ctrl+K, choose the skin and then you will only change that one. You can repeat for each skin you want.
If you want to save it, click save preset, name it and from then it's easy to locate.
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Right click and choose OPTIONS. A window will open where you can cange at will. That setting will be saved for the next.
I you only want to change one preview per car, hit Ctrl+K, choose the skin and then you will only change that one. You can repeat for each skin you want.
If you want to save it, click save preset, name it and from then it's easy to locate.
That update functionality is also available from the "Tools" menu, allowing for many, many (even ALL) cars to be updated in one shot.
Right clicking the skin livery icon in the car detail view, allows for updating just that skin.

Edit. Pardon. Should have replied to OP. My bad.
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thank you both for the help! there was a problem with the scaling factor of my desktop, when i set it back to 100% (before it was 250%) it didn't let me see the options panel for the scene, only the preview window so i couldn't change the settings, i guess it is a bug because when i use cm showroom the options panel comes out and it is scaled properly
Right click and choose OPTIONS. A window will open where you can cange at will. That setting will be saved for the next.
I you only want to change one preview per car, hit Ctrl+K, choose the skin and then you will only change that one. You can repeat for each skin you want.
If you want to save it, click save preset, name it and from then it's easy to locate.

That update functionality is also available from the "Tools" menu, allowing for many, many (even ALL) cars to be updated in one shot.
Right clicking the skin livery icon in the car detail view, allows for updating just that skin.

Edit. Pardon. Should have replied to OP. My bad.
Hello guys.

I love TCR 2019 pack from TOmmy78. the last relased car is really amazing. Some days ago he have updated entire carpack with some modifies and updates, even rain tires, etc.

I m looking for the simhub dash set for Lynk&Co car, seems that it s not available yet..

I hope he will resize the drivers soon as they are too small. I love watching replays so unproportioned drivers really bothers me :)
Had a look around for other cars of this same vintage and found this other Kadette by Momma Bongos (!) that seems to share the same base model, but this one is RHD so might be good in VR for UK, Australian, Japanese and South African drivers.

View attachment 1082994

Ta from a Saffer. This one however, is, in my rubbish hands, 18 sec slower around Nurburgring than the Guerilla mod. GM data shows 350 bhp (!) vs 222, their car is MUCH more alive, and the sound is glorious.
Paint/dirt/oil on the windscreen is... sad.
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Hello guys.

I love TCR 2019 pack from TOmmy78. the last relased car is really amazing. Some days ago he have updated entire carpack with some modifies and updates, even rain tires, etc.

I m looking for the simhub dash set for Lynk&Co car, seems that it s not available yet..

Oh nice !

I bought the WTCR 2018 and I pre-ordered the 2019, I have all the cars except the last one but in version 1.1
I did not receive anything by email for the update and for the LCO03 2019
Ta from a Saffer. This one however, is, in my rubbish hands, 18 sec slower around Nurburgring than the Guerilla mod. GM data shows 350 bhp (!) vs 222, their car is MUCH more alive, and the sound is glorious.
Paint/dirt/oil on the windscreen is... sad.
I'd have been very surprised if this one and the Guerilla mod DID lap the same around the 'Ring, they're completely different cars that just happen to be Kadette-based. Treat them independently without comparing them and you might find you can enjoy both.
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I hope he will resize the drivers soon as they are too small. I love watching replays so unproportioned drivers really bothers me :)
Yeah, it can be quite annoying, especially in VR.
Some modders seem to just scale any old driver until his hands separate to the width of the steering wheel, no matter how childlike this makes him look. There's almost always a much more appropriate steer.ksanim that can be subbed in to fit the car a lot better with only minor scaling/repositioning required. A lot of modders don't seem to care about this (or shifting animations) which seems to suggest they either play in chase cam or with the driver completely invisible.
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Hi, thanks for the reply, sorry I got caught up with work and forgot about this momentarily, the creator can run it fine and according to him, other 14 people have used it without issues, from all sorts of hardware setups... He has tried to pin it on performance from my PC, but I show him other/heavier tracks work just fine...

There is another paid version and a free version of the track however none of them is laserscanned. The creator of this mod did the scan himself. I'll look into the crash logs and work from there.
Ah, good to know about the scan. Yeah then it could be one of many reasons. If you cant find anything obvious in the log I would start by trying with another car, then deactivating all the apps and turning them back on one by one to see if its one of those causing issues, maybe turn off the csp modules...
You guys, who are buying unofficial WTCR packs, you do realise TCR Virtual will release an official TCR car pack for AC (for free) on Oct 18th, right?

You do realize this was only announced last week or so at the expo? I never bought tommy´s ac cars but heard good things about them, still it´s pretty cool we´re getting "official dlc" for ac in 2021
good! would someone by chance have the Buenos Aires version of ACF?
Oh nice !

I bought the WTCR 2018 and I pre-ordered the 2019, I have all the cars except the last one but in version 1.1
I did not receive anything by email for the update and for the LCO03 2019
Check your junk mail folder, my last email form Tommy78 was there. You can download all TCR 2019 cars updated to new version relased in sept.
Hey all,

Upgraded my PC, but was able to keep my Assetto Corsa intact as I added the same drive with all data to my new computer with same drive etc and Content Manager files kept under the users folder the same as well.

All is working great, reinstalled SOL & CSP just to be sure...but...I've one into one issue. I always use the compression tool in Content Manager, but it now fails near the end of the compression. CM generated a log file which I've attached. I can't make head nor tails out of it. Would anyone know what's wrong based on the log and how I can fix it?


Much appreciate any help:) Thanks in advance!


  • Main Log_210927_125008.txt
    196.5 KB · Views: 23
I see blinking objects/textures on nght sky. This is normal?

Normal, as in I have the same.
The palm trees lighting up and going dark again, moving spots on the buildings (some of them could be part of a laser show), the lights in the lighthouse don't work as they used to... most of this stuff shouldn't be happening.
@KevinK2 handed me a solution for the trees.

Unzip in the track folder and overwrite.
Apologies if this has been previoulsy released, but since the Long Beach race is coming up this weekend, I'll just put this out there.

Long Beach Terra 21 version optimized by norms:

View attachment 1082422

-Improved road mesh by @jk0011
-Optimizations and additions by @norms, @slider666, @Fanapryde, @Masscot, @Jimlloyd, @LiquidSkyMan, and @Treigne
-Lights by @leBluem

Couple of things I added:
-Rain and amateur Grass FX (added to loaded config)
-Reworked the ai (VRC and RSS Indy car, new LMP1 VRC prototypes, ASR 1991 mods, various GT3's tested at 100% strength and 80-100% aggression).
-Bumped up the grip over curbs via surfaces.ini
-Reworked VAO
-Background images

The track has been kicked around and worked on by many, so I have no idea if this is the most "up to date" version, and apologize if I screwed up any credits. The track does run reasonably well for me, compared to previous versions I have had, but there are still some issues (e.g. possible sticky walls).

If anyone wants to try and improve it, by all means do so, as it seems the track is no longer being worked on for various reasons. Please do not complain to me or any of the above for problems you find- maybe others in the community can come up with solutions.

Have fun, and look forward to any improvements the community may come up with.
Thanks to @macko68 for sharing a different tree.kn5 in his personal archive that seems to fix the weird tree issue. Also restructured the skins folder so user may pick default skin or "visual" cm skin. Original post has been updated.

t21 Long Beach nrms tree/skin folder update:

It would probably be a good idea to do a fresh install. As stated before no new work is being done on the track, so any requests for alterations fall on the community to fix/upgade.

edit: oops sorry tree fix ninja'd by @Fanapryde, sorry dude, I didn't think I would have time to post this today, but got off work early...
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Hi y'all, I hope y'all are well. I'm looking for a particular skin, the AF-Corsa-Waltrip Racing #61 for the Ferrari GT2. I had it on my desktop but I don't have access to that at the moment. If someone could link that folder to me that would be extremely wonderful, picture for what the scheme looks like. Thank you in advance!
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