Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
RainFx should actually be included in the
...\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded\ks_red_bull_ring.ini. But I copied it out for you.

PUDDLES_MATERIALS = asph?, whiteline?, curb?, green, bump, cnc_box, roads_ext, asdf, sewer, paint
SOAKING_MATERIALS = asph?, bump, cnc_box, wall, Stone, paint
SMOOTH_MATERIALS = grail?, distances, MB_Sprinter_2014, Metal?, metal?, Details, Glass?, glass?, Roof, drs, jersey, Windows?, Gazebo_Tent, Vehicles, tractor, barrier, stones, serraglio, Stone, box_Door, marshall_box, inflatable, TV_Stuff, wire2, Seats, fence?, teli, spons?, Fence?, Bull_Sculpt, sewer, Details_Transp
ROUGH_MATERIALS = grass, sand, brdrs, marshall, rumble_gr, stucco, top1?, concrete?, Buildings, Stairs, TOP, Wood
LINES_MATERIALS = whiteline?, curb?, grill, bump, rumble_gr, paint, green

STREAM_EDGE_... = 91.9284, 34.1635, -308.9108, 92.3841, 34.1631, -332.6439
STREAM_EDGE_... = 92.9426, 34.1641, -332.6279, 92.4870, 34.1637, -308.8976
STREAM_EDGE_... = 69.3698, 35.1647, -330.1205, 69.1673, 35.1647, -333.8263
STREAM_EDGE_... = 119.3652, 32.9350, -328.7874, 119.3823, 32.9347, -332.5004
STREAM_EDGE_... = -116.2482, 39.8621, -320.3075, -119.0338, 39.8621, -319.2830
STREAM_EDGE_... = -119.0338, 39.8621, -319.2830, -118.0162, 39.8571, -316.4997
STREAM_EDGE_... = -459.5115, 54.9147, -368.5966, -460.7901, 54.9127, -392.5173
STREAM_EDGE_... = -461.5614, 54.9188, -392.5002, -460.2415, 54.9123, -368.5891
STREAM_EDGE_... = -548.3964, 49.6814, -355.5503, -551.2946, 49.6100, -355.1861
STREAM_EDGE_... = -551.7495, 49.6296, -355.2216, -554.6702, 49.6151, -354.6852
STREAM_EDGE_... = -554.6702, 49.6151, -354.6852, -554.1280, 49.6328, -351.7375
STREAM_EDGE_... = -554.1280, 49.6328, -351.7375, -551.2227, 49.6368, -352.2681
STREAM_EDGE_... = -550.9347, 49.6025, -352.2076, -548.0526, 49.6629, -352.5697
STREAM_EDGE_... = -621.0424, 49.1879, -330.9734, -618.2438, 49.1940, -331.8479
STREAM_EDGE_... = -618.2438, 49.1940, -331.8479, -619.1077, 49.5046, -334.6281
STREAM_EDGE_... = -620.3701, 49.9581, -338.8836, -621.2262, 50.2564, -341.6365
STREAM_EDGE_... = -620.3701, 49.9581, -338.8836, -623.1591, 50.0516, -337.9615
STREAM_EDGE_... = -626.7015, 51.2897, -344.3806, -630.1088, 51.2960, -354.1476
STREAM_EDGE_... = -638.3447, 52.8865, -353.9970, -641.7783, 52.8863, -363.8398
STREAM_EDGE_... = -650.8507, 54.5739, -365.9194, -654.2825, 54.5761, -375.7571
STREAM_EDGE_... = -664.0030, 56.4780, -379.9921, -667.4171, 56.4702, -389.7787
STREAM_EDGE_... = -586.3677, 56.7800, -412.9044, -576.0062, 56.7543, -411.8484
STREAM_EDGE_... = 308.2228, 54.8638, -339.1123, 284.5135, 54.9441, -390.8073
STREAM_EDGE_... = 308.2228, 54.8638, -339.1123, 318.6032, 54.9764, -292.6107
STREAM_EDGE_... = 318.5098, 54.9388, -294.8908, 318.4750, 54.9215, -263.0343
STREAM_EDGE_... = 370.4933, 2.0251, 259.3711, 325.2214, -0.3928, 269.0045
STREAM_EDGE_... = 324.5781, -7.8577, 270.4210, 323.4141, -7.8596, 266.4052
STREAM_EDGE_... = 324.5781, -7.8577, 270.4210, 314.1996, -7.8594, 273.4366
STREAM_EDGE_... = 314.1996, -7.8594, 273.4366, 313.0328, -7.8612, 269.4218
STREAM_EDGE_... = 312.6926, -1.6222, 272.2361, 181.1260, -1.6298, 310.4542
STREAM_EDGE_... = 181.1326, -3.0316, 309.2428, 106.4082, -3.0285, 330.9522
STREAM_EDGE_... = 99.3775, 1.8050, 326.7153, 94.7596, 1.8168, 310.8324
STREAM_EDGE_... = 99.3775, 1.8050, 326.7153, 131.3298, 1.7992, 317.4315
STREAM_EDGE_... = 104.3342, -7.8518, 334.3999, 129.8057, -7.8496, 323.4921
STREAM_EDGE_... = 221.8486, -5.5631, 311.1166, 228.5139, -5.5716, 333.6183
STREAM_EDGE_... = 229.4379, -5.5761, 333.3492, 222.7654, -5.5734, 310.8235
STREAM_EDGE_... = 224.3270, -6.6729, 317.2029, 223.1231, -6.6729, 313.1510
STREAM_EDGE_... = 224.5860, -7.6907, 318.8304, 225.1695, -7.6907, 320.7950
STREAM_EDGE_... = 229.5600, -7.3710, 311.2166, 228.8264, -7.3715, 308.8317
STREAM_EDGE_... = 229.5600, -7.3710, 311.2166, 226.4906, -7.3726, 309.5499
STREAM_EDGE_... = 228.8264, -7.3715, 308.8317, 227.2242, -7.3749, 311.9352
STREAM_EDGE_... = 226.4906, -7.3726, 309.5499, 227.2242, -7.3749, 311.9352
STREAM_EDGE_... = 342.5909, -7.4190, 275.0121, 344.9236, -7.4193, 274.2914
STREAM_EDGE_... = 342.5909, -7.4190, 275.0121, 343.3257, -7.4180, 277.3950
STREAM_EDGE_... = 343.3257, -7.4180, 277.3950, 345.6592, -7.4194, 276.6771
STREAM_EDGE_... = 345.6592, -7.4194, 276.6771, 344.9236, -7.4193, 274.2914
STREAM_EDGE_... = 483.6137, 2.9836, 266.2995, 450.6146, 1.7121, 273.5323
STREAM_EDGE_... = 450.6146, 1.7121, 273.5323, 281.4958, 1.4930, 322.7261
STREAM_EDGE_... = 281.6934, 2.0224, 322.8702, 196.3897, 1.9995, 347.7977
STREAM_EDGE_... = 194.9136, 11.2984, 348.4727, 283.2855, 11.3055, 322.6129
STREAM_EDGE_... = 196.4689, 1.4959, 347.5919, 113.7335, 1.7049, 372.0382
STREAM_EDGE_... = 113.7335, 1.7049, 372.0382, 82.0624, 2.9573, 383.6947
STREAM_EDGE_... = 58.6562, -4.7326, 343.5546, 76.5671, -4.7235, 338.3179
STREAM_EDGE_... = 73.5121, -4.7490, 327.8870, 55.5993, -4.7409, 333.1246
STREAM_EDGE_... = 36.5018, -5.2756, 265.2781, 15.6825, -5.2967, 272.9527
STREAM_EDGE_... = -2.9704, -5.3245, 279.9347, 6.0038, -5.3431, 276.4942
STREAM_EDGE_... = 6.0209, -2.0161, 275.0128, 15.1508, -2.0221, 271.6541
STREAM_EDGE_... = -316.1977, 29.2768, -151.8417, -313.3529, 29.2731, -152.0944
STREAM_EDGE_... = -313.3529, 29.2731, -152.0944, -310.6518, 29.2723, -155.3212
STREAM_EDGE_... = -310.6518, 29.2723, -155.3212, -310.9036, 29.2715, -158.1749
STREAM_EDGE_... = -310.9036, 29.2715, -158.1749, -314.1323, 29.2720, -160.8789
STREAM_EDGE_... = -319.4323, 29.2735, -154.5408, -316.2092, 29.2714, -151.8427
STREAM_EDGE_... = -319.4323, 29.2735, -154.5408, -319.6885, 29.2712, -157.3952
STREAM_EDGE_... = -247.3611, 11.5044, 121.2813, -273.2802, 11.5044, 137.5335
STREAM_EDGE_... = -414.4158, 24.0173, -174.9347, -437.8510, 24.0173, -156.8014
STREAM_EDGE_... = -17.1818, 22.2897, -153.3509, -15.5547, 22.2948, -177.2182
STREAM_EDGE_... = -14.1743, 22.2824, -177.1579, -15.8031, 22.2823, -153.2668
STREAM_EDGE_... = 180.2200, 23.9596, -285.8544, 177.3831, 23.8555, -286.7865
STREAM_EDGE_... = 180.2200, 23.9596, -285.8544, 181.1460, 24.1909, -288.6960
STREAM_EDGE_... = 181.2747, 24.2220, -289.0913, 182.1976, 24.4532, -291.9258
STREAM_EDGE_... = 182.1976, 24.4532, -291.9258, 179.3501, 24.3517, -292.8635
STREAM_EDGE_... = 179.3501, 24.3517, -292.8635, 178.4249, 24.1188, -290.0229
STREAM_EDGE_... = 178.2974, 24.0850, -289.6311, 177.3748, 23.8593, -286.7982
STREAM_EDGE_... = -268.3162, 11.0984, 11.1621, -266.6499, 10.8385, 13.6029
STREAM_EDGE_... = -265.6798, 10.7477, 15.3743, -263.4665, 10.5960, 17.3051
STREAM_EDGE_... = -262.5082, 10.5070, 18.1413, -260.2802, 10.3516, 20.0850
STREAM_EDGE_... = -259.2799, 11.1308, 10.5520, -261.7021, 11.2514, 9.0268
STREAM_EDGE_... = -263.5934, 11.2759, 7.7195, -266.1187, 11.4785, 6.1360
STREAM_EDGE_... = 290.0264, 14.4444, -23.4422, 288.8245, 14.4444, -53.0220
STREAM_EDGE_... = -99.6591, 62.5082, -438.6105, -60.0986, 62.3744, -423.8980
STREAM_EDGE_... = 19.5923, 58.8461, -419.7303, 20.5867, 58.8259, -402.5303
STREAM_EDGE_... = 41.3639, 58.8167, -403.7061, 40.3659, 58.8083, -420.9680
STREAM_EDGE_... = 589.3438, 11.0006, -9.7407, 609.2405, 10.9876, -23.0604
STREAM_EDGE_... = 609.9508, 10.9901, 21.9934, 590.0551, 10.9895, 8.6743
STREAM_EDGE_... = 475.3867, -6.5182, 226.4279, 478.7934, -6.5258, 237.0387
STREAM_Point_... = -656.9894, 65.7674, -402.9987
STREAM_Point_... = 508.5551, 0.1891, 251.1815
STREAM_Point_... = 672.9969, 12.3551, 69.7524
STREAM_Point_... = -72.9108, 22.8523, -32.6490
STREAM_Point_... = -65.6875, 21.4491, -31.7000
thanks man !
Well about upgrading my PC, that won't happen until I won't decide on what GPU card to get to fit my need of making AC run smoother with very few drops and eventually reach the amount of money in order to buy it, alongside the other components which will surely include the top tier Ryzen 9 CPU to make my AC have better calculations like others have mentioned here, perhaps even either 32 or 64 GB RAM as well.

While as for my personal ambition, that all comes down to making AC bigger than it currently is now, by making it have new essential features which are currently missing so far such as rolling starts, customization system (in order to simplify the process of tuning cars using external programs and CSP to swap parts and modify data INIs and make it deeply bigger than any other game before it which had such feature), off-road physics with DirtFX and SnowFX (especially after fixing its horrendous but hilarious suspension bug), built-in livery editor like other racing games nowadays have, in-game showroom replacing the one from CM while still making it have all the features of the latter one in someway (heard somewhere years ago that Ilja is considering such thing hopefully) among others which I'm still thinking about currently. And even if AC2 might come up with some of these features I described once it's released by 2024, I still wouldn't buy it at day one at all, as I personally still deeply care for the first one inside my heart ever since the first time I played it in 2018 (I guess), ignoring ANY other racing game including Competizione and all its rivals, since this is the true dream driving game I was looking for since I was young as I always liked to imagine it, despite with all its flaws it currently suffers from.
OK, well... good luck with all of that I guess. The results should be interesting.
I'm still not sure whether you actually believe any of this yourself. Do you have much modding experience?
Naturally I would consider the latter of course, while also making sure to optimize all of my mods including reworks for most kinds of recent PCs with modern components, as who would ever wanna play AC with a PC having 8-10 years old components? Probably the niche who wants to enjoy it in full vanilla without any mods at all or retro gamers I suppose...

(BTW, the only thing which could never be easly optimized at all is HD space, since majority of mods nowadays are so huge in size, you would surely need more than 1 TB when it comes to endlessly collecting mods and consider reworking them all in better quality, as it'll end up making the game bigger than a current AAA title such as Warzone in terms of size lol)
I think GTX 780 was out in 2013, so yes utterly superceded now.
But a gtx 1060 will do just fine in AC or even 960 upwards.

Thing is so many conversions are from rfactor, AMS and even terrible stuff back to GT2.
There is only so much polishing of the turd you can do with grass fx and rain fx until you find it all over your hands...

AC looks great still, but getting a 3k system to play GT2 conversions is nuts.

The ryzen9 seems like a good idea to me if it is accompanied by a gpu according to its architecture, you need to accompany that processor with at least a 2060 rtx.

The 32gb of ram memory already seems too much to me, it is more important that the ram has good latencies than the amount of memory.

By the way, to occupy those 32gb of ram you need to have a lot of things open, and the point is that for a game to work as designed, at that time of playing it is HIGHLY recommended to have only the game open.

Now, if you tell me that you are a streamer, things change a lot, streaming consumes a ridiculous amount of resources ... for 1080p with good encoding.


I wish it were so lol, because in reality a lot of mods that are converted in AC are conversions from GPL to rF

And there are many converted tracks that only have grassfx and rain added, nothing more.

Well, everyone loses the time they want on their mods, because in the end modding is not complicated, it is investing time.
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OK, well... good luck with all of that I guess. The results should be interesting.
I'm still not sure whether you actually believe any of this yourself. Do you have much modding experience?
I kinda do, but not a whole much of it so far, I did some model conversion work in the past, knowing a thing or two from Kunos' pipeline, but I personally believe such bible from them is kind of semi-useless IMO as with all CSP features we got so far, I believe one should make a mod not just based on Kunos standards, but on the whole car itself in question making it closer to the real one as possible. I may learn more about all CSP shenanigans rather than only just basic stuff personally as I mainly focus on graphical parts of a mod such as textures and what not, but may not disregard a bit of INI and lua scripting work as well, as long as it doesn't involve physics at all since I suck at those big time lol. (Haven't you seen my Honda City Turbo II converted from a GTA V mod and the Nissan Skyline Super Silhouette from FM7 before?)

I will surely resume work as a modder once I'll upgrade my PC based on my choices for all the components I'll buy.
just enter your steam credentials and log in. this message is a standard legal disclaimer, not an error measage.

But: if you haven‘t registered before on you need to click the „new users register here“ link below the steam button.

Apart from that the mod „…will be available as a free download right here on RaceDepartment once the competition starts. The download will include all the cars and tracks you need to compete in the qualifying phase.“ (
Yes I know I already have a account but it is Steam who did not want to validate my registration via the website, now I am waiting to be able to register for the virtual championship to be able to download the TCR mod and the circuits

"at 19:embarrassed:O GMT, basically 21:00 Central European Time"
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The ryzen9 seems like a good idea to me if it is accompanied by a gpu according to its architecture, you need to accompany that processor with at least a 2060 rtx.

The 32gb of ram memory already seems too much to me, it is more important that the ram has good latencies than the amount of memory.

By the way, to occupy those 32gb of ram you need to have a lot of things open, and the point is that for a game to work as designed, at that time of playing it is HIGHLY recommended to have only the game open.

Now, if you tell me that you are a streamer, things change a lot, streaming consumes a ridiculous amount of resources ... for 1080p with good encoding.
Sometimes I do tend to multitask a bit, 32GB would be useful whenever I tend to not only have the game open, but other things as well such as the browser in order to chat with other modders (I have Opera GX one with built in Messenger, WhatsApp, Discord, VK and other socials as well as RAM and Network Limiter) and even 3D programs or CM itself whenever I'm trying to analyze a mod or model.
I kinda do, but not a whole much of it so far, I did some model conversion work in the past, knowing a thing or two from Kunos' pipeline, but I personally believe such bible from them is kind of semi-useless IMO as with all CSP features we got so far, I believe one should make a mod not just based on Kunos standards, but on the whole car itself in question making it closer to the real one as possible. I may learn more about all CSP shenanigans rather than only just basic stuff personally as I mainly focus on graphical parts of a mod such as textures and what not, but may not disregard a bit of INI and lua scripting work as well, as long as it doesn't involve physics at all since I suck at those big time lol. (Haven't you seen my Honda City Turbo II converted from a GTA V mod and the Nissan Skyline Super Silhouette from FM7 before?)

I will surely resume work as a modder once I'll upgrade my PC based on my choices for all the components I'll buy.
Calling the Kunos pipeline docs 'semi-useless' is certainly a unique perspective. Surely Kunos know the most appropriate and most efficient way to create content for their own sim? It's when modders deviate from the pipeline docs that problems seem to start.
Yes I know I already have a account but it is Steam who did not want to validate my registration via the website, now I am waiting to be able to register for the virtual championship to be able to download the TCR mod and the circuits

"at 19:embarrassed:O GMT, basically 21:00 Central European Time"
so at 7pm we can download the cars if we are registered ?
Yeah it's really weird, but At least we figured it out. Thanks for the help.

Do you mean being taken down here or on race department?
You will find few optimized mods because the optimization task in AC is very heavy and there is not much to do, the difference between optimizing and not doing it in the best of cases is a gain of 15fps depending on the conditions.
Optimization does make a big difference, more than 15 fps depending on the track and hardware of of course.

You just need to follow a few guidelines to optimize a track for ac: merge objects appropiately by material and visibility, minimum materials, proper use of physical meshes, atlas textures appropiately, LODs, don´t fill all the detail channels in your tarmac material with the same texture... there´s more but these are the most general ones I can think of.

Most modders don´t do this, maybe because their hardware allows them not to care as you said, or they never actually tested a track with ai to see performance tank, or maybe they dont know how to.
But honestly it is pretty simple to do and well worth it, even if time consuming.
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Sometimes I do tend to multitask a bit, 32GB would be useful whenever I tend to not only have the game open, but other things as well such as the browser in order to chat with other modders (I have Opera GX one with built in Messenger, WhatsApp, Discord, VK and other socials as well as RAM and Network Limiter) and even 3D programs or CM itself whenever I'm trying to analyze a mod or model.
I can't use 14gb of ram with the 3dmax open and a map loaded, plus the kseditor open as well and google crhome with several pages always open, + discord, steam etc ...

At the moment in which I test what I am working on, all that is open and the AC is working, and I tell you I can't use 14gb with all that open.

I still have that margin to spare so that the ram does not saturate, with 16gb saturating it would be around 90% of use and this pc has never left me behind for the ram, you see, but I think that that money spent on ram of leftover would be better spent on another component, such as a ssd
Regardless still a good mod, I just wish the guy who did the physics wasn't always so "optimistic" with how much performance the car is capable of.

Also on a side note the new Senna seems pretty good, I tend to prefer it with the front splitter at max AERO and the car is much more stable on turn-in and seems to behave closely to how I've heard a good track-prepped Senna should.
I mean I also thought Senna is optimistic...I think it took me 3 laps to go 7 sec faster than C&D's time around VIR Grand West, incidentally the gap is similar with the 918 Spyder(also similar gap car to car vs IRL too).

Optimization does make a big difference, more than 15 fps depending on the track and hardware of of course.

You just need to follow a few guidelines to optimize a track for ac: merge objects appropiately by material and visibility, minimum materials, proper use of physical meshes, atlas textures appropiately, LODs, don´t fill all the detail channels in your tarmac material with the same texture... there´s more but these are the most general ones I can think of.

Most modders don´t do this, maybe because their hardware allows them not to care as you said, or they never actually tested a track with ai to see performance tank, or maybe they dont know how to.
But honestly it is pretty simple to do and well worth it, even if time consuming.
I agree, but look, one thing happens, the vast majority of AC mods are conversions and (it seems) that basically everyone who makes tracks prefers quantity to quality.

In other cases it is very possible that they do not even know how to do optimization tasks and this in part I understand, because if your mod on your pc is going well you are not going to optimize it and thus you can spend your whole life as a modder without learning those tasks because 'you don't need them'.

Obviously a modder is not a company like codemaster, if he doesn't need to optimize he won't.

All those tasks you mention and others such as groupings of materials etc can be done as the scene progresses, but this is much more controlled when you are doing from scratch.

For example, the Monaco that I am doing would not be possible without the optimization tasks, it would be impossible, and where I have taken the longest is in optimizing my rip, the areas that I am doing from scratch, the whole forum, the beach etc, all that already goes optimized.

By this I mean that in a conversion it takes a lot more time to do optimization tasks than to convert and that's it.

Let's be honest, how long does it take to convert a map, if it's just renaming objects ...

As I said before it seems that the quantity is put before the quality, you rename objects tests, is it going well? well ... enough, XXX track release guys!
In the recent past i planned to work on Jacarepagua, but now, with the new conversion made by @mordido i stopped my work on it (was on a very early stage) and started my own on his track which lacks on ext_config side

This is the WIP at the moment:


It will be ready when... ready, hope for the weekend ;)

Optimization does make a big difference, more than 15 fps depending on the track and hardware of of course.

You just need to follow a few guidelines to optimize a track for ac: merge objects appropiately by material and visibility, minimum materials, proper use of physical meshes, atlas textures appropiately, LODs, don´t fill all the detail channels in your tarmac material with the same texture... there´s more but these are the most general ones I can think of.

Most modders don´t do this, maybe because their hardware allows them not to care as you said, or they never actually tested a track with ai to see performance tank, or maybe they dont know how to.
But honestly it is pretty simple to do and well worth it, even if time consuming.
I wonder how many modders even use AC as it was intended, to race stuff.
One thing getting track out there, but if they never race anything on it then they won't have a clue how it runs.
In the mean while people throw money at new GPU's when they don't really need to.

The reason Ilja optimises AC so much via CSP is that he knows how many systems are running 1060's and lower.
That is a market and to disregard them is foolish.
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.