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  • Thread starter daan
Does anyone know if this is ok to have running when using RSR live timing, or will you get a ban as your massing with the kunos files.

That's why I take a close look at every mod, it has to be real, no RTM, Ex-Mods, Renzo and FB, PedroBLR, Simdream garbage and no drift.
I have 1139 cars and i thought, i had a problem, but 4k and 8k cars omfg...
Don't know how they do it. Binned 1500 cars a couple of days ago and I still have 1300+. And the purge isn't quite fully finished lol.
can anyone help. ive decided to work on some gt cars from 2000-2010 which will be released after i release the 90's pack.

ive started on the carrera gt race car. its nearly ready for skinning but the rpm needle moves whenever i load the car in 3dsimmed. can anyone help me move it back or better yet give some advice/help on putting a lcd panel/motec in there.

thanks in advance


Okay, I have a problem. I don't wanna talk about it.

View attachment 1098614

Don't know how they do it. Binned 1500 cars a couple of days ago and I still have 1300+. And the purge isn't quite fully finished lol.
I must be very picky 🤔
During all these years my car count is (compared to some quantities I see around here) still relatively limited:
(Having no street cars may have helped)


OK, I have some 500 more in storage, just because I wanted to have them and once in a while I install a couple to drive a few laps before returning them to their usual location...
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I must be very picky 🤔
During all these years my car count is (compared to some quantities I see around here) still relatively limited:
(Having no street cars may have helped)

View attachment 1098634

OK, I have some 500 more in storage, just because I wanted to have them and once in a while I install a couple to drive a few laps before returning them to their usual location...
Well with your 500 in storage I'm close to your sum, and I'm not doing street cars either...just a few to populate Shutoko.
Do you still have the kadett gte? I've downloaded that one after reading about your interest in it. :D
Anyway I sense that being close to 950 (race) cars in four months of AC qualifies me for my little room in Arkham.

Oh, knowing the amount of skins could be fun too. :eek:
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Well with your 500 in storage I'm close to your sum, and I'm not doing street cars either...just a few to populate Shutoko.
Do you still have the kadett gte? I've downloaded that one after reading about your interest in it. :D
I sure do 🙂


Is there a new Abu Dhabi new layout out already?
I saw a video yesterday where the new layout was used, but as it seems it is not publicly available.

Edit: found the vid again:

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Well with your 500 in storage I'm close to your sum, and I'm not doing street cars either...just a few to populate Shutoko.
Do you still have the kadett gte? I've downloaded that one after reading about your interest in it. :D
Anyway I sense that being close to 950 (race) cars in four months of AC qualifies me for my little room in Arkham.

Oh, knowing the amount of skins could be fun too. :eek:
Speaking of car Collections. My is not that big either (about 450)

While i am only playing Custom championship mode i only take cars which compete with others.

I have BOPed some but its not working Fine every time. So i often just miss some great exemplars:(
Hello all.

Is there a new Abu Dhabi new layout out already?

Race department had some kind of extension posted today for some Euro racers version that at least had one of the new turns, not sure exactly how to find the track though.
Can someone please re-up the Zwiss version of Autopolis? Link in Breathe list is down and I need it for my SuperGT fix :D
Speaking of car Collections. My is not that big either (about 450)

While i am only playing Custom championship mode i only take cars which compete with others.

I have BOPed some but its not working Fine every time. So i often just miss some great exemplars:(
yeah, I probably got enough cars-tracks-skins to rebuild more or less 60 championships seasons and BOPping is obviously a huge concern.
It is for the developers/modders too, I realize.

My biggest luck is not having to deal with Formula cars (I'm not that gud yet) and, for other reasons, Rally and RX content.
Just a quick info update re the EuroRacers track for Abu Dhabi v1

I am not affiliated to the track but thought this may prove useful if downloading
  • The track is still a WIP and is used on EuroRacers servers for hotlapping only rather than racing
  • Turn 5 is now a hairpin but the AI (if in race mode) will attempt to use the Chicane and dogpile due to the AI data being the original
  • There are no lights for dusk/nightime racing as of yet

All lights/AI will be amended in V2 according to a RD post

For now just be aware that its only okay for practice/hotlaps

This is my championship version based on the ACU original plus other amendments which has the original layout but includes Lights etc for racing and can be used on its own :

EDIT 1750 hrs 10/12/21
Subtle change to trackside sponsor on Abu Dhabi Track

I've switched out Workday for F1 TV and the Hybrid message (Hotel Underpass) based on todays Practice sessions



Hope that helps
It's on their discord (EuroRacers)

Thanks, was able to find shortly after my last post.

I couldn`t find on the discord. Could you pls upload? Thanks

The track is on my listing - line 1390
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ACTK Lancia Stratos Gr4 v1.3
Update shaders
Update LOD
Add Shaking Exhaust
Add Brakedisc FX
Add Fake shadows FX
Add Tyres FX

Could somebody please check if this car still works ? It certainly has in the past but it's been a while since I last used it and now I get a race cancelled. I re-downloaded / fresh installed: same result.
I tried switching on/off extended physics, other dice...
When watching the load progression text, it seems to 'hang' when loading audio 🤔
- errors text mentions:
"""""INIReader: content/cars/ap_new_stratos_gt/data/analog_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [RPM_INDICATOR] OBJECT_NAME_MAX"""""

Adding that with CSP 0.1.75 the car works again.
I was on 0.1.76 p136 and there the car fails.


  • log.txt
    53.2 KB · Views: 18
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Could somebody please check if this car still works ? It certainly has in the past but it's been a while since I last used it and now I get a race cancelled. I re-downloaded / fresh installed: same result.
I tried switching on/off extended physics, other dice...
When watching the load progression text, it seems to 'hang' when loading audio 🤔
- errors text mentions:
"""""INIReader: content/cars/ap_new_stratos_gt/data/analog_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [RPM_INDICATOR] OBJECT_NAME_MAX"""""
it wont load for me either, no hint of whats wrong just get race cancelled.
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