Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi friends, Does anyone know how to solve the problem of AI cars not dropping? After the green light, you only hear high acceleration and the wheels turning to the left, but they don't go...thanks

Mod buggy Even changing the AI.ini, it is not allowed to compress in data.acd, a pity. It is only possible to drive it, without choosing this car as an opponent on the grid
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I was going to have a great week end, now, thank you to the team that produce this gem, I am going to have an even better week end.

Sad day for RF2, one less reason to ever bother launching it.

View attachment 1100015
Oh yea - basically the laser-scanned Monaco is the only reason I still have it on. (And there's a great new-ish version of East London for rF2 as well that I've not seen on AC. But that's not a "big" track.)

For Sebring, I've driven it a lot in rF2 - and so I'm not surprised by the bumps or how tough it is. (I am a bit surprised by how much others are surprised who got used to the two old AC versions - I knew they were not fully accurate, I haven't driven them, but I didn't know they were so much off that people are surprised by how this new version is!)

The track itself is as awesome as I remembered from rF2 - it's an excellent port, loving to lap it now.

Thank you, team!
Do they disappear when you turn the camera to the back side? if so maybe the normals for the gills are only showing front you can try to clone the grills as a second object and flip the normals. That should fix it.
yes they disappear when i turn the camera round. the normal im using is flat so not sure how to clone and reverse. any chance you could take a quick look?
Grass is green here. Maybe something with the WeatherFX 'use seasonal adjustments' / specific date / PP filter ?
Thanks for the feedback. Going to have to check a few things. It's not that the grass isn't green. It just doesn't seem as green as most other tracks. Like I said, it has a brownish tint almost like summer grass that's starting to burn out. No biggie and in no way detracts from driving the track. It was just something that caught my eye right away. Unfortunately, being an amateur photographer all my life, my eye picks up on subtle differences in light and color more than I wish it did sometimes. It's good for picture taking, but terrible for gaming because I can never just enjoy what i'm doing.
Hi friends, Does anyone know how to solve the problem of AI cars not dropping? After the green light, you only hear high acceleration and the wheels turning to the left, but they don't go...thanks View attachment 1100037
The limiter in engine.ini is set lower than UP shift in ai.ini. So the AI is not able to upshift to first gear. Just lower the value in ai.ini below the limiter setting. Of course this only works when the car is not encryted.
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DiRT - U.K Special Stage (RoC) v1.0

View attachment 1099950View attachment 1099951View attachment 1099952

  • 2 pit/grid R.O.C style head-to-head challenge
  • Competitive AI
  • mixed hard dirt/gravel surface
  • CSP features rain, grass, etc.

  • Original modeling by @Codemasters
  • Conversion by @RMi_wood
  • Optimization, Camera, VAO, shader extras by @shi

Nice track - I had an issue loading the track with CSP 0.1.75-preview1, seemingly associated with camera_facing.ini. I tried messing around in the file (some of the / were \) but that didn't fix it. Changed the filename from camera_facing.ini to camera_facing.orig just to disable the file, and the track loads fine.
here is the other thing I was talking about, extended physical control, this is an example :D

I would be more interested to see the live weather plugin being worked and integrated fully instead of. But it seems even Ilja does not have a clue because otherwise you would have brought some workaround wouldn´t you?
I would be more interested to see the live weather plugin being worked and integrated fully instead of. But it seems even Ilja does not have a clue because otherwise you would have brought some workaround wouldn´t you?
I have sent him a return for this, I am waiting for his answer
Just wondering if anyone has a set of working cameras for Balcarce? If so, thanks in advance. 😉

EDIT: I think I'm sorted. Thanks all the same.
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Could somebody please check if this car still works ? It certainly has in the past but it's been a while since I last used it and now I get a race cancelled. I re-downloaded / fresh installed: same result.
I tried switching on/off extended physics, other dice...
When watching the load progression text, it seems to 'hang' when loading audio 🤔
- errors text mentions:
"""""INIReader: content/cars/ap_new_stratos_gt/data/analog_instruments.ini > KEY_NOT_FOUND: [RPM_INDICATOR] OBJECT_NAME_MAX"""""

Adding that with CSP 0.1.75 the car works again.
I was on 0.1.76 p136 and there the car fails.
ilja has fixed the problem and works fine on the new test version now
I'm a bit curious about what exactly caused this issue, did he mention it ?
I found the problem and sent him the car, it comes from a csp bug with car_DOOR_L.ksanim

2 other bugs have also been corrected on the radar and the shadows which arrived from time to time depending on the car and the track



ilja is currently working hard to correct everything before releasing a new version
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I remember someone posted a link with a huge amount of gt sport's cars (3d models). Is it still avaible? I can't find that post anymore 😨
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Good morning!
How can I change the position of this camera? I would like to decrease the height of the view but I don't know how.
I tried camera.ini, in game editor camera, nothing of nothing.
For this car but in general.
Thanks in advance.

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Good morning!
How can I change the position of this camera? I would like to decrease the height of the view but I don't know how.
I tried camera.ini, in game editor camera, nothing of nothing.
For this car but in general.
Thanks in advice.

View attachment 1100103
there is an app in the developer settings and you can do that easily in it, but in order to see it you have to activate it throu cm; it's Editor Camera
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rt_sebring...from reboot team I guess. I can´t see the track to download on Trained Monkey Modding...Im missing a reboot team page? can someone point to me where to go? Thanks in advance.
rt_sebring...from reboot team I guess. I can´t see the track to download on Trained Monkey Modding...Im missing a reboot team page? can someone point to me where to go? Thanks in advance.

Original post two pages back
Hi to all
I have a problem with content manager for the first time..
i hope someone can help me

i have the full version from years but today happens a message with: VERSION MISMATCH ...
and if i push cancel ... race was cancelled
and if i push ok (to reset config) .. it try to start assetto corsa in the original way without content manager.

What i have to do?
i love this game and the great effort for content manager.
I don't want to loose something or reinstall all

PS i have assetto corsa original (paid) and content manager (paid)
PPS I have made a copy of the folder assetto corsa (config replays ectc) in document if is neessary

Thanks a lot
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