Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Thanks mate!
I don't have CSP, Sol, dynamic lights, etc... can't test in game, but I see the screenshots - greetings! :-)
If you can, you should switch to CM and CSP at least (both free, even with a small donation you can have the full version of CM) ;)
Anyway the update needs a fix, so maybe if you have a bit of time (i know you want move on something else) we can fix the only problem the track have, so we have a fully finished track to enjoy on both sides ;)
You say that they can't do anything, but remember that SimDream were responsible for closing down the old F1 Classics forum.

I'd hate to see this forum disappear too.
OK, well i'm not the one reworking RTM's or simdreams stuff so nothing i can do to stop that.
Just saying they get all the stick.
I think they fit perfectly in with the current modding scene.
OK, well i'm not the one reworking RTM's or simdreams stuff so nothing i can do to stop that.
Just saying they get all the stick.
I think they fit perfectly in with the current modding scene.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't having a go at you.
But the attitude that groups like SimDream, RTM etc are powerless is incorrect (whether you agree with their methods or not), as @Masscot , @Fanapryde , @Zwiss and anyone else that was on the old F1 Classics forum can attest.
I think it's absurd ********, until a month ago it was possible to access his work freely, now it's by invitation only, another stupid person who thinks he's a god and has sold himself for money....
I see it as an invite only nothing about $

Anyway, it is his to choose what he does, right?
You should probably delete all of his mods since his choice has brought you to such a triggered state.
I think it's absurd ********, until a month ago it was possible to access his work freely, now it's by invitation only, another stupid person who thinks he's a god and has sold himself for money....
Are you saying that Legion is now offering mods as payware or patreon?
I think it's absurd ********, until a month ago it was possible to access his work freely, now it's by invitation only, another stupid person who thinks he's a god and has sold himself for money....
Jesus calm down. Legion is a great guy. Invites happened previously and turned out to be an error on his side. He promptly corrected.It can be the same now. If not he surely had good reasons behind it.
Dear God, calm down people. What is happening to the world. An old guy wanted to fight me in te supermarket today, now this. We don't know what's going on with Legion's blog. And even if he did decide to go invite only, I'm sure he has his reasons. It's his blog and can do whatever he wants. We don't know the reasons behind his decision. Just calm down.
Has anyone lost the function of windshield wiper mappings lately? Wiper functions still happen for me but all of a sudden they are automatic. Is there a setting I may have changed unknowingly?
Legion/ @GzeroD has always contributed a lot to this community and this forum. For the very reasons he shares his work, it would be absurd to think he is doing something now to collect money.

It's either a temporary error or mistake (most likely), or something serious has happened outside of his control that's caused him to limit access to the blog.
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Forgot to take you meds this morning?
With all that Legion did for us trough all this years, that is the comment you come up with, really?
Shame on you.

Dear God, calm down people. What is happening to the world. An old guy wanted to fight me in te supermarket today, now this. We don't know what's going on with Legion's blog. And even if he did decide to go invite only, I'm sure he has his reasons. It's his blog and can do whatever he wants. We don't know the reasons behind his decision. Just calm down.

Legion/ @GzeroD has always contributed a lot to this community and this forum. For the very reasons he shares his work, it would be absurd to think he is doing something now to collect money.

It's either a temporary error or mistake (most likely), or something serious has happened outside of his control that's caused him to limit access to the blog.
All of these are the correct response. Level of outrage is comical.
Good Morning...

Anyone would have the link to this car, if it exists, of course... Strong hug

Toyota Corolla Stock Car Brazil

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Did you get the 037? Since that raced in GT1, JGTC 1994 ;) And you're welcome for finding the link for yah. It's also pretty nice to see some Fictional GT1s about and Unraced GT1s - Looking at you ferrari. Only GT1 Missing from what i've seen: F40 GTE and i believe it's the Mirage??? and not sure on any more.
yeah since you posted that link its escalated.

i got an 037 that i may include. its on the backburner at the minute. hard decision as with some other cars is do you use real world figures or try to balance them a bit more. the 037 without bop is basically grid filler.

to be fair all the cars are technically real. theres a few that were made but regulation changes stopped them from racing as you know. i guess the only truly contentious one is the f150, which does physically exist (and is an excuse to have a use for the fxx)

theres an f40 in my post. im pretty sure its a gte .

i could have a go at a mirage but its so similar to the lambos already included not sure if its worth the time. also another forum member was gonna send me his countach gt1 to finish off. ill have to take a look at how many cars in total as it may rise to around 30.

i was on the lookout for a decent db7 model if anyone has one.
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I watched the GT1 back in those days and thanks for bumping the links to Legions CLK LM. Love those cars.
I have the Maisto CLK GTR and CLK LM on my shelf.

Thanks to everyone bringing them to AC.
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You're supposed to subdiv every "_T" named mesh, the meshes that use dynamic tassellation in game. As I said it depends on the model itself, showing me one won't change the fact that it's how you're supposed to convert GTS model.

There is no game using 2 millions poly models... Do you know how dynamic tassellation work?

Forza is a great example lmao, they make interiors out of literal boxes with zero bevels, of course they won't ever reach high poly numbers.

I don't know where the insanity is, it's literally how you're supposed to work with them, if a GTS model has no "_T" meshes then you have nothing to smooth, if it has many of them and many rounded shapes, to get the same result you get in GTS you may even need to 2x subdiv or manually add loops where needed. Don't believe me if you don't want to, I don't care, just check GTS models in GTS and check what you get ripped from it
you can tell the stories you want , AC is not using that technology , so telling people to smooth their car until they reach 2 Millions polygons because you think it is better quality when in real it is not because it is not controlled , is a misstake and makes the car unusable in assetto ! ( with decent FPS )

Make some close up on this alpine and you still see poly edges by the way ;) that shows that your lovely turbosmooth is not the way to go
you can tell the stories you want , AC is not using that technology , so telling people to smooth their car until they reach 2 Millions polygons because you think it is better quality when in real it is not because it is not controlled , is a misstake and makes the car unusable in assetto ! ( with decent FPS )

Make some close up on this alpine and you still see poly edges by the way ;) that shows that your lovely turbosmooth is not the way to go
You really have no idea what you're talking about, have you?

Feel free to check _T meshes on any car and tell me you would keep them as they are

Keep winking and ignoring how it works, I'm not here educating you :)

How _T meshes look by default (quadded and also called pre-smooth, rings a bell, doesn't it?)

How it looks once smoothed 1x:

How it looks in game while you are close (it correspond to a 2x subdiv)

Interesting to see how _T meshes smooth perfectly as if their topology was meant to be subdivided :)

It's almost like what GTS engine does with Tassellation is subdiv the model the more you get closer to it an make it unsmoothed for the distance instead of using lods

I don't need to tell any tales, that's how it is

;) ;)

And while ending up with a 2x subdiv for AC is definitely a mistake, a 1x subdiv on _T meshes is needed. With 1x subdiv only some cars can already reach 7-800k tris. If yu want to make some meshes even more detailed on the 1x mesh (like the round lights on the GT rear in the pic) you have an alternative to subdividing once more which is manually adding detail only where it's needed.

So even if 2x is a mistake and 2 million polys are too many, the only way to deal with the tessellation meshes is through 1 iteration of subdiv because that's what they're meant for in GTS even if in that case it's a dynamic subdivision between 0-2x
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You really have no idea what you're talking about, have you?
Wink how much you want, that's how it's done

Feel free to check _T meshes on any car and tell me you would keep them as they are

Keep winking and ignoring how it works, I'm not here educating you :)

How _T meshes look by default (quadded and also called pre-smooth, rings a bell, doesn't it?)

How it looks once smoothed 1x:

How it looks in game while you are close (it correspond to a 2x subdiv)

Interesting to see how _T meshes smooth perfectly as if their topology was meant to be subdivided :)
Very intersting
It's almost like what GTS engine does with Tassellation is subdiv the model the more you get closer to it an make it unsmoothed for the distance instead of using lods

I don't need to tell any tales, that's how it is

;) ;)
you didnot read my message or ?

I said this technology is not in AC ...
So importing a car with sub lvl 2 or what ever you want is not the way to go !
In that case if you want to make it optimized for AC and not GTS take your quad meshe and add manually the roundness desired on corners who needed !

thank you for showing this stuff but as said again previously , it is wrong to import then this kind of a car to a system who doesnot use this adaptive tesselation ...
you didnot read my message or ?

I said this technology is not in AC ...
So importing a car with sub lvl 2 or what ever you want is not the way to go !
In that case if you want to make it optimized for AC and not GTS take your quad meshe and add manually the roundness desired on corners who needed !

thank you for showing this stuff but as said again previously , it is wrong to import then this kind of a car to a system who doesnot use this adaptive tesselation ...
Why is it wrong? you can just do it properly without reaching millions of polygons. I agree with you on the 2x subdiv but 1x is still manageable by AC on most systems. I wouldn't call it wrong, I would say that just 2x everything isn't the way to go for sure.

I also reckon I sounded way too rude on my previous answer in response to the telling tales thing and I'm sorry about that.
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Why is it wrong? you can just do it properly without reaching millions of polygons. I agree with you on the 2x subdiv but 1x is still manageable by AC on most systems. I wouldn't call it wrong, I would say that just 2x everything isn't the way to go for sure
that s exactly the pb there yes :)

With subdiv 1 it is ok but you will be just about 400 -500 k m not a million , and that by not using it on everyparts ,
if the guy will do sub 2 on every parts of car . even brake calipers , you end up with 1-2 miliions polys and then sadly it start to be usuable to race , maybe doing screenshots at best :s

I wish in futur we don t need to have lods and all those stuff to optimize and it is fully calculated by the game engine , but it is gonna be in 10 -15 years i think :s
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