Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
hey @benbaron
I noticed that the Mustang Gt4 has few subtle nuisances in the LODs.
There's some weird change of reflection on the chassis (very visible on the roof) and one of the sidemirrors' meshes starts flying, higher than it should be.

Is there hope for a quickie graphic fix? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Fixed, I missed the LODs update.
there was a fix for the lods

from 28-02

We are reworking all gt2's at the moment with subtile visuals and complete new physiks for all the cars ,

for the gt4's i might upgrade visually yea , later when i have a bit more time ^^ lot of problems with too much reflection on cars etc ^^ i know and it will get much better

Wow! Legion's virtual 917LH is at least as treacherous as the original 917LH. It's particularly unpredictable under braking. Unlike most race cars, it suffers mightily from St. Vitus' dance with any amount of negative toe. Anybody wants to try my setup, PM me.
Because of my ****** pedals set I prefere to drive with abs on (if not, it's just lock or nothing), so unfortunatly I cannot really feel the worse of it, but i'll still take that ! I'm a setup noob...

@MrLonguinha17 with just 3 pages, the forgotten "cursed crew" will be on 3 differents cars ! :gtpflag:
Might be late to the party but has anyone seen this and have a link to purchase/download. Thanks
According to YouTube description

If you have enquiries about the use of the video, or if you are a professional wanting to use the circuit, please use the contact forms at
"The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience."

there was a fix for the lods

from 28-02

We are reworking all gt2's at the moment with subtile visuals and complete new physiks for all the cars ,

for the gt4's i might upgrade visually yea , later when i have a bit more time ^^ lot of problems with too much reflection on cars etc ^^ i know and it will get much better

View attachment 1132039
Cool, I somehow missed the Mustang update.

Can't wait to see how the gt2 package (and IRL championships) evolves...the physics update will probably be a shock as I'm getting pretty used to few of 'em already.
But who cares, happy to get my hands dirty. Keep it up. :)
Sandevoerde Test 2

-- Reworked the grassfx a little. Will now grow and get cut over time.
-- Reworked the grass texture look. I re-watched the race video Rodger Davies posted and noticed the grass on the outskirts of the track was greener than around the track. I had it backwards. Still wish I could go browner on the grass, but can't do it because fall gets weird looking so I have to leave it at about this amount.
-- Darkened the trackside bushes a bit, again after watching the video. You can make them even darker by activating the Vegetation skin.
-- Separated the skins into 3 folders for now so it's easier to test. Make sure to delete the old skin folders. They are pretty self-explanatory what they are. I'm interested in opinions of the grass skin. Without it the grass is slightly greener and is probably fine, but i'm curious if people like the little hint of extra brown mix.
-- Still has a no snow version of the ext_config for winter if you prefer that look. Just need to change the file name.

acs 2022-04-01 07-48-46.jpg
cheers id say a week or two.

  1. I'm half way through rebuilding the dials
  2. Then got to redo the dial faces as they were low resolution and a weird grey colour
  3. Rebuild steering wheel as its weirdly shaped and has bad textures
  4. Redoall the shaders
  5. Edit various textures/normals as some were in jpg format
  6. Bake internal and external AO
whilst resisting the urge to start another car
Something something Renault Spider something when something..?
Dauer 962 Road Car

The car might not be 100% accurate but i think its close enough...
1/4/2022 : hotfix for the handbrake not working
I can finally get back working on my Tamora....
View attachment 1131954

good job!
it drives very well and the rough edges on the interior 3d can soon be overlooked when enjoying this thing on track ... :)
Only thing I would love to see fixed (aside from a better looking interior) is the left rearview mirror position.
As it is now , one can't see it at all (its blocked entirely by the front pillar). It could be placed more to the front of the car maybe?
cheers and thanks for sharing!
hi guys,

i was impressed with this S3 version of a CR-X that i received today via CM update...
In case you don't have it , I thought i'd post here , as this new S3 version is a 5 star in my book (immersion, handling, sense of speed...)

I couldn't find the v2.1 online, but here you can get v2.0 (and then you'll be able to get the v2.1 update via CM):

If that should fail, I uploaded the S3 seperatly (unmodified) and you can download it here:

I was expecting something different, tbh. If it looks like a prius and it drives like a prius, it probably is a prius... Can you check your link again? Apart from that there are a lot of unnecessary files in the archive.

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My favorite speed demon trio...
Anyways any link outages for my Dauer should be fixed.


good job!
it drives very well and the rough edges on the interior 3d can soon be overlooked when enjoying this thing on track ... :)
Only thing I would love to see fixed (aside from a better looking interior) is the left rearview mirror position.
As it is now , one can't see it at all (its blocked entirely by the front pillar). It could be placed more to the front of the car maybe?
cheers and thanks for sharing!
Will take this into consideration thanks!
For those trying the Sande Test 2, plop these two new ext_config files into the extension folder. Discovered there is a sand dune grass material I missed before. I figured dune grass would be a little browner so I did a small adjustment. Sorry for the hassle. I have a feeling this is going to be final because I can't think of anything else I could do better unless I hear otherwise from someone who is testing it. Should go up on RD in the near future.

EDIT: I just learned something I never knew about texture mapping (probably common knowledge to most of you). Turns out I can get a little more brown in the grass when the material is mapped with multiple grass textures. I just need to make one of them browner and you get a nice brown\green mix. Now i'm going to have to go back and rethink how I setup the grass skin to get what i've been trying to achieve all along. Some dark green, some light brown grass like in Rodgers race video. Looks like there will be one more test version down the road.

acs 2022-04-01 10-48-50.jpg


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Do they leave in practice? Because the most common problem with AI not leaving pits is the "" is wrong
Yeah works fine at silverstone, all cars leave pits.

No worries. The track is the wonderfully named, autodroma di franciacorta.

Its rough as so I'm currently fiddling with is and adding bits like better trees, grass, lights etc, absolutely love the layout of the track.

Just tried a full race weekend and no ball.

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