Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
There actually appears to be a bunch of their pay tracks on sale for free right now, so grab what you can. They range in quality from terrible to somewhat decent for the most part.
Any suggestions for the ones that are 'somewhat decent'? I've wasted so much time downloading, testing and deleting SimTraxx stuff in the past, it'd be great to only bother testing the rated ones.
Ignore any rally/hill climb tracks are those aren't my thing.
Hoping for updates (or - God forbid! - finished versions) of their racing circuits first teased/previewed several years ago and stuck in limbo ever since.
One more question, some cars, for example the RSS GT mods, have working wipers. But they don't actually wipe the rain off the windscreen with Rain FX. Is that fixable?

Quick answer is: Yes.
(Long answer is: Oh yes... :))

1st way (lazy way) - by patching ilya's CSP :D
2nd way - by patching existing wipers

PS. What car have you encountered issues with?
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delpinsky where
Quick answer is: Yes.
(Long answer is: Oh yes... :))

1st way (lazy way) - by patching ilya's CSP :D
2nd way - by patching existing wipers

Whoa! I tried this and it worked!

On a more serious note, I guess you can inspect a car with rain on the windshield and see how the ext_config works to it.
It's probably a matter of linking the glass material name.
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delpinsky where

Whoa! I tried this and it worked!

On a more serious note, I guess you can inspect a car with rain on the windshield and see how the ext_config works to it.
It's probably a matter of linking the glass material name.

You can try your way.

Patching means in fact reworking the wiper/wipers and aplying them over the original mod. (So RSS cannot sue you that you made changes to their mod LOL)

Whoah, this is like Targa Florio: Wind Waker Edition.
Anyone spot Link hiding behind a tree?
I've never seen such an unintentionally cartoony track for AC. The grass is downright weird. Maybe it's just far too long everywhere which adds to the cel-shaded look, but the tarmac-coloured grass at the verges certainly doesn't help.
And if you suffer from epilepsy then don't drive this track with GrassFX active - all that shadow flickering might trigger a seizure.
Any suggestions for the ones that are 'somewhat decent'? I've wasted so much time downloading, testing and deleting SimTraxx stuff in the past, it'd be great to only bother testing the rated ones.
Ignore any rally/hill climb tracks are those aren't my thing.
Hoping for updates (or - God forbid! - finished versions) of their racing circuits first teased/previewed several years ago and stuck in limbo ever since.

It's pretty much all hill-climbs so you're gonna be disappointed.
This beautiful track is a masterpiece, unfortunately it pains me to say it has a great defect, you can use it in practice mode only, or just race mode, there is no possibility to make a dry lap qualifying session given the 72 KM of distance, in the past I wrote to those responsible for this (I repeat) beautiful track explaining the bugs, but today it is not yet solved, they say, but it's a nice piece that they say that with version 1.1 "maybe they will solve the problem".
FIA GT1 2010 v2

View attachment 968982

I climbed into a rabbit hole with this one. More I got into it, more obsessed I got with it. 6 cars, 2 teams per car, 2 drivers per team, heavy BOP-ing and success ballast made for some of the best racing in GT history (not my words). 10 races, 7 different driver winners, 5 of 6 manufacturers managed to get a win. And even Corvette won a qualifiying race and a mechanical failure a few laps to the end of race, took away a sure win for them as well. Amazing.

Although this caries the same name as my v1 BOP, outside of base car models, this has nothing in common with the V1. I took my time with this and basically spent the better part of last month gathering information and data for the cars, reading about regulations, re-watching all the races from the season on YouTube, learning about other info about the season, driving 100 of laps and races, fine tweaking the cars to achieve real life times and BOP and creating missing skins. So, this is as close as I can get these to how they championship looked IRL.

All cars have been edited, so in the zip you’ll find all the cars with a suffix _2010. Before someone starts jumping down my throat how dare I change Kunos and RSS cars, the only thing changed in those two models are correct BHP, Torque, Weight, Gas consumption and AI. The physics were not changed at all. These changes were necessary because the Lambo from RSS is the old 2003 model, and the Maserati is the 2006 model of the car. So here are the base models and links to them if you want them (and in case of Maserati and Lambo, need them):

All cars
  • Adjusted BHP and Torque to 2010 season
  • Adjusted weight to 2010 season
  • Adjusted aero for BOP and real-life lap times
  • Adjusted AI for better performance, aggression and stability
  • Adjusted fuel consumption and fuel_cons.ini based on new power data
  • Adjusted pit times, so now they match on all cars
  • Removed tyres and only left Medium ones as per 2010 regulations
  • Adjusted all tyres for wear, temperature, slip and slide to match the excellent tyres by RSS for their GT pack (except Lanzo (no need) and Maserati)
  • Added crew suits for all skins
  • Corrected the skin info for all skins
Lanzo V12
  • Enabled Traction Control
  • Added all 4 skins for the season (3 from RD and 1 adopted by me)
View attachment 968978

Maserati MC12

  • Added all 4 skins for the season (2 from RD and 2 adopted by me based on RD skins for 2009)
View attachment 968976
View attachment 968977

Corvette C6R GT1
  • Enabled Traction Control
  • Adjusted ride height
  • Added all 4 skins for the season (1 from RD, 1 adopted by me based on RD skin, 2 scratch made by me)
  • Adjusted FFB
View attachment 968980
View attachment 968981
View attachment 968979

Aston Martin DBR9 GT1

  • Enabled Traction Control
  • Adjusted ride height
  • Adjusted tyre sizes
Ford Matech GT GT1
  • Adjusted tyre sizes
  • Adjusted ride height
Nissan GT-R GT1
  • Adjusted ride height
  • Adjusted tyre sizes
  • Adjusted FFB
  • Adjusted gear ratios
  • Adjusted suspensions and aero heavily to BOP it other cars (it’s still much faster and less agile than other cars, but it’s much closer than before)
In the zip, as said before, there are all 6 _2010 cars with all the 2010 skins. They won’t overwrite the original cars. IMPORTANT: As Lanzo and Maserati are paid mods, only the ui_car.json, GUIDs.txt, skins and data.acd files are included. You have to go to the original car and copy over all the other files (when prompted, don’t overwrite anything). Then go to sfx folder and rename to and the same for Maserati (add the _2010). If the sound of a particular car is not working, use CM to change the sound of the car.

To say cars were a pain to BOP, is an understatement. Especially cause I wanted to make them run like lap times they ran IRL. FIA used heavy BOP-ing during the season with adjusting the cars weight, height, even tyre dimensions. They also used the success ballast system after every race. We do not have that, so a lot of fine tweaking was needed. Still there will be some tracks, a certain car might be a little faster, but generally these should run within 2 seconds of each other and 1-2 seconds slower than real-life qualifying results no matter the track (extensively tested on all the 2010 Calendar tracks, the 1,2 seconds slower than real-life was purposefully selected, as the AI is not perfect in AC and also AI lines are not perfect, so this should be realistic. I’m sure some aliens might run these cars close to real-life times). As these are BOPed in data.acd, no additional BOP is needed through presets: (direct share from CM not working for me ATM, don't know why).

View attachment 968970

We have 9 of 10 tracks available in AC (well 10, but Novarra is undriveable). They ran 1 hour races with a mandatory pitstop between 25 and 35 minute of the race. The cars fuel consumption is adjusted so, that if you choose realistic number of laps, they will all make a pitstop or two (that is the best that is possible in AC). If you go 50% of race length (15 laps for example), you should set fuel usage to 2x. Best versions of tracks and addons (IMO of course):
  • Knos
  • RSS
  • @GzeroD
  • Velos mods
  • All others mentioned in the post and skin makers od RD
Thank you very much for this massive contribution. I'll enjoy this for a long time :)
I have some request for CSR Racing 1 to AC:

Keonigsegg CCX
Keonigsegg Agera R
Mustang FR500 GT3
SRT Viper GT3-R (Presentation Car)
Ferrari 458 Italia GT3/GTD
I am not offering converting to AC
I am offering sources (fbx/obj) for those who wish to convert.

Before requesting, be sure to check first.

Someone should convert this (FH4):

edit: (viper, ccx, agera, 458, FR500 source rip)

now, who has that BMW CSL concept?
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Thank you very much for this massive contribution. I'll enjoy this for a long time :)
Thanks. V2.1 should come next week. After some feedback from a few users and especially from @Real Toonces some changes have to be made to some cars. Minor to Ford and Corvette (Ford slightly too fast, Corvette slightly to slow, especially on fast tracks) and I need to see what can be done with the Nissan. I know it drives horrible. And I didn't dive to much into settings of this car, cause the base model needs a lot of work, mostly suspension settings. But will give it my best shot. Maybe should be considered a grid filler at the moment.
3dSimEd is not always right. And will not show you bugs it introduced itself. It us more for ripping content that a 3D suite.
When you open "3dsim-edded" files in max or (in my case) in Blender you can sometimes see such bugged meshes. And that is also how the game sees it.

It's the same issue i had with tyres on civic spoon. (Thankfully it's solvable) if i had time soon, i'd gladly help.


Thank you very much for your help , I sent you a PM , Thank you
Hmm I have Targa Florio folder is named like this: targa-florio_092
With working AI (Not so nice looking and finished).But I dont know is that also simtraxx work and should I install this new version posted few posts back?
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Hello! Did you succeed in your conversion process? I've tried aswell but for some reason, the carshape gets corrupted as soon as I export my model in kn5.

Such a shame as I really love this car :(

Yes, I have converted to both FBX without issue and KN5 (is corrupt abit but easy to fix), I simply have not "converted" it to AC (yet).
I am willing to give it out, but that person should be a top converter who can finish it with great detail and care (I am willing to do the physics)
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Hmm I have Targa Florio folder is named like this: targa-florio_092
With working AI (Not so nice looking and finished).But I dont know is that also simtraxx work and should I install this new version posted few posts back?

There's no harm in downloading the latest Sim Traxx version and trying it as long as it's free. All the other Targa Florios I have had I have deleted, but that one posted here today is worth keeping in my opinion. It's nowhere near perfect but a good effort considering the monstrous nature of the track.

Sim Traxx also has reverse layout but no AI for it yet.


These screenshot are from 1.06 Full package.

I absolutely want to point out that I am just a newbie who is trying to learn how to do something new. I have a family and a lot of time to devote to it. What I do I do it simply because I like learning to do new things and since it is difficult to find material on how to do certain things everything is even more difficult and complex for me. There is the SDK car pipeline document this is true but it also requires that you know how to use certain software. I repeat, modding should be understood as the OpenSource for software working together to obtain more and more an advanced and professional product at no cost. IT MUST NOT be a war but an exchange of ideas and advice. Thanks to @hellothankyou for the insight into adding an internal banner to see the banner even from inside the car. He too knows perfectly well that I could never have directly used his patch on 1.06 also because in the meantime it had changed and I myself no longer have 1.01

I am only concerned with seeing and reviewing some aesthetic aspects of the machine to try and make it RAIN FX ready. The physics sector is exclusively by @JakubP like all the splendid cars that it allows us to try. I also take this opportunity to thank all the creators who produce models from scratch and who make their creations available.

In the meantime I try to group and optimize the groups of the model in question.


Here is how I've solved banner not visible. mm distance between glasses External, Internal, banner and damage glasses.

Share is the power!

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I started using CSP settings from Peter Bose, I increased my FPS by 10-15.


Hi guys, I downloaded Rio de Janeiro converted from Forza by Esprit, but I can't do a race even with 8 cars, it's going to be 30 FPS. Have you noticed that? Needs optimization.

I modded the road mesh on this for my own purposes to fix the bumps of death between the bridge and the next top of hill, still floating on my desktop as I have been meaning to also work in the final corner before the start finish straight, I think a lot of mesh reduction can be done on this, if i get some time on the weekend will have a look. (i get a full 60fps on my setup with vsync fwiw, but, GPU is running damn hot to do it..)

I have been away in RF2 lala land online league stuff, and had a big catchup to do through the thread, speed reading past the usual decryption diatribe nonsense, anything special I might have missed in last ten or so pages? (also I reckon Daan should add the word "encrypted" to the swear filter LOLOLOL! )

(edit: nm, I found lebluems single line Paris Update drop, I am up to speed now.)
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I had a track running horribly... a quick and stupid fix:


DESCRIPTION= get frames
MESHES = ?? ; all the things
CAST_SHADOWS = 0 ; 0 turn off all shadows / 1 turn all on
LOD_OUT=250 ; restrict draw distances for all the things to 250m

I'm going to try this with that Long Beach track that looks really good, but needs to be optimized--I get about 20-30 FPS with it.

That would be the ultimate test--I'll be very surprised if it "fixes" that one.
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