So, we can't tell EVERYTHING from this snippet, but here's what we CAN say:
1. Your server ( is hosted at OVH, a French Cloud and Web hosting service.
2. Your server is reaching out to a service hosted at Orange ( which is geo-located in Gif-sur-Yvette, France. We can't tell why or what for.
3. The traffic uses randomised high numbered ports (typical of web services)
4. The connection is made over TCP (standard, widely used, handshake based protocol)
5. The handshake and connection succeeds so the remote server IS available (the message implies a break in an already working connection)
6. Your server reports, "I had an error reading the length of his sentence, because he hung up in the middle of it."
7. The "wsarecv" error indicates this is from a Windows system (your server) from the Windows Socket API.
8. Possible causes:
- The remote host actively terminated the connection ("Nope, don't want to speak to you anymore.")
- A network connectivity issue caused the connection to drop ("Ooops. Packet-pasta fell on the floor.")
- A security mechanism or firewall may have interrupted the connection ("Nope, my daughter may not speak to you.")
I realise that this might not be helpful to answer "Why is this happening?" but at least you know WHAT is happening.
I'd suggest speaking to Assetto Hosting to trouble-shoot the Orange issues, via their host OVH.