Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hello guys! It's me again experiencing more issues on my mod... this time related to car lightning. I though I would get this fast, but for whatever reason, - some - rear tail-lights and brake lights won't work. Headlights, LED's, Interior LCD, Blinkers, and Central Brake lights are all working fine. But the regular rear tail-lights and rear brake-lights not.

I've been changing parameters and formats, making sure lights are transparent, that the mesh names are correct etc... can't get them to work. Here I'll leave the part of the rear lights from the ext_config.ini file, aswell as a image showing how should the lights work and their names so you have a reference.

*rear_brake_lights was solved somehow by moving the glowing mesh outside of COCKPIT_HR. I did the same with the rest of the meshes that where in there, but no change.
**another weird thing about them not working is that the far left & right center bulbs, which are the blinkers, work perfectly.
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A Bufori on the way ? Noice!

Before making it working with ext_config, did you made it work fully on the lights.ini data file ? rear brake and lights are part of AC vanilla config, blinkers are not if I recall. If it's working fine through the original .ini file that would mean the ext_config is wrong. And if it doesn't, that could explain why the ext_config cannot overcome it. Just guessing, here.
A Bufori on the way ? Noice!

Before making it working with ext_config, did you made it work fully on the lights.ini data file ? rear brake and lights are part of AC vanilla config, blinkers are not if I recall. If it's working fine through the original .ini file that would mean the ext_config is wrong. And if it doesn't, that could explain why the ext_config cannot overcome it. Just guessing, here.
Yessir! Wanted to bring weird and unknown cars, Bufori was the choice!

Alright, I will clean up the ext_config file a bit, redo rear tail/brake lights in lights.ini and test, and come back. Thanks for the suggestion sir!
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As wished from @X90: fast ai for "GRID's Detroit Street Circuit" by "ACU", (upd. by "DaBaeda")
Because of the sidelines and the way the grid is placed on the last chicane you can only use 25 opponents! (26cars overall)

Ai driving:

First, i would like to thank you for the AI improvments. I'm having quite some fun on the Crystal Palace, with my AI cars it's good fun now.

I noticed the AI have a strong desire to get the optimal line rather than protecting the inside, meaning any time i take the inside line i'm gonna win the battle.

I' m gonna play with the ai hints to try to make them a little more aggressive in corners, since i noticed i could delay their brakings using Brake_hint, so they get some momentum to reach apex. I'll let you know if :

1- it makes them faster
2- it makes the racing approach more aggressive
if you can easily dive them don't look into brakehint but instead increase their aggressivenes.
They won't be much faster with more brakehint at least not without giving up a lot of safety and they are already pretty much on the edge.
No shadows get cast in the cockpit - seems the internal glass is casting its own shadow?

add this to the end of the config:

;fix shadow-casting sun in cockpit
Please Replace this file for the Audi A4 Touringcar

Wiper Animation for Lod b and c
thank you !

you could have included Masscot's shadow fix , saving us all to have to go and add that once more after replacing the file ;)

EDIT: and add this to make glass look better:
;make glass look less reflective
[INCLUDE: common/materials_glass.ini]
FilmIOR = 0.83
ThicknessMult = 0.3

example WITHOUT:


EDIT 2 :
remove this line in the [Material_CarPaint_Metallic] section:
Skins = SKIN
(this makes for no skin to receive the properties... as no skin is called SKIN)
If you fix this , this is how car 3 looks (with my preview at least):

I also do not like the way the wipers reflect light... but they have been set to have material BODY as well as the actual body of the car...

I will post a new extension cfg , that includes Masscot's shadow fix, JK1977's Wiper Animation for Lod b and c , the body paint fix, and windows and wipers reflection fixes.

then it looks like this:

EDIT3: but I struggle to get the rollcage to look like it does in CM Showroom (chrome-like)...

I settled for this :

DOWNLOAD (can be dragged and dropped in CM)

this extension cfg file is based on the original v1.0 and includes following:
-shadows in interior fix (Masscot)
-Wiper Animation for Lod b and c (JK1977)
-windows and wipers less reflective
-rollcage more chrome-like (more like it's shown in the CM Showroom)
-less reflective steering wheel metal (EDIT: I turned that one off again, it's not better)
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A Bufori on the way ? Noice!

Before making it working with ext_config, did you made it work fully on the lights.ini data file ? rear brake and lights are part of AC vanilla config, blinkers are not if I recall. If it's working fine through the original .ini file that would mean the ext_config is wrong. And if it doesn't, that could explain why the ext_config cannot overcome it. Just guessing, here.
Edited lights.ini with rear tail/brake light parameters, and cleaned those in the extension folder to avoid conflicts. Still, those lights are not working. There's the red glow, but no visual lightning of the bulbs or housing.

Any other ideas on what can be happening here?

VRC teased the next of their ProtoH class car. Looks to be the Isotta Fraschini. While this seems to be a weird choice, this does sorta goes with how VRC did LMP1 car before too, as they are the only one who bothered to make the wacky also rans like the Ginetta or the ByKolles....

At least this time around they also made other more important Hypercars....

Kinda wish URD would update the Toyota and also someone please make the Acura....
I know there is a video section. But I HAD to share this here because people still might not know how amazing the 1998 F1 season is now. I promoted before but I will do it again because it deserves it.

I've driven these sims since Geoff Crammond days and I've never experienced anything as realistic as this.

Hakkinen is leading the championship and I'm chasing him with Schumacher (just like in the real 1998 season). I won Hungaroring, Monaco and Magny Cours but at Hockenheim I had no chance against McLarens but secured a podium. Winning the races really feels like winning because you have to have PERFECT race to finish first.

Before the race Hakkinen led the championship by 10 points. I pretty much had to win at Spa to keep myself in the competition. I got a pole but Hakkinen took the lead in the start (that usually happens). I was chasing him, catching him and clocked the fastest lap of the race... all looks good... I had fuel for 2 laps more (you gotta pit twice at Spa with my season settings) and then... my engine blew.

I've driven 3 full years of this 1998 championship with these cars and never before I had a engine failure. Now it happened because I was apparently abusing the car by downshifting way too aggressively.

I drive the seasons how they are and this is the results. I don't do any restarts (unless something crazy happens in the start). I pretty much lost the chance to win this season with this as now I'm 20 points behind Hakkinen and only 3 races left. But I will play it to the bitter end. :D

I've shouted before how amazing work Shi has done with this season. But you have no idea. The tracks, ads are super accurate and 100% trouble free. I also did the 1998 leaderboard which I'm very happy with it. I also increased the Ferrari rear wheel traction which feels amazing now, not excessive oversteery AND understeery what it was in its default form.

Just look at it. Sure there's no rain physics and the lap times are dry track lap times. But at least you get the feeling of the genuine 1998 Spa F1 rain race which was one of the craziest in F1 history.

You HAVE to try this season. It's the best ever made. This kind of stuff is why AC will probably never be replaced.

PS: I have a few forum friends who play these and we have a lot of fun sharing our season experiences. I've never been an online player but I love chasing realistic offline F1 seasons.

Sure the cars are amazingly detailed and now after a few tweaks they drive great. But we could never achieve anything close to this without @Rainmaker87 and @shi 's 1988, 1992 and 1998 track packs. They don't get enough credit, most discussion is always about cars.

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Released : Audi A4 Quattro Supertouringcar
3D Model Car:RRRE,KW Studios
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: RRRE,KW Studios,StoffleWaffle
Driver Animation :Masscot
3d work: F302
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on 0.2.6-preview1
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager

View attachment 1423689
hi there! this is such a nice mod! The sound and immersion are sublime!

besides the improvements in ext_config.ini of Masscot JK1977 and myself, which you can find here ,

I also spent some time improving the digital instruments file (as PERF was too big and fell off the display) .

please incorporate in your v1.1 release (all changes are showing the original value in comment ";was "... )


Enjoying this one soo much! :cheers:

EDIT: I only now saw that lights (brake lights taillights, and headlights ) are no longer working,
and it seems this is caused by this the paint section here :
Materials = BODY
UseMetallicReflections = 1
FlakesK = 0.7
ClearCoatThickness = 0.01
FresnelC = 0.03
SpecularMult = 0.45
AmbientSpecular = 0.3
BrightnessAdjustment = 0.8
AmbientSpecularEXP = 3
SpecularBase = 0.3, 20
SpecularSun = 1, 1000
FresnelMax = 0.7

So putting this to ACTIVE=0 will make the lights work again...
I don't know why , and would love to hear a better solution (that keeps the paint properties active but at the same time let the lights still work)

O and the handbrake power was set to 0 (???) I've set it to 1500, so it can put the car sideways in a corner...
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there was also a mistake in setup.ini where [ENGINE_LIMITER] and [FRONT_BIAS] have the same x and y position, and were overlapping.There is fixed
hi there! this is such a nice mod! The sound and immersion are sublime!

besides the improvements in ext_config.ini of Masscot JK1977 and myself, which you can find here ,

I also spent some time improving the digital instruments file (as PERF was too big and fell off the display) .

please incorporate in your v1.1 release (all changes are showing the original value in comment ";was "... )


Enjoying this one soo much! :cheers:


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Here is the link to the Copersucar F5A (4 spec 1978).

I had to make a lot of adjustments (improved textures by "MrHunt"), but everything is in line with the other 1978 cars (all running similar times in Kyalami 1976, compared to the real times from 1978).

I hope to check the cars (Brabham and Ferrari) to see if they also have compatible lap times.
In the versions (there are the races in which each "spec" was used).

I decided to put the "car weight - mass" higher in the first "spec" and took it down a bit in the last two, as you can see.

If you have an old version of these models, delete them to avoid conflicts.


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Edited lights.ini with rear tail/brake light parameters, and cleaned those in the extension folder to avoid conflicts. Still, those lights are not working. There's the red glow, but no visual lightning of the bulbs or housing.

Any other ideas on what can be happening here?
So it glows on the outside then, but nothing on the object ? I've done that mistake once. Illuminate mesh was the "bulb" but the glass in front of it was not set on alpha blend. Could be a hint.

Here's a fonctioning one from me and the shader parameters for both objects (bulb and glass in front of it) :



Transparency set on YES for the glass and NO for the lights

If that can help...
hi there! this is such a nice mod! The sound and immersion are sublime!

besides the improvements in ext_config.ini of Masscot JK1977 and myself, which you can find here ,

I also spent some time improving the digital instruments file (as PERF was too big and fell off the display) .

please incorporate in your v1.1 release (all changes are showing the original value in comment ";was "... )


Enjoying this one soo much! :cheers:

EDIT: I only now saw that lights (brake lights taillights, and headlights ) are no longer working,
and it seems this is caused by this the paint section here :
Materials = BODY
UseMetallicReflections = 1
FlakesK = 0.7
ClearCoatThickness = 0.01
FresnelC = 0.03
SpecularMult = 0.45
AmbientSpecular = 0.3
BrightnessAdjustment = 0.8
AmbientSpecularEXP = 3
SpecularBase = 0.3, 20
SpecularSun = 1, 1000
FresnelMax = 0.7

So putting this to ACTIVE=0 will make the lights work again...
I don't know why , and would love to hear a better solution (that keeps the paint properties active but at the same time let the lights still work)

O and the handbrake power was set to 0 (???) I've set it to 1500, so it can put the car sideways in a corner...
I also lightened the rear light lenses as the defaults were very dark, which meant I had to redo the LODs too. A satin chrome config works quite well on the roll cage.
@Peter Boese, FYI:

Using CSP 0.2.7 prev, PureLCS and Natural PPF filter my rt_suzuka (which I hadn't used in a while) looked like this:

View attachment 1423992

View attachment 1423993

View attachment 1423994

After trying other PPF's and several older CSP versions, without solving anything, I switched to Pure Gamma again, same PPF and look: issue solved:

View attachment 1423995

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I thought it was the skin that made the rubber that visible!!
I thought it was the skin that made the rubber that visible!!
Just to rule that possibility out I used no skin.
While my Oulton Park is OK, others reported theirs looked like my suzuka.
Both are Reboot tracks, haven't had the issue on other tracks up to now (but didn't try a lot, took me long enough to find out what was wrong here...well, I still don't know really, just that switching from Pure LCS to Pure Gamma solved it.
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@Peter Boese, FYI:

Using CSP 0.2.7 prev, PureLCS and Natural PPF filter my rt_suzuka (which I hadn't used in a while) looked like this:

View attachment 1423992

View attachment 1423993

View attachment 1423994

After trying other PPF's and several older CSP versions, without solving anything, I switched to Pure Gamma again, same PPF and look: issue solved:

View attachment 1423995

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maybe it has something to do with the "groove fix" for certain rt tracks?

DESCRIPTION= shadows cast on white lines
MATERIALS= groovesuzuka, groovesuzukalayouts
Here is the link to the Copersucar F5A (4 spec 1978).

I had to make a lot of adjustments (improved textures by "MrHunt"), but everything is in line with the other 1978 cars (all running similar times in Kyalami 1976, compared to the real times from 1978).

I hope to check the cars (Brabham and Ferrari) to see if they also have compatible lap times.
In the versions (there are the races in which each "spec" was used).

I decided to put the "car weight - mass" higher in the first "spec" and took it down a bit in the last two, as you can see.

If you have an old version of these models, delete them to avoid conflicts.
Hello.. this is the Brazil spec car. In the external view, the mirrors work, but in cockpit view they're black for me. Anyone else?

Also, the sound bank doesn't quite work for the engine or drivetrain, as the sound cuts out at the top of the rev range. Maybe there is a fix for this as well. The car feels great though!

Hello.. this is the Brazil spec car. In the external view, the mirrors work, but in cockpit view they're black for me. Anyone else?

Also, the sound bank doesn't quite work for the engine or drivetrain, as the sound cuts out at the top of the rev range. Maybe there is a fix for this as well. The car feels great though!

View attachment 1424011View attachment 1424013
Fine on my side for the mirrors

Hello.. this is the Brazil spec car. In the external view, the mirrors work, but in cockpit view they're black for me. Anyone else?

Also, the sound bank doesn't quite work for the engine or drivetrain, as the sound cuts out at the top of the rev range. Maybe there is a fix for this as well. The car feels great though!

View attachment 1424011View attachment 1424013
I am using the CSP 2.5 version.
Cockpit View "Spec Brasil" with mirrors working.

In the editor, just like you, the mirrors also worked.
About the engine speed cut, I don't know if you tried using (another gear ratio)?


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@Peter Boese, FYI:

Using CSP 0.2.7 prev, PureLCS and Natural PPF filter my rt_suzuka (which I hadn't used in a while) looked like this:

View attachment 1423992

View attachment 1423993

View attachment 1423994
You know, with all the crap i went thru with CSP 0.2.7, i'm now a bit sad that i didn't experience this one.

Something is lurking in the dark code, waiting to **** things up just a little, just uncanny enough for you to wonder what's wrong.
For me it was the 2D trees that became Nintendo64'esque, the lighting that was completely off, and for whatever reason i still have tyres covered in poo when i run in grass.

i set up CSP, updated the 0.2.7 preview, saved it as a preset, and avoid to load any old preset into it. It's been working perfectly for 2 days now, but as soon as it shows any sign of conscioussness or mutiny, i shotgun the whole thing.
@Peter Boese, FYI:

Using CSP 0.2.7 prev, PureLCS and Natural PPF filter my rt_suzuka (which I hadn't used in a while) looked like this:

View attachment 1423992

View attachment 1423993

View attachment 1423994

After trying other PPF's and several older CSP versions, without solving anything, I switched to Pure Gamma again, same PPF and look: issue solved:

View attachment 1423995

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View attachment 1423997
Can confirm that my RT Oulton looks exactly like the first few photos. Latest CSP, latest Pure LCS. The road texture is basically completely scrubbed by the rubbered in line.
Dont know if its this setting (should be off by default) but if its ticked on, try turning it off. On the Mills Metro Park track and some fat alfie tracks I have to turn this setting off otherwise I get that sort of rubbered lined over everything.

Screenshot 2025-01-26 215542.jpg
@Peter Boese, FYI:

Using CSP 0.2.7 prev, PureLCS and Natural PPF filter my rt_suzuka (which I hadn't used in a while) looked like this:

View attachment 1423992

View attachment 1423993

View attachment 1423994

After trying other PPF's and several older CSP versions, without solving anything, I switched to Pure Gamma again, same PPF and look: issue solved:

View attachment 1423995

View attachment 1423996

View attachment 1423997
No issue for me on CSP 0.2.4 public and Pure 2.37 LCS. If CSP is not the cause, then could it be a specific version of Pure? Are you seeing this issue on Pure 2.38?

Or this? 👇
Dont know if its this setting (should be off by default) but if its ticked on, try turning it off. On the Mills Metro Park track and some fat alfie tracks I have to turn this setting off otherwise I get that sort of rubbered lined over everything.

View attachment 1424027
I am using the CSP 2.5 version.
Cockpit View "Spec Brasil" with mirrors working.

In the editor, just like you, the mirrors also worked.
About the engine speed cut, I don't know if you tried using (another gear ratio)?
I'm using CSP 2.6 p1. It turns out I was seeing something black on the car reflected back, and I just needed to adjust the mirrors, heh.

As for the sounds, I did try using one higher and one lower ratio than the default, but the omission of engine sound remains near the rev limit, typically when I'm up shifting or blipping the throttle on downshifts. I encounter this issue with some mods on occasion; I can't remember what causes it.

Otherwise, this is one of my favourite of your 78s to drive so far.

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Here is the link to the Copersucar F5A (4 spec 1978).

I had to make a lot of adjustments (improved textures by "MrHunt"), but everything is in line with the other 1978 cars (all running similar times in Kyalami 1976, compared to the real times from 1978).

I hope to check the cars (Brabham and Ferrari) to see if they also have compatible lap times.
In the versions (there are the races in which each "spec" was used).

I decided to put the "car weight - mass" higher in the first "spec" and took it down a bit in the last two, as you can see.

If you have an old version of these models, delete them to avoid conflicts.
I am from Canada,why i cant download it,link dont work!
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