I noticed the same when I first tried it. Are you running your base at 100%?
I have the 20nm VRS DD, my usual setup was 50% on the base and around 40% gain in game. That gave me a good balance between FFB and bump/kerb effects. If I increased the base and even with lowering the game gain the bump/kerb effects would become more jarring, like more aggressive than they should be relative to the ffb, even though I had them at 0% in the game settings.
With the FFB script on my usual settings it felt too light as you observed as well. I noticed with the script the FFB bar was more sensitive and I was clipping. I bumped my base to 100% and gain to 30% in game. This now gave me a good FFB feel and the bump/kerb effects are still balanced. If I turn off script with these settings - I again see too aggressive effects.
I havent done enough testing yet, but with the FFB script I do feel a bit more detail and the cars feel like they have more weight to them. Like less of that AC floaty feeling and when turning it doesnt feel as much like I am pulling on a band if that makes any sense.
Anyone else on a DD base try out the new script and want to chime in? Seems the script works on both the standard physics and if you check extended physics too.