Announcing that thing I ominously teased earlier this week!
For those who use Bass Shakers with SimHub, whether it be Dayton pucks, Haptic Seats, Buttkickers or anything in between, you'll know that Assetto Corsa doesn't send any data via telemetry that can be used for Kerb effects. Other titles like AMS2 and ACC have this effect (although ACC's official telemetry support for kerbs is limited and poor) - but AC never has due to this data limitation. Even the official dev of SimHub, Wotever, essentially abandoned the idea a few years ago and left "Road Rumble" for Assetto Corsa as officially unsupported. This meant that there was no kerb/grass vibration through SimHub whatsoever - and things looked bleak.
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Until now.
Using the LUA functionality of CSP, RaceDepartment member DaZD has been able to intercept and send considerably more telemetry data from AC to SimHub - and now, this includes the canned "Kerb Effect" that AC uses. After some tweaking to different parameters, we finally have a first draft for "Road Rumble" in AC.
Link to SimHubUDPConnnector:
UDPConnector is a plugin for SimHub that listens on a specified UDP port for datas. It automatically creates properties available in SimHub for each key/value (json) it receives. Also included, a simple lua App for assetto corsa (csp) that sends...
Kerbs are working (for any kerb that has kerb effect), as is grass (at a little less than half of the gain) - and even collisions with walls and other cars work as well (still WIP, right now it's too soft for our liking).
First and foremost, all credit to DaZD for making this app - the scripting itself is above my amateur coding pay grade. I am merely the test monkey, along with the liaison for the idea itself and the author of the SimHub in-game settings themselves (gain, Hz, white noise, gamma, etc.) - as I already custom-made the effect and curve for AMS2 years ago. It took quite a few hours in the seat to tweak into a good window - and one code rewrite - but I think we're happy at the moment.
Finally, keep in mind that different settings will work for different setups. DaZD uses an NLR HF8 Haptic seat - while I use two Buttkicker Advances. While everything will work just fine at a base level for all haptic setups, the in-SimHub settings will be significantly different for different setups like these. For example, the HF8 doesn't recognize frequencies at all - whereas for my setup, frequency settings and curves are extremely important for differentiating various SimHub effects (I'd say I use about 2/3rds of the available options).
If you use haptics, give the app a download and the new kerbs and grass rumble a try. We're happy with how it's come along - but expect further tweaking with wider testing.
Cheers all, and don't hesitate to message me or DaZD on RaceDepartment both publicly or privately with questions.