1. still too low resolution to watch from such distance, point of the road where we are watching during driving is BLURY, if I don't know the road it's impossible to drive (yeah such blurry!)
2. noticeable lag, imo 75Hz is still to low, with 780Ti SLI i can get ar.150fps in Ultra, but it's not enough to feel direct response, lowering IQ do nothing to latency
3. without Leap motion or other technology showing our hands i fell stupid and disconnected, how to reach shifter? keyboard? what with additional screens with telemetry?
4. wearing closed headphones, feel warm? Oculus is heating even more
5. headache, sick, migraine...get used to it
At the end of the day, theres coming more clever solutions, check kickstarter - better soft, faster, using Your current mobile screen, cheaper.
I didn't test DK1, so was bit surprised how unacceptable overall quality DK2 offer.
IMO nice toy to play some demos to your kids.
PS i know how to work with it, proper setup, trick with A-B lenses etc.