Assetto Corsa vs. PCars 2 vs GTS: Physics, FFB

  • Thread starter Fredzy
Yeah I'm searching for second hand but hopefully a PSN sale could come up so I can support the dev.

I've played the first PCARS extensively so AC should feel fresher but I think I'll have a better time with PCARS 2 as well.
The thing with AC, best not to view it as a game, but as Marco Massarutto says- there are many great games to play, but ours is one to drive! If you bare that in mind you should enjoy it more.

What region are you in? AC was £11.99 for the last month on U.K. PSN.
And even if AC had released on consoles in the exact same form as on PC the amount of complaints would not have been that different
I'm not sure that would be the case.

I mean, there will always be someone complaining about something (and AC is prone to that, if one's looking for a "Racing Simulator"), but those people gave up a long time ago.

You're hearing this from the console people who love this game and keep playing it. They just want Kunos to get it right and that's why we keep discussing it.

In short, I don't agree with the whole "it must be their fault; they're console players" attitude. A bit like this sentence:
so getting a proper PC sim on consoles is always going to lead to disappointment
The thing with AC, best not to view it as a game, but as Marco Massarutto says- there are many great games to play, but ours is one to drive! If you bare that in mind you should enjoy it more.

What region are you in? AC was £11.99 for the last month on U.K. PSN.

Oh might create a UK account. That's a great price.
I'm not sure that would be the case.

I mean, there will always be someone complaining about something (and AC is prone to that, if one's looking for a "Racing Simulator"), but those people gave up a long time ago.

Really? Here's a thread that was started less than 24 hours ago about the upcoming DLC and it already has 12 pages of people arguing and complaining.

In short, I don't agree with the whole "it must be their fault; they're console players" attitude. A bit like this sentence:

That's not the point I was trying to make at all, apologies if it came across like that. Console players, for the most part, have different expectations from games, and most of those expectations aren't met by PC sims. That's neither good nor bad, it just is. I raced on consoles for over a decade, when I moved to PC it was a bit of a shock to find most of the things I wanted and expected from a racing game, things I was used to from console racers, weren't really anywhere to be found, and if I'm honest I'm still a bit put off by it even three years later.

That's not to say there's any fault with console players though, they only know what they're used to and PC racing land is not like what they're used to. I mean, most PC racing sims have no sort of career mode whatsoever, it's just cars on a track for a set number of laps and that's it. Now think about all the console players who are disappointed in the lame career mode in AC and then imagine those same people getting on rF2 and finding there's no career mode, no time attack mode, no drift mode, no real car customization, no special events, those players are going to be pretty disappointed because that's not what they're used to or expecting. And that's what I meant by getting a proper PC sim on consoles is always going to lead to disappointment, most of the things console players would expect from a game (because previous games have provided them) usually aren't to be found on PC sims. That's far more a critique of the PC sims lacking gameplay elements than it is of console players expectations, at least that was my intention. I had more fun racing on consoles than I've had racing on PC, by an order of magnitude, and I try to never look down on console players or criticize them.
Really? Here's a thread that was started less than 24 hours ago about the upcoming DLC and it already has 12 pages of people arguing and complaining.
But aren't those mostly PC players?

I was referring to console players who had different expectations for AC (of it falling short of being a racing game).

In fact, that helps my argument of console players not being that different. :P

That's not the point I was trying to make at all, apologies if it came across like that. Console players, for the most part, have different expectations from games, and most of those expectations aren't met by PC sims. That's neither good nor bad, it just is. I raced on consoles for over a decade, when I moved to PC it was a bit of a shock to find most of the things I wanted and expected from a racing game, things I was used to from console racers, weren't really anywhere to be found, and if I'm honest I'm still a bit put off by it even three years later.

That's not to say there's any fault with console players though, they only know what they're used to and PC racing land is not like what they're used to. I mean, most PC racing sims have no sort of career mode whatsoever, it's just cars on a track for a set number of laps and that's it. Now think about all the console players who are disappointed in the lame career mode in AC and then imagine those same people getting on rF2 and finding there's no career mode, no time attack mode, no drift mode, no real car customization, no special events, those players are going to be pretty disappointed because that's not what they're used to or expecting. And that's what I meant by getting a proper PC sim on consoles is always going to lead to disappointment, most of the things console players would expect from a game (because previous games have provided them) usually aren't to be found on PC sims. That's far more a critique of the PC sims lacking gameplay elements than it is of console players expectations, at least that was my intention. I had more fun racing on consoles than I've had racing on PC, by an order of magnitude, and I try to never look down on console players or criticize them.
Fair enough. And I appreciate the long explanation.

Oh might create a UK account. That's a great price.
Was a great price. I think you missed that part.
But aren't those mostly PC players?

There's some console players chiming in there too. Just go to the AC forum and you'll see lots and lots of console players expressing their displeasure with the game.

I was referring to console players who had different expectations for AC (of it falling short of being a racing game).

In fact, that helps my argument of console players not being that different. :P

Exactly my point. Other than PCars, AC is probably the closest thing you can find on PC to a racing "game" but by console standards if falls far short of being a very compelling "game". The first thing console players likely do is go to the career mode, special events, etc. and then think "This is it?", but on the flip side I can't remember the last time I've ever read anything from a PC player regarding the career mode, special events, etc. because we don't use them (some PC players actively turn their nose up at the inclusion of any kind of career mode in a racing sim). I probably haven't clicked on the career or offline events since early 2015. Of course it falls short of being a racing "game", it was always going to and a lot of us PC players tried to point that out before it was released on consoles to try to minimize that disappointment. Even if the console version was released exactly the same as the PC version the complaints about it falling short of being a racing game would have been pretty much exactly the same because even on PC it's not much of a "game".
I Pre-Ordered PC2 and will certainly post how I feel it compares to the console benchmark for FFB, AC.

I would bet SMS have looked at Kunoz FFB very closely, it all sounds very promising from SMS. Time will tell.
There's really only one solid answer for the OP.

The natural feel of Assetto Corsa with the immense content of Project Cars.

I have hundreds of hours like many here into both.

Nothing feels more natural than Assetto Corsa.

The best description I can conceive is if I were to close my eyes, my hands would feel similiar forces of movement while driving my BMW 540i.

That says alot, doesn't it.

I platinumed Project Cars 1, really enjoyed it.

I can't talk of PC2 physics, I haven't played it, but I honestly don't know if there will be a huge leap from the first offering.

I can say these days I tune specific cars and run set tracks in each sim for online leagues, but sometimes mix it up offline.
Each sim will give you that memorable car/track setup.

The Alpine A450 @ Historic Hockenheim in the fog with PC gave me a feeling I haven't felt since Citta di Aria in GT4.

Ready to race pack from Kunos, the Mclaren P1 GTR @ Silverstone. You're kidding me right....
Pure heaven.

To close I'll just say focus on trying new cars, mix up the tracks.

Ever tried the Supra MKlV drift @
Black cat county short? Buckle up you're in for a ride.

Not every race has to be GT3 @ Monza.
There's really only one solid answer for the OP.

No. Not exactly

The natural feel of Assetto Corsa with the immense content of Project Cars.

With the online usability of GT6. Not to mention being able to choose what colour car and which number (0-99) you want on it.

I have hundreds of hours like many here into both.

Nothing feels more natural than Assetto Corsa.

Agreed. BUT the feel only goes so far IMHO

I platinumed Project Cars 1, really enjoyed it.

I have Platinumed GT5/6, Dirt Rally, PCARS and 1 race off in AC. I hated the career in PCARS. Just mind numbingly boring and when I played through it the career was broken so some events couldn't be entered and some didn't register. Oh and the day one glitches still being there even now :-( Nothing like doing and endurance race and getting to the 1 hour mark at Le Mans and the game crashing back to PS4 menu screen (twice in a row!!!!) Or hitting the invisible walls and destroying your career race >:-(

I can't talk of PC2 physics, I haven't played it, but I honestly don't know if there will be a huge leap from the first offering.

I'll let you know in a week ;-) I wasn't going to buy it after the fiasco PCARS 1 was BUT all my mates have decided it is the one to have because online (supposedly) works. BTW traded PCARS on it and got a whole A$14.95 ;-)

Not every race has to be GT3 @ Monza.
Really! ;-) You would never know by looking at the lobbies in online. And despite the over use of this combo most people still can't make turn one without having a pile up :-(
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No. Not exactly

QUOTE="XXI, post: 11941819, member: 236108"] The natural feel of Assetto Corsa with the immense content of Project Cars.

With the online usability of GT6. Not to mention being able to choose what colour car and which number (0-99) you want on it.

Agreed. BUT the feel only goes so far IMHO

I have Platinumed GT5/6, Dirt Rally, PCARS and 1 race off in AC. I hated the career in PCARS. Just mind numbingly boring and when I played through it the career was broken so some events couldn't be entered and some didn't register. Oh and the day one glitches still being there even now :-( Nothing like doing and endurance race and getting to the 1 hour mark at Le Mans and the game crashing back to PS4 menu screen (twice in a row!!!!) Or hitting the invisible walls and destroying your career race >:-(

I'll let you know in a week ;-) I wasn't going to buy it after the fiasco PCARS 1 was BUT all my mates have decided it is the one to have because online (supposedly) works. BTW traded PCARS on it and got a whole A$14.95 ;-)

Really! ;-) You would never know by looking at the lobbies in online. And despite the over use of this combo most people still can't make turn one without having a pile up :-([/QUOTE]
Reg. Turn 1 incidents, I think I have a possible solution. If games on!y used traffic lights to start the game rather than on screen lights, the drivers closer to the front would react quicker. The further back you are the harder it is to see the lights so you have to react to the car in front. This will cause a slight delay as you go down the grid.

As it is now with on screen lights, everyone reacts almost at the same time
Even if Assetto Corsa remains the best sim on consoles in terms of driving feel there's just no way I'd pass on Project Cars 2 - many more cars on track, many more tracks, more cars (although I don't really feel like Assetto Corsa is lacking in this area, and has some cars that I love that PC2 won't have), a proper career mode, weather, night time racing.
I suspect things won't change much from how I already felt about Assetto Corsa vs PC1 - best (limited) driving sim vs best racing sim/game.

I'm looking forward to testing the new AI in Assetto Corsa today, but even if that turns out to be great the overall package is still going to lack in all the areas I mentioned above.
Reg. Turn 1 incidents, I think I have a possible solution. If games on!y used traffic lights to start the game rather than on screen lights, the drivers closer to the front would react quicker. The further back you are the harder it is to see the lights so you have to react to the car in front. This will cause a slight delay as you go down the grid.

As it is now with on screen lights, everyone reacts almost at the same time

No, the solution is to be like GT5/6 where you have a strong lobby owner that actually knows how to race and how to use a kick button. After the first pile up he would (I would) restart the race and eliminate the offenders that have no idea how to race. BTW writing nasty notes of displeasure on the lobby message board also helps ;-) Also because chat worked quite well a polite verbal request before the start of each race about the more notorious first corner tracks also helped.

Being able to communicate with a lobby full of racer, of different skill levels and various inflated egos is essential IMHO to be able to race online with random people being able to join. Isn't that how a lot of us first met our online buddies?

Sadly PCARS 1 missed this and AC has missed it by even further :-(
If games on!y used traffic lights to start the game rather than on screen lights, the drivers closer to the front would react quicker. The further back you are the harder it is to see the lights so you have to react to the car in front. This will cause a slight delay as you go down the grid

Hold on now he has a good point, as it happens in real races.
Well, the exeption being your pit boss on the mic saying green.

I would much rather pay attention to the position in front of me than see red circles countdown as I have my right foot hammered down like everyone else.
Much more immersive.

And of course the chat feature is much needed, with the host option to kick without voting.

Because we all know how effective voting is in AC, qualify time ticks out and there you are on pole waiting 30 min for the race to start.

And I'll add to that your pole position is probably irrelevant as you'll be punted off in turn one, spinning you into a dimension of pissed off you've never been as you chase the punter to get your revenge.
Yeah, happend this morning.
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No, the solution is to be like GT5/6 where you have a strong lobby owner that actually knows how to race and how to use a kick button. -(
That may be a solution to kicking them out but how is it a solution to preventing it in a lobby of randoms for the first time you've come across them? Then the 2nd race when newcomers take the place of those kicked out? In GT you could kick people out but that didn't make first corner punters or rammers disappear.
Hold on now he has a good point, as it happens in real races.
Well, the exeption being your pit boss on the mic saying green.

I would much rather pay attention to the position in front of me than see red circles countdown as I have my right foot hammered down like everyone else.
Much more immersive.

And of course the chat feature is much needed, with the host option to kick without voting.

Because we all know how effective voting is in AC, qualify time ticks out and there you are on pole waiting 30 min for the race to start.

And I'll add to that your pole position is probably irrelevant as you'll be punted off in turn one, spinning you into a dimension of pissed off you've never been as you chase the punter to get your revenge.
Yeah, happend this morning.
Bare in mind I did put it forth as a possible solution, rather than a guarantee. Would be a good addition imo though as it will make qualifying more important.
Well, with the Steam refund policy, I guess I could, at some point, purchase a copy of PCARS 2. I consider the original PCARS to be a complete waste of money due to the awful physics and FFB. It's a game I really, really wanted to love, but ultimately couldn't even play because of the poor foundation. It probably won't happen anywhere near game-launch, but if I get a chance I'll definitely come back and put in my 2cents worth... (But, as usual, I'll only be comparing classic-era rear-engine Porsches, because that's all I have extensive IRL experience with. Still, if you can't get the physics and feel of those right, you almost certainly can't get anything right, because those handle an extremely specific, easily "feel-able" and unique way.)
That may be a solution to kicking them out but how is it a solution to preventing it in a lobby of randoms for the first time you've come across them? Then the 2nd race when newcomers take the place of those kicked out? In GT you could kick people out but that didn't make first corner punters or rammers disappear.

Honestly the idea is "education" not "retribution". The idea is we *ALL* want honest and clean races with similarly skilled drivers. It doesn't matter where you are in the pack, if you can race cleanly with someone it makes it all worth while. I have had just as much fun dicing for last place as I have had winning races.

Lobbies need a strong host that will delete idiots and encourage genuine people trying to have a good time. And like I said, it is how many of us first met our current online buddies.

So specifically we *need* games that will allow and help promote this concept. AC is is dismal failure at this and deserves to fade into obscurity because of it.

For all their flaws and short comings GT5/6 has had the most congenial online environment of any games I have played and every racing game that claims any sort of Sim status should take note of this.

Real time, clear and concise communication is imperative in online lobbies. The GT series excelled at this with online, in-room chat and the notice board where people could type without headsets. Transgressors were warned and then if they didn't modify their behaviour were kicked. Blocking the track and ramming cars at chichanes just did not happen (for long anyway).

Finally I would like to point out real races on real race days have an official called the "Clerk of Course" and he is there to decide blame, hand out penalties and make sure the races run smoothly within the scope of the rules. So why don't games have this? The GT series basically has this function like I described. Why can't AC, PCARS etc?
Honestly the idea is "education" not "retribution". The idea is we *ALL* want honest and clean races with similarly skilled drivers. It doesn't matter where you are in the pack, if you can race cleanly with someone it makes it all worth while. I have had just as much fun dicing for last place as I have had winning races.

Lobbies need a strong host that will delete idiots and encourage genuine people trying to have a good time. And like I said, it is how many of us first met our current online buddies.

So specifically we *need* games that will allow and help promote this concept. AC is is dismal failure at this and deserves to fade into obscurity because of it.

For all their flaws and short comings GT5/6 has had the most congenial online environment of any games I have played and every racing game that claims any sort of Sim status should take note of this.

Real time, clear and concise communication is imperative in online lobbies. The GT series excelled at this with online, in-room chat and the notice board where people could type without headsets. Transgressors were warned and then if they didn't modify their behaviour were kicked. Blocking the track and ramming cars at chichanes just did not happen (for long anyway).

Finally I would like to point out real races on real race days have an official called the "Clerk of Course" and he is there to decide blame, hand out penalties and make sure the races run smoothly within the scope of the rules. So why don't games have this? The GT series basically has this function like I described. Why can't AC, PCARS etc?
PCars does have it.

It's quite common for a serial wreaker to get kicked, certainly in the rooms I've raced in.
As a PC gamer, my opinion is that any SIM player console user, since the option on consoles are considerably less than with PC, owes it to himself to have both AC and PCars2, depending on preferences some will play one more than the other, but I doubt very much that they will hate any of those 2.
How a SIM feel is often hard to describe but when driving one knows what he likes best.
One day, maybe, we will have the one SIM, so superior, the others will be obsolete, but we are not there yet in 2017.
So what is Project CARS 2 really like to drive compared to Assetto Corsa? I'll rather ask here because I think many people over there haven't driven AC (like @Fredzy said). Last thing I need is the opinion from some fan infatuated by all the novelties.

Like I've said above, I watch gameplay videos of Project CARS 2 and can't help wondering where all the hype comes from. Maybe I just need to try it myself and get hands on experience, but all the small things honestly scare me.

Some of my Project CARS 2 worries include:
  • Steering doesn't look progressive. I see many gameplay videos where wheel users constantly make inputs reminiscent of unskilled controller pad users.
  • Tires scream terribly under braking in many of the videos I've seen, which suggests constant lockups. Maybe user error, but braking should be intuitive.
  • Kerbs look bad. Let's be honest, our eyes point towards these all the time.
  • No chassis rumble audio effects when cars bounce on and off bumps and elevated surfaces.
  • Overall graphics on standard PS4 remind of the PS2 era. Perhaps the same can be said for AC environments, but dashboard and road details as well as sunlight reflections make up for it.
Right now I'm not prepared to throw a single penny at Project CARS 2, and the unfolding day one bug fest surely doesn't help. I just want to know whether the driving experience of AC has received a worthy competitor on consoles.
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So what is Project CARS 2 really like to drive compared to Assetto Corsa? I'll rather ask here because I think many people over there haven't driven AC (like @Fredzy said). Last thing I need is the opinion from some fan infatuated by all the novelties.

Like I've said above, I watch gameplay videos of Project CARS 2 and can't help wondering where all the hype comes from. Maybe I just need to try it myself and get hands on experience, but all the small things honestly scare me.

Some of my Project CARS 2 worries include:
  • Steering doesn't look progressive. I see many gameplay videos where wheel users constantly make inputs reminiscent of unskilled controller pad users.
  • Tires scream terribly under braking in many of the videos I've seen, which suggests constant lockups. Maybe user error, but braking should be intuitive.
  • Kerbs look bad. Let's be honest, our eyes point towards these all the time.
  • No chassis rumble audio effects when cars bounce on and off bumps and elevated surfaces.
  • Overall graphics on standard PS4 remind of the PS2 era. Perhaps the same can be said for AC environments, but dashboard and road details as well as sunlight reflections make up for it.
Right now I'm not prepared to throw a single penny at Project CARS 2, and the unfolding day one bug fest surely doesn't help. I just want to know whether the driving experience of AC has received a worthy competitor on consoles.

I have not played PC2 yet, but after watching probably an entire days worth of reviews/podcasts of PC2 it seems as it is pc1 with more content and for the most of it better physics and ffb, slightly below of top tier racesims. I am not impressed by the tracks, the cars, the gfx or the sound, but I am more so by what they "think" has improved with physics/ffb.

Just a moment ago I watched the Team VVV podcast and everything they talked about when it came to improvements over pc1 it felt like the problems pc1 had was pretty much pad related and not wheel related at all especially the things I describe below yet this was parroted on the web/forums like crazy.

What I dont understand is some of the criticism that pc1 got for its physics/handling. People have said that it was extremely hard to save when the rear of the car steps out. But in my case it was almost too easy to save a car, it almost felt like I was playing Forza4 with a pad although it was pc with a g27. Saving the car from a certain disaster like it was child's play with its over exaggerated weight transfer feel. But the ffb was indeed mute when it came to the road feel like bumps and such.

In Ac before the 1.7 patch on the other hand I did not feel what the rear was doing at all, weight transfer was pretty much non existent and the car did not want to turn in at all, felt like I was driving a 2d picture. Yet people were saying it was the real deal, how? when AC before the 1.7 patch felt so stiff, and without any depth when cornering, again it felt like driving a frame(the interior of the car) around a 2d picture.

Anyhow, lets hope pc2 have actually improved handling wise over pc1 and not that the problems that people thought it(pc1) had with the handling simply stemmed from pad users and not wheel users.

I will wait a while before I buy it though becasue it will be a bug infested hell for probably a 6 months or so.
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AC vs. PCARS2 FF and Physics on PS4

After playing this now for several hours and getting over the day one glitch of not having my T300 wheel recognised I can finally answer.

AC beats PCARS hands down in these areas. Now having said that PCARS 2 is way ahead on PCARS 1 as it does drive a lot better.

AC just worked straight out of the box and after tweaking the FF a little (way too strong initially) it is a pleasure to use and the cars drive sublime. PCARS 2 i struggled for half a day because my wheel was not recognised by the game and after a lot of trial and error and some collaborative work with fellow GT Planetters we found the solution and it was all to do with how the TH8A shifter was plugged in and where when (see my thread over at PCARS 2 on this if interested). Mind you this was because the day one patch was causing the issue. Delete the patch and the shifter worked but then most of the game didn't.

As far as FF goesin PCARS2 to me the wheel just feels heavy and gets heavier or lighter as you drive around where as in AC I actually get feedback, I can feel the road surface and the wheel communicates very effectively the available grip levels so it is far more of a SIM to me.

The only real positive thing I can say about PCARS 2 is wow, it is soooo nice to have such a big selection of tracks back again and it is so nice learning new tracks again too. Unfortunately there my positive comments end. The tracks that are the same as AC do not 'feel" as good and the graphics, especially off track is like going back to an early PS3 game and there is stuttering and frame dropouts especially in corners with several AI cars around.

My other gripes include, overly complicated menus, (especially all the FF settings), can't edit and save hud settings, rear view mirror is hit and miss in what cars it works in, extremely long load times and several other niggles. It just feels clunky and very unrefined.

I very nearly wrapped it back up and was going to take it back to the shop for a credit I was hating it that much. I have since changed my mind and will run it until GT Sport lands.

My recommendation to others is, wait until you see it on special or as a cheap second hand traded in disc. If it wasn't for some of my all time favourite tracks Bathurst, Hockenheim and Mt Fugi this disc would have gone back for a credit.

There is my $0.02 worth.
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I own and have played both on PC.
My opinion: PCars2 FFB and physics is better than anything else out there.

Also, as a total racing game package, nothing else comes close.

Mmmm.... we must have two totally different games. I'm sure the box mine came in said PCARS2, what about yours ;-)

Seriously though it does appear there are differences between the PC based games and their port across to consoles.
I own and have played both on PC.
My opinion: PCars2 FFB and physics is better than anything else out there.

Also, as a total racing game package, nothing else comes close.
I have to agree with @Animera here. I own both games on PC and Xbox. I use a Fanatec CSW V2 on both systems. On Xbox I'd put AC still ahead due to FFB. However, on PC it's much closer, PC2 feels very similar to AC, it's a huge improvement over PC1. And when you add that to all of the content and actual game you get with PC2 then I think it is a clear winner. Playing in VR tonight is probably the best racing game experience I have had.
After letting the honeymoon feeling die down (after a good night sleep :lol:) I would still rate Assetto Corsa the king of physics, FFB, audio, in-car bump mapping, shadow rendering and overall HD look.

Pcars 2 is very inconsistent with its audio. Some cars are loud, others quiet. Just take the 488 GT3 out for a drive. On Pcars it sounds like a sewing machine- on Assetto it sounds like a charging bull.
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After playing PC2 for a couple of hours (PC version) I am still not sure about it. I guess I was thinking that I was going to be blown away because of all of the hype. It feels OK and I really want to give it a fair go but so far I still prefer AC. One thing that I absolutely despise is that in the open wheel cars (or any cars with the display on the wheel) is that you cannot totally hide the wheel. I am pretty sure that "in real life" I don't see 2 steering wheels in my car. Anyway, so far I am not really amazed.

Also, who knows what the mod scene will be like for this game....AC has that covered for sure!
Okay, I'll bite from a PC perspective.

I have both games on PC, 1508 hours on PCARS and 8 hours on AC.
Why, you might ask?

For me, driving in AC feels awesome, but the game is sterile. It is good for time trials, not for racing.
You already preferred PCars over AC even when most of us found PCars to be not so good, so it does not come as a surprised, that an improved PCars, is for you the new ultimate racing game.
I am truly happy for that you have found your true SIM love.

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