Even Assetto Corsa has full replays. What? Oh right, all those games are on PC, including Assetto Corsa.It's very sad that an simulation game hasn't full replays... Even rfactor, iracing and all the others got full replays.
A solution for people who want longer replays may be to just pause the game every 3 minutes and save the replay, not ideal obviously but this is no good for online as it's non existent. Maybe kunos can just set an option to save replay every 3 minutes?ok... the amount if hate is incredible and really uninformed.
i wont comment the photomode since i didnt miss it one second, because i dont need it in a sim.
you bought the game without it, how can you be angry with it if it doenst come in a future update - fact
the replay files in the pc version can be incredibly huge. it actually gives a warning when you set it over 100 MB that this might impact performance dramatically - this is because it is written and stored exclusively in the RAM.
since a pc is an open plattform and you can just throw more ram into it if performance dips down on a console this is no option, coz the amount is fixed. if your pc is bad you need to set this to a lower value as well.
so basically kunos and 505 have to choose. lower gfx fidelity or cut the replays. especially on the console dumbing down the grafix would mean an even bigger uproar, so i guess they chose the lesser evil. -_-
they are aware of the problem. trust me. they simply cant solve it any better way at this point in time
since were talking about a pretty small developer you cant expect them to be best in class in every aspect.
yet in the really important areas (for me) such as vehicle dynamics, ff, drivability of the cars they are not just better, they outperform the competition b a long shot. its a whole different level.
so go on arguing why it doenst look better than PC, have the replays of GT and a 20 euro pricetag.
i understand the reasons behind this, but apparently most of you guys dont.
for those who do.
cheers mates see you on track![]()
ok... the amount if hate is incredible and really uninformed.
i wont comment the photomode since i didnt miss it one second, because i dont need it in a sim.
you bought the game without it, how can you be angry with it if it doenst come in a future update - fact
the replay files in the pc version can be incredibly huge. it actually gives a warning when you set it over 100 MB that this might impact performance dramatically - this is because it is written and stored exclusively in the RAM.
since a pc is an open plattform and you can just throw more ram into it if performance dips down on a console this is no option, coz the amount is fixed. if your pc is bad you need to set this to a lower value as well.
so basically kunos and 505 have to choose. lower gfx fidelity or cut the replays. especially on the console dumbing down the grafix would mean an even bigger uproar, so i guess they chose the lesser evil. -_-
they are aware of the problem. trust me. they simply cant solve it any better way at this point in time
since were talking about a pretty small developer you cant expect them to be best in class in every aspect.
yet in the really important areas (for me) such as vehicle dynamics, ff, drivability of the cars they are not just better, they outperform the competition b a long shot. its a whole different level.
so go on arguing why it doenst look better than PC, have the replays of GT and a 20 euro pricetag.
i understand the reasons behind this, but apparently most of you guys dont.
for those who do.
cheers mates see you on track![]()
I do not recall AC ever selling for $CDN80. Do you have a link to that?I don't think you quite understand what they were initially selling for, at least in Canada. Kunos thought this unfinished port was worth EIGHTY dollars, 8-0, I look at the Triple A titles and wonder what could all be stuffed in there that could be worth their 80 dollar price tag. I don't care how much better it might be compared to competitors, if it's not finished it's not worth full price. Yeah it has dropped dramatically in price but that's because they had the audacity to think it was worth that much in the first place. Just because they're a small developer doesn't give them an excuse, Project Cars can save replays over an hour in length. Any way you look at it that will be a large file, and the game will save it so long as you haven't already used up the allotted space the game takes out of your hard drive. How large are these replay files that Assetto Corsa is producing that more than 3 minutes will take more space than an hour of a competitor's replay file? There are things that Sim racer games need to have for leagues to use it or for other people's general enjoyment, and Assetto Corsa doesn't have them and isn't really planning on it either.
$80 bucks,don't think so.I do not recall AC ever selling for $CDN80. Do you have a link to that?
I do not recall AC ever selling for $CDN80. Do you have a link to that?
Original price was $69.Not anymore it isn't, I remember walking into EB Games the day after it went on sale and saw 80 smackeroos and walked straight out again. I don't think I grabbed a picture but I can look for one.
The problem with that is every other dev producing a racing title on console has managed to not find this an issue at all, so its certainly doesn't seem to be a console issue, but a developer issue.Even Assetto Corsa has full replays. What? Oh right, all those games are on PC, including Assetto Corsa.
What is a full replay? A full replay is limited by amount of memory, in this case RAM. For AC on pc you can set how much RAM you want to allocate, up to 1000mb, and to increase the length you can select replay recording quality.
Initially AC on pc was limited to 500mb, but I think last year they increased the space to 1k. But again, we're talking about pc where people have more free ram than consoles. They have to set a limit for replay length on console, otherwise other problems could arrive.
The more cars are on track, the more memory is used for the replay, meaning less length.
Therefore the replay length will always be limited by the console capabilities and whatever the devs can make with their game software. For solo driving you'll have more replay length and the more cars on track more memory is used, therefore less replay time length.
Even Assetto Corsa has full replays. What? Oh right, all those games are on PC, including Assetto Corsa.
What is a full replay? A full replay is limited by amount of memory, in this case RAM. For AC on pc you can set how much RAM you want to allocate, up to 1000mb, and to increase the length you can select replay recording quality.
Initially AC on pc was limited to 500mb, but I think last year they increased the space to 1k. But again, we're talking about pc where people have more free ram than consoles. They have to set a limit for replay length on console, otherwise other problems could arrive.
The more cars are on track, the more memory is used for the replay, meaning less length.
Therefore the replay length will always be limited by the console capabilities and whatever the devs can make with their game software. For solo driving you'll have more replay length and the more cars on track more memory is used, therefore less replay time length.
The problem with that is every other dev producing a racing title on console has managed to not find this an issue at all, so its certainly doesn't seem to be a console issue, but a developer issue.
I've recorded half hour long, full grid races in PCars on the PS4 without issue, so its not an unrealistic expectation for AC to be able to get close to the same. However what we get is no more than two minutes under the same conditions!
Oh and having checked, its not RAM allocation your changing on the PC to increase replay length, its file size.
FYI, I recently made my first ever foray into the world of steering wheels with a Thrustmaster T150. All I'll say is this - get when as soon as it becomes a possibility (not necessarily a T150, but some sort of wheel). It adds so much to the experience, I can't even describe it!
Well guess what took your advice - to go ahead and get a T150 at Gamestop. Basically have only used it for like 30 minuets so far. However already have a good indication that it will be night and day compared to the controller for project cars etc. Already can prevent cars from spinning out when going around turns just a tad to fast, by using the brake, gas and counter steering. Something that is difficult to impossible to do with (controller) on project cars especially with some of the slower cars that appear to have bad weight transfer and high degree of pushing through the turns.
So for the casual gamer who plays perhaps a few hours a week or several hours a month the money will be worth it. Besides it amounts to about $20 dollars a month - I am sure that would be hard to get that much enjoyment out of other things. For instance going to see a new movie or two each month would easily take more cash then that. For me will try and cut down on eating out etc.
Race on my friends...
Exactly, while you're on track with the car, the replay is stored in RAM, but after that when you save it is stored on the hdd/ssd.so... up until the session is being ended is definatly is stored in the ram. after that of course it is being put on the ssd, hdd (talking about the pc version obviosly).
since its in the code of the game everything else really makes no sense. they dont let that feature out of the game to piss people of for sure.
55 minutes.Has anyone tested how much replay time you get with one car on the track for consoles, since it should consume less memory?
Well guess what took your advice - to go ahead and get a T150 at Gamestop. Basically have only used it for like 30 minuets so far. However already have a good indication that it will be night and day compared to the controller for project cars etc. Already can prevent cars from spinning out when going around turns just a tad to fast, by using the brake, gas and counter steering. Something that is difficult to impossible to do with (controller) on project cars especially with some of the slower cars that appear to have bad weight transfer and high degree of pushing through the turns.
So for the casual gamer who plays perhaps a few hours a week or several hours a month the money will be worth it. Besides it amounts to about $20 dollars a month - I am sure that would be hard to get that much enjoyment out of other things. For instance going to see a new movie or two each month would easily take more cash then that. For me will try and cut down on eating out etc.
Race on my friends...
It's still worth the purchase. Porsche Packs will make owning Assetto even more worth it.
This game personally has been such a joy for me even though a lot of things are missing. The feeling of the cars, the tracks keeps bringing me back. Also looking forward to the new update as from reading around it sounds like a monster update including the sound and handling.
Bummer yes. Worth scrapping of the Christmas list if you own a wheel and thus miss out on the best driving experience currently available on consoles? Bit silly but heck to each his own...
Wow, this whole topic has become quite something. I hope Kunos will notice. But of course, some people are over-reacting, as usual. No photo mode, rubbish replays and a missing Showroom feature are no reason to miss out Assetto Corsa. It still has the best physics and probably the best AI, too.
Not bothered about photomode, but no replays is a major killer for me. Shame as I bought the gam yesterday with the PS Plus deal. So, I'll never be able to have an epic 10 lap battle online & be able to save it for future veiwing! That sucks bigtime. AC is a 5 star sim, but a 1 star game imho.
Like I said before, the consoles are not Kunos/505 main strategic plan. They're PC'ers that had to detour into the consoles in a search for extra funds and to jump into mainstream.
Think about Metallica when they did the black album with that "nothing else matters" crap on it... They had their faithful limited pure metal fan base that didn't provide enough money to fill their dreams so what to do to become worldwide sensation and make millions? Take a little walk into the popish main stream with a couple of nice songs to hit the masses and then carry on being Metallica again.
I googled "Alienware Alpha" as I was unfamiliar with it. Pretty interesting. So, does it just play games from your Steam account? It's not like a regular Windows PC too, is it? If it's the former, that's pretty wild...kind of like a PS4, but for playing PC games, eh? Sweet. I'm assuming you can connect peripherals like a steering wheel and such. Playing with a controler = ::BARF::Decided to buy Alienware alpha and assetto on PC. It's night and day between console and pc experience. Neither is perfect but pc is by far the best place to play assetto.
I am so glad you all found out about photo mode and replays before you decided to buy AC for your console, it will save you from a HUGE disappointment as those 2 features seem to be so important to you. Aren't you lucky?