Aston Martin vs Jaguar. 300km Brands Hatch. WINNER - ASTON MARTIN.

  • Thread starter El_Beardo
Oh **** I forgot to tell yall. Yall might have to remake the lobby my dr and sr were tanked. I only have D E
The official lobby doesn’t open until 8.45. The lobby I gave you was a practice lobby but I don’t know it’s open or not (@VulcanSpirit?)
New practice lobby now open - ID is 0475-4318-6694-0425-1024

Sorry for the hiccup; hopefully everyone should be able to get in now. :)
Apologies for retiring, I'll be very honest - I'm just too slow to have any fun.

Yeh, me too, but I'm too bloody stuborn. By lap 17 I was done, I'd had enough. I felt totally disconnected from the car. I kept getting distracted , making mistakes, ending up in the sand and spinning, then that would set me up for doing it again at the next corner :crazy:. I was one big ball of misery and my hand started to scream in pain at the pinky finger knuckle :grumpy:. Every time I was lapped by @VulcanSpirit I got a brief surge of joy because I knew that would be one less lap I had to do :dopey:.

However I did get to see some good battles. The first time I was lapped, the gap between @VulcanSpirit and @Hasnain282 was fairly substantial. the next time round it was quite a bit closer. It kept getting closer till they were coming through nose to bumper. @Kermit_2142 's gap seemed to vary a bit. At some point @R_Goldstreiff interjected himself between @Kermit_2142 and @Hasnain282 . The last three or 4 times i was lapped by @VulcanSpirit and @Hasnain282 , he was right up their arse.... I don't know how he was managing that with a Gr4 :lol:? I was unaware of this and knew @Kermit_2142 was far enough behind that one time I saw @VulcanSpirit about to come through, knew that @Hasnain282 would be right there with him that I eased off a little to let them past, moved back into position only to get rear ended by a third car I did not see on radar :crazy:.

I'm hoping that one day PD makes it easier to let people being lapped who is coming through and how far the gap is between cars :scared:.
That was a tough race. Congratulations to the winners in both classes. I think the lead for both was under contest the whole race

I started off quite slow and dropped off the back of the lead group a little bit having not practiced with fuel. @Drex124 just caught the grass at turn 3 and spun out and that then split the lead group and I was able to catch onto @Michelin Man a little after and put pressure on him until he also mass a mistake on the same corner handing me 3rd place. By this point p1 and 2 were 10s up the road and I couldn’t catch them. I decided to manage my pace and hope for an incident but sadly I made the mistake not them. Feeling like my tyres were wearing and having a decent gap I decided to pit early and 3 stop. This put me out of sink with everyone else but meant I could hold a solid gap to those behind me and have fresh tyres. I’d given up catching the front 2 after ditching it twice more but was keen to pinch the fastest lap which really took some effort and was only possible due to being on fresher tyres than everyone else.

I had a coming together with @Pigems on lap 32. I was making a comfortable move into t1 and @Invisigoth just so happened to pull out the pits right in front of us as we were side by side. I got spooked and accidentally squeezed Pigems just enough that contact was made and he was off into the gravel. Totally my fault and I’m really sorry for that I’m gutted about it.

I don’t think my lapping of traffic was great tonight in general. A couple times I would’ve liked to have given more room than I did so apologies to anyone else I may have aggrieved. A bit disappointed by myself with that to be honest.

Thanks to @El_Beardo for hosting (monster crash at paddock hill bend :scared:), @Adam Barber for the sweet livery 👍 and everyone else for an awesome race :cheers:


Went into this race with no expectations or any clue on which pit intervals would carry me through, but the instinct to go for a 28-25-25 strategy plus at least 2 laps extra fuel per stop paid off in the end. The Aston felt glued, @Hasnain282 was there to pressure me whenever I lost time through traffic or mistakes; even @Drex124 gave me a bit of pressure at the start before dropping down the order. Overall, it was a brilliant, brilliant race, and many congratulations to Hasnain, @SRT DK Racing for his victory in Gr.4 and our fellow podium finishers in both classes (@Kermit_2142, @GOTMAXPOWER, @R_Goldstreiff).

The highlight for me was going side-by-side with Hasnain through Druids nine laps from the end. I knew as soon as he got the slipstream down Brabham Straight that I had to take defensive lines through and out of Paddock Hill Bend, so that he would be forced wide around the outside. This gave me a stronger exit and enough momentum to get back in front before the kink at Graham Hill. Really unfortunate that Hasnain spun at Westfield on the very next lap - was that a kerb glitch he encountered?

Also, a little explanation for what happened on Lap 53. Normally when I do these sorts of endurance races I tend to save individual onboard clips of each of my stints to look at afterwards. It was while coming into pit on that lap - at the end of my second stint - that I accidentally pressed 'Share' twice in succession instead of double-tapping like I normally would. Up pops the 'Share' menu, the Halfords Aston kicks into Auto Drive and I'm in the pause menu as it swerves back onto Brabham Straight at reduced speed. A rather silly and scary mistake to make - slightly more scary than the near-off I had at Surtees - but thankfully I was still ahead of Hasnain and able to pit the next lap without problems.
@Kermit_2142 All good man, I know you’d never do it on purpose, accidents happen sometimes. :cheers: I just got frustrated after that and gave up. :lol: I don’t think I’m cut out for multi class racing, you’re either getting lapped all the time or having people in your way all the time, neither are things I really enjoy. :lol: Good race fellas, congrats to the winners and podium finishers! :cheers:
Fantastic race, cheers to @El_Beardo for hosting and organising this :cheers:.

My race went largely as expected, and finished where I expected in that regard too (with some luck). Had a strong start and managed to follow the quick @Hasnain282 in his Jag for a few laps early on.

I must apologise to @Invisigoth for making a complete mess of overtaking you once again :crazy:. Completely my fault and miss judged it coming up to Sheen curve, wasn't fair on you. My own mistake put me out of kilter for a couple of laps and allowed @Kermit_2142 to catch, and eventually overtake us out of Graham Hill bend, as I over did it clipping the grass on exit. A further mistake allowed @PaoloMX to capitalise. Once I settled in and got my rhythm back, I had a great little battle with a recovering @Drex124 and @PaoloMX for a few laps, before letting Drex past not to hold him up too much and see if he could attack Paolo's Jag. I dropped back a bit as those ahead had superior race pace, and focused on my own race. Had another super battle with @Drex124 in the second stint as well 👍.

Managed 29 laps in the 1st stint, which set me up nicely strategy wise for my own race. Ultimately that's what allowed us to take 4th, thanks to excess fuel from earlier meaning less was taken on board, allowing us to gap @PaoloMX and @Drex124 after my final stop on lap 55. That along with a dollop of luck from some very unfortunate mistakes of those around me allowed us to take a P4 finish, which I'll definitely take as I wasn't going to match those ahead of me. I'll also take the fact I made fewer mistakes than I usually do around Brands. When doing longer races there, I've often spent more time in the kitty-litter than on track, so that's a win in itself :lol:.

Overall, a cracking race from all in both categories, and best of all an Aston win in Gr.3 (nice one @VulcanSpirit), with Astons 1st and 3rd :D. Congrats to @Hasnain282 and @Kermit_2142 for the Gr.3 podium, and congrats to @SRT DK Racing for the Gr.4 win and to podium finishers @GOTMAXPOWER and @R_Goldstreiff making it a Jag clean sweep in Gr.4.



I must apologise to @Invisigoth for making a complete mess of overtaking you once again :crazy:. Completely my fault and miss judged it coming up to Sheen curve, wasn't fair on you.

The track is a bit treacherous when it comes to passing, and I was managing to find strange kerbs and grass patches where I would move aside to give room because someone had already had overlap approaching a corner, catch on one of these places and my car would lurch from one side of the track to the other, then just as I was getting back onto the track, another group of cars would come through. I'm guessing there were a few who saw the black car and thought "Oh no , not this guy again! Which way is he gunna bloody go *this* time??!" I think the two at the front were the only ones who had no issues with me, and having seen how close the gap was each time they lapped me, I was acutely aware I could be a factor is how things panned out. I got into a habit of moving to the side and braking early so they could both sail through un-impeded. Had I realise that @Hasnain282 wasn't driving an Aston, I might have been tempted to have a slidey moment :sly:.
Went into this race with no expectations or any clue on which pit intervals would carry me through, but the instinct to go for a 28-25-25 strategy plus at least 2 laps extra fuel per stop paid off in the end. The Aston felt glued, @Hasnain282 was there to pressure me whenever I lost time through traffic or mistakes; even @Drex124 gave me a bit of pressure at the start before dropping down the order. Overall, it was a brilliant, brilliant race, and many congratulations to Hasnain, @SRT DK Racing for his victory in Gr.4 and our fellow podium finishers in both classes (@Kermit_2142, @GOTMAXPOWER, @R_Goldstreiff).

The highlight for me was going side-by-side with Hasnain through Druids nine laps from the end. I knew as soon as he got the slipstream down Brabham Straight that I had to take defensive lines through and out of Paddock Hill Bend, so that he would be forced wide around the outside. This gave me a stronger exit and enough momentum to get back in front before the kink at Graham Hill. Really unfortunate that Hasnain spun at Westfield on the very next lap - was that a kerb glitch he encountered?

Also, a little explanation for what happened on Lap 53. Normally when I do these sorts of endurance races I tend to save individual onboard clips of each of my stints to look at afterwards. It was while coming into pit on that lap - at the end of my second stint - that I accidentally pressed 'Share' twice in succession instead of double-tapping like I normally would. Up pops the 'Share' menu, the Halfords Aston kicks into Auto Drive and I'm in the pause menu as it swerves back onto Brabham Straight at reduced speed. A rather silly and scary mistake to make - slightly more scary than the near-off I had at Surtees - but thankfully I was still ahead of Hasnain and able to pit the next lap without problems.
I think it was a kerb glitch as I had no time to react to it
Points have been totalled. Due to my replay not saving properly, I'm not counting fastest laps. Pole from each class count towards overall standings, and in class.

Reminder. Points tallied as follows.

16 for 1st, 15 for 2nd, etc, down to 1 for 16th.

Gr.3, and 4 were also tallied 8 - 1 in the same order.

Aston - 70
Jag - 62

Aston - 22
Jag - 13

Jag - 23
Aston - 12

Once again, thanks to everyone who came out. A shame I couldn't finish the race. But, difficult to drive while your ankle keeps on locking.
Will try to make a summary of my race, it all started with me wearing SicKemB0124 as a tig you can not get rid of the first 3 laps where I was several times sure that now I made some small mistake that would be enough that he would overtake me but it did not happen and he only lost my slipwind when El_Beardo_Grande had made a mistake in his gr3 car which caused him to fall down among the gr4 cars and he then had to overtake, and unfortunately for SicKemB0124 El_Beardo_Grande's overtaking him in the last turn before the start/finishline coused that SicKemB0124 lost my slipwind and from there I started to increase the distance to the other gr4 cars.

After my first pitstop I was up with not as much time as I had exspected , but enough to still be far enough in front so no gr4 car had my slipwind and started increasing the distance again , so in stint 2 I "just" had to drive safe and not make any mistakes so I could increase on my distance to the other gr4 cars again.

Came in to my 2nd pitstop feeling all was good and I shouldnt have any reason to be concerned about GOTMAXPOWER as he hadnt been gaining on me , but then I made the mistake putting on to much fuel so I had fuel to go on to lap 78 and when I was exciting the pit I saw 2 ppl coming up to turn 1 and thought that I would let the first of them by before going out on track and that was a BIG mistake as the first car was GOTMAXPOWER , and from there on to the end we had some great racing overtaking eachother several times and at a time where I was behind GOTMAXPOWER and after we just had been overtaken by Vulcanspirit with Hasnain breating down his neck , coming up for the last turn before the start/finishline Vulcanspirit and Hasnain had just overtaken In-visigoth and it was GOTMAXPOWER and my turn to go by In-visigoth , In-visigoth came flying from the grass out on track just in front of GOTMAXPOWER so he had no chance of avoiding hitting him so I easyly could have overtaken GOTMAXPOWER there , but then I thought to myself , no I wount overtake GOTMAXPOWER because of that incident and powered down and pulled in behind GOTMAXPOWER for some very intense last laps racing ......
Hey hey everybody,

a bit late for my race report, but here we go =)

Congrats to Team Aston Martin for winning this, to the class winners @VulcanSpirit & @SRT DK Racing and to @El_Beardo for organizing another cool event. Also, big thanks to @Adam Barber for providing my with a special version of his Emil Frey livery!

I enjoyed the multi-class aspect of it, it was kinda fun seeing the race of the Gr.3 class unfold in snippets. @VulcanSpirit and @Hasnain282 were really at it seemingly for the latter parts of the race. Regarding the overtakes between classes, being lapped on a narrow swooping track like Brands definetly was always edgy but it went okay for me at least. I think @Adam Barber pre-race tip of telling the Gr. 4 cars to simply hold the racing line and just not be erratic was a good call, it worked for me. It also added some thrill to the race, I remember going through Hawthornes right in the middle of a Gr.3 pack the first time they happened upon on me, that was intense^^

Otherwise I am very happy with the podium, I knew that especially my Jaguar teammates would be very very quick. The first few laps I stuck behind @Pigems this time, learning my lesson from previous races and biting my time - it felt like we might have a very close fight for the lead all togehter but than I fell out of the slipstream over the course of the first stint and the field spread out. Pigems and me got back togehter after the first cycle of pit stops but this only lasted for a lap as @Kermit_2142 then decided to rough up the Gr.4 field for a couple of corners :P I had an intense second stint with SickemBoi afterwards, we were within a second of each other for a long time but I eventually was able to gain a small cushion. After that it was most about bringing it home. I had no real offs luckily but slid across some corners very dramatically and I had an old bug on my Thrustmaster happen again for the first time in a long time in which the wheel suddenly goes to Share mode and I am in the PS4 main menu, which really scares you while doing a lobby race.

That's it, I liked it. See you all on track soon again hopefully.

Here are some photos:




Hey hey everybody,

a bit late for my race report, but here we go =)

Congrats to Team Aston Martin for winning this, to the class winners @VulcanSpirit & @SRT DK Racing and to @El_Beardo for organizing another cool event. Also, big thanks to @Adam Barber for providing my with a special version of his Emil Frey livery!

I enjoyed the multi-class aspect of it, it was kinda fun seeing the race of the Gr.3 class unfold in snippets. @VulcanSpirit and @Hasnain282 were really at it seemingly for the latter parts of the race. Regarding the overtakes between classes, being lapped on a narrow swooping track like Brands definetly was always edgy but it went okay for me at least. I think @Adam Barber pre-race tip of telling the Gr. 4 cars to simply hold the racing line and just not be erratic was a good call, it worked for me. It also added some thrill to the race, I remember going through Hawthornes right in the middle of a Gr.3 pack the first time they happened upon on me, that was intense^^

Otherwise I am very happy with the podium, I knew that especially my Jaguar teammates would be very very quick. The first few laps I stuck behind @Pigems this time, learning my lesson from previous races and biting my time - it felt like we might have a very close fight for the lead all togehter but than I fell out of the slipstream over the course of the first stint and the field spread out. Pigems and me got back togehter after the first cycle of pit stops but this only lasted for a lap as @Kermit_2142 then decided to rough up the Gr.4 field for a couple of corners :P I had an intense second stint with SickemBoi afterwards, we were within a second of each other for a long time but I eventually was able to gain a small cushion. After that it was most about bringing it home. I had no real offs luckily but slid across some corners very dramatically and I had an old bug on my Thrustmaster happen again for the first time in a long time in which the wheel suddenly goes to Share mode and I am in the PS4 main menu, which really scares you while doing a lobby race.

That's it, I liked it. See you all on track soon again hopefully.

Here are some photos:





Theses a rare shot of me not in the gravel trap there
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Congrats team Aston! Was definitely a great test of concentration and I managed to get through the whole race with only 1 major off at Westfield.

Id never heard of that kerb glitch before but think I hit it as it was like a landmine had gone off under the car instead of the usual misjudgement of corner, skid and off.

Anyway, had some great racing with @Drex124 for pretty much the entire race swapping back and forth and also @Michelin Man for the middle part of the race - but he stayed a good 6 seconds ahead for the entire 3rd stint and I just focused on trying to keep @Drex124 out of my slipstream until his fuel ran low unfortunately to come home for 5th.

Was definitely interesting doing multi-class but i was glad to be in the Gr. 3 for my first time as I’m sure I would have got in someone’s way in the slower car.

A couple of my overtakes weren’t great either. Unfortunately I tapped @Pigems coming out of Druids after his incident with @Kermit_2142 just before - sorry man. I thought I’d left enough space and wanted to make sure @Drex124 didn’t get away, but should have left more given it was multi-class. That may have been the last straw as he quit at the next bend.

Congrats to @VulcanSpirit and @Hasnain282 - they were just in a different class in Gr3, and the @SRT DK Racing and @GOTMAXPOWER tussle sounded amazing too.

Great race everyone and thanks @El_Beardo for organising. I’m taking a few days off to recover but racing again soon.
Id never heard of that kerb glitch before but think I hit it as it was like a landmine had gone off under the car instead of the usual misjudgement of corner, skid and off.

I noticed that when I watched the replay back, out of curiosity to see what caused to your spin at Westfield. It looks bizarre, as if almost the bottom of the car clipped through the kerb underneath and spat you out. You didn't cut the corner anymore than usual either making it odd, and given it's not the first time I've heard it mentioned either...
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Quite late with this as I'm behind on my highlights. Quali lap was ok, but there was more time in there but don't think I had the pace for pole. Managed to get into P2 early on and after that got pretty lucky with traffic to catch upto Vulcan. Had a couple of chances to overtake but didn't make them stick and in the end got done by a kerb glitch though I think Vulcan had me covered anyway.
This was my first time ever doing a multiclass race so tried not to take too much risks when lapping and for the most part I didn't really have any issues.
Congrats to Vulcan and DK on the wins and thanks to Beardo for organising, was good fun

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