AT and MT options.

They should just give you an option list when you buy a car from now on (except for used cars). You'll specify transmission, color, wheels and anything else configurable. For used cars what you see is what you get.
I suppose all the British players will have to pass another test in order to drive manual box' aswell?

I'm completely with L4S. Physics and AI come before sounds and 'so-much-real-life-it-hurts' points. And right now, neither of the previous are perfect.
Forcing one to conform to either MT or AT is just not good. Why should I be forced to go one way or another just so I can drive a specific car? It's a friggin' game! Who cares if it isn't EXACTLY right. They might as well make every car from before 1970 leak oil all over the place, and make it to where any one of your cars may just die halfway through a race due to some sort of failure. Realism is great, but too much so can be as bad as not enough.

Also, hasn't anyone noticed that Auto in the game is actually a manual one? Just watch the driver in your convertible during a time trial, and you can see when the game shifts for you in AT, the driver reaches for the stick and shifts it. So, it's not really an automatic transmission. In reality, it is an automated manual. The computer just takes over for the transmission, that's all.
We know -- half the posts in this thread mentioned that. And as far as unnecessary realism, I believe that realistic transmissions will only make the game better, as its goal is realism. And as long as there's no car damage ability, the realism can't stretch to the realm of parts failure.
IIRC, GT4 doesn't simulate "automatic" transmissions, they all work as manual, the only difference is that if you choose "automatic", it's the PS2 that does the shifting.

THAT is what's wrong.

Drive a Merc SLR in GT4 and drive one in Enthusia (if you have the game), and you'll see the difference. And how easy it is to make everyone happy (with realistic automatic transmissions AND still being able to choose when to shift, if you want to).