I think OP is reffering to physics calculation refresh-rate, which is something we'll never know preciselly.
Just by digging my own brains I remember that Prologue was something around 360Hz, something similar to Forza 3 - but I really do not know from where has somebody pulled-out those numbers.
However, I also remember that Kaz (was it him?) somewhere said that GT5 should have double-the-phisycs-refresh-rate compared to Prologue, which means somewhere around 700Hz realms.
What that mean in praxis, does it mean 700Hz per one car, or 700Hz for all cars in the field, does it mean tyres-only, does it mean overall HZ imput of the engine - only God knows.
But is it really matter at all?
No. Those number doesn't mean anything. They just fuel fanboy and marketing bull all over the internets