wow, 20.XX version.. shiet.. haha.. ok i'll try it thanx Viper
2ezKill - rephrase ur question please, I dun get exactly what ur asking. If ur wondering if DDR memory will double ur speed, it doesn't.
Factors - The way the card is design (the path ways, the simplier than better)
- memory speed of the card
- CPU and GPU speed
- Amount of ram u have
- The amount of processor avaiablity u have (e.g. is the processor already running on max)
- The temp or GPU and CPU has a large impact.
And Matrixhasu77 - if u overclock ur Card u should use a heatsink WITH fan, just incase. I'm no expert but yah, i rather spend another 50 or so dollars on a good heat sink and fan then have the card screw up on me