atlop's gallery

  • Thread starter atlop
Thanks guys :)

I think I'm done with the muscle cars for a while (now that Kennys comp is over and all), time to shoot something different. I have a couple of ideas for new collections, I'll start working in few days. The Camaro still continues to be the coolest car in universe of course :)
LM Race Cars, Part I

So these cars may not exist in real life, but within the world of GT they are IMO the most enjoyable cars for racing and my favorite hotlap vehicles: upgrade HP to the max, turn all aids off and see how fast you can go. :dopey: I hope I captured some of that spirit to these photos. I have two collections of LM cars, the second one I'll post in few days.

See all full sized photos in one page here .


The last two photos are from my best lap around the 'Ring in these cars: 5:53 The time may not be that impressive but it took me a lot of effort to get below 6 min. With upgraded engine and no anti spin control the car was pretty wild to drive, in the first pic I almost lost it at the bumpy 'bottom' part of the track, the second photo is from the last corner. Greatest feeling in GT4, turning that corner knowing you are going to beat your record... :)
LM Race Cars, Part II

OK, this is the second part of my LM race car collection. View all full sized pics here.


Thank you all! I mean it! 👍 I believe "flashy" style and heavy use of colors works well with these cars. The next collection will be very different machines though, and I try to keep it a bit less blurred and speedy, but then again it's very difficult to change your style. We'll see what happens.
Fiat collection

Versions for S12ken's 'minicars at the Ring' round, plus some more Fiat photos.

Full sized photos in one page here.

Thank you for the comments. :)

Now to the next update: two collections with some older shots, some competition entries but new photos as well. They are of different styles but I wanted to make collections out of them anyway. I have more brand new photos coming soon.

Circuit de la Sarthe

View all full sized photos here.

'Speed' collection

View all full sized photos here.

Misc updates to other collections:

Shadows and reflections

OK, the title may be a bit misleading. But if I had named this thread 'Pictures of Punto parked next to sidewalk' how many people would view this? :D Speed and thrill is not the point here, but rather an experiment with contrast and shadows, trying to make realistic looking photos without speed blur by placint the car partly in shadow (I put in a coulpe of speedy ones just for comparison).

Your comments very welcomed.

View all full sized photos here.

Altop, the last sets of updates have really made me want to go out and buy cars and take lots of photos, and for this utter enjoyment of picture lovleyness, im going to award you the Cracker of the Week.

altop has been awarded the cracker of the week award for week 5


Week 1 went to Ryosuke Gumna here

Week 2 went to Treefingers here

Week 3 went to vr6gti72 here

Week 4 went to s12ken here
Sweet, cracker-approved update!

I'm especially enjoying the middle shots of Row 2 and 4. The former because of the colours and the latter for the unique vantage point. Oh, your PMC entry's an obvious goodie, too 👍

They're all good, though. I need to check in here more often :)
Sprite: Sweet, I got the cracker! :) Thank you. I'll immediately put it on my prize shelf! 👍

SlipZtrEm: Thank you! The Beetle races are easily the most colourful events in GT4. :D However, I must say the next update will be the last, I just have too many commitments. I think I can find enougt time to participate in competitions but nothing more. :guilty: I have the last collection ready, will upload in a couple of days.
Damn, I just wandered here and now you're going to stop! :banghead:

Niinpä. Mutta kun välillä työt menee harrastusten edelle, ei mahda mitään. :guilty: Ja tajusin juuri tuossa että tähän photomodeiluun on itse asiassa viimeisen puolen vuoden aikana uponnut niin paljon tunteja ettei viitsi edes ajatella. Tästä eteenpäin pari tuntia yhtenä iltana viikossa on pakko pistää riittämään kun rupeaa muita projekteja pukkaamaan päälle.
This is the last new collection I'll post to my gallery, at least for a very long time. Too much stuff I just need to do and too little time. What time I have for photomode from now on I'll use it to participate in competitions. Maybe I'll post my competition shots here sometimes, but those won't be new to most of you (couple of them below).

And now to this update: it's a car with no less than six Finnish flags on it, so I just had to use it in my gallery! :) Thank you for viewing my photos! :) :)

Ford Escort Rally Car ´98

All full sized photos of the collection here.


Citta di Aria

Cathedral Rocks

Competition entries

So many great shots 👍 Well I hope to still see your entrys into the comp. As I was going through the gallery I see a few pics I voted for in comps. :)