Audi Nuvolari quattro

C is for Camel Hump! I noticed this nice car too, I will soon spend a cool 7Mill on a bunch of Audi's. Maybe I'll afford 3.
I have both the Le Mans quattro and the Nuvolari quattro from prizes, but have not fixed up either. Their power and weight details are very similar so I was wondering if their performance was much different when tuned. I think it would be more fun to tune the Nuvolari since I like the looks and it I guess it would be more rare racing online, but I don't want to dump money into it if it is slower than the Le Mans. Hopefully a tuner will help out here.
Audi Nuvolari 850 hp

Aero: 0/20
Rh: 11/11
Sr: 8.5/9.5
Ext: 6/6
Comp: 6/6
Bars: 3/5

Camber: 1.0/2.0
Toe: -0.20/-0.40

Trans: 217 Mph
Front LSD: 10/45/30
Back LSD: 5/45/30
TSCD: front 40 rear 60
Brakes: 8/8
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Audi Nuvolari 850 hp

Aero: 0/20
Rh: 11/11
Sr: 8.5/9.5
Ext: 6/6
Comp: 6/6
Bars: 3/5

Camber: 1.0/2.0
Toe: -0.20/-0.40

Trans: 217 Mph
Front LSD: 10/45/30
Back LSD: 5/45/30
TSCD: front 40 rear 60
Brakes: 8/8

The original is better.. Need some more work ,good luck!!
I love the Nuvorli tune! its perfect for the 'ring!

Thanks ,the Lemans is faster ,not for the ring, i don't know why, aerofoil ?? but on regular asfalt it's faster.. Give me some feedback, it's always possible to make better. With everybody giving his opinion.....