Australia Proposes Mandatory Internet Censorship - Now Includes Video Games

  • Thread starter FoolKiller
Well we voted for him because he was much better than Howard. I still think he's a top prime minister, but this is out of character.

no - I don't think I'll be going to hell, but thanks for the suggestion

Yeah because it is a lot better when we had Liberals......... get real, they all are as bad as each other.

Kevin Rudd is so false though. John Howard was genuine, all Rudd wants to do is get in front of the camera every day. :ouch:
I also disagree but saying that I liked Howard but not what he introduced and what he planned to introduce, this was his downfall. To keep this on topic I wont go into detail.

So who wants to start the revolution?
Is this because you don't have a paypal account and don't like buying over the internet? G25s not being sold in your local area could be solved by sourcing one from the rest of Australia - for a much better price. PM me if you want further advice ;)

If anyone wants to know my view on all this political kaffufle, read my favourite quote on my profile page:tup:

No, just because there's nothing I want online or can't get at some local store. I certainly don't want a new G25, if Logitech made a new wheel (eg. G27) I'd still be able to get it somewhere locally.
Wow, i never saw this coming. This could be the end of the internet for us Aussies... we are already disadvantaged on internet speed. :(

If this 🤬 mandatory censore:censored: does actually end up lowering download speed...there will be ALOT of upset and 🤬 off Aussie's. As you said the Internet speeds here already leave a :censored:load to be desired. And you can bet your bottom dollar that those 🤬 will use there ini****ive and tax what they will almost definetely call 'service'.

The above has been mandatorily censored. ^:D:tup:
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alot of people use the internet all the time. I know of many people who's hobbies rely on ebay to prosper, and one or two have make a living out of it.
People I know will protest and riot all day and night if they block ebay.

The Australian government would not need to fully block e-bay, they would simply present e-bay with an option. Either operate an Australian only version that will only allow items we say are legal or close up shop.

E-bay already operate a closed version of the system in China, so the model is already in place should them wish to go down this route.


I also disagree but saying that I liked Howard but not what he introduced and what he planned to introduce, this was his downfall. To keep this on topic I wont go into detail.

So who wants to start the revolution?

count me in..
though i might just move to another country.. its probably easier, cheaper and at least you get an outcome
Welcome to Australian law, it starts low key but spreads like a cancer, none of these "rights" talks like in the US. Our rights are given to us as the government pleases, very little opposition.
Give me a good reason for that lack of opposition. Really, because endless margaritas on the beach aren't proper justification.
I don't have a reason, I don't understand it myself. We are in the Commonwealth, we do as we're told.
This really worries me and I don't live in Australia. What are the chances of this actually going ahead?
The way KRudd sweet talks everyone and the way the Libs keep screwing up lately, not long. All we need is some people in the upper house (Xenophon, Fielding, etc.) to block it and stall it for another year or two so that we can get this going into to an election issue.

But that's for another thread. And I agree 100% with Casio on this, it's so much easier to get games from OS anyway, it's not like we like in a world of regions anymore really for our games. :cool: And what about other weird screwed up sites like rotten, ogrish, etc. that although gross, are informative and eye opening. Are we going to be banned from seeing those sites because 1/2 of Australia's teenage population will riot if they were banned, forget the voting public. :lol:
This really worries me and I don't live in Australia. What are the chances of this actually going ahead?

Its high enough to belive it could actually happen.

Dont get me started on how much we are taxed... why are we so heavily taxed anyway?
Rudd's rampant nanny-state antics are a gross infringement on our freedoms of expression, and, sadly, mandatory internet censorship is only one step of many already taken in his pursuit of NK-style control over our lives. A proliferation of revenue-rich speed cameras inundate all branches of our cities to deliver more illegitimate moolah to government coffers, much-needed driver training is replaced by hopeless vehicular restrictions (like the well-known 120kw/ptonne rule) and, like most countries now, delusional green activist and general lack of governemnt forsight have led to the imposition of increasingly heavier prices on fundamental life-sustaining commodities as basic as water. North Korea has more influence way south in the Australasian territories than I once thought.

Its high enough to belive it could actually happen.

Dont get me started on how much we are taxed... why are we so heavily taxed anyway?

The government will tell you that it is because Australia is too large a country with too few people (despite increasing our migrant intake to the point that our major cities are 40% multi-cultural) but the real reality is that they lack innovation when it comes to raising funds for what it supposedly going to be used for the greater good in future (but ministerial holidays is probably more accurate) - speed cameras, water taxes, emission taxes are too often the answer for compensating parliamentary incompetency.

However, I don't believe Australia is alone when it comes to higher taxes (North-Western European areas such as Norway and Sweden I believe suffer the same) but certainly we are when it comes to the higher echelons of tax misuse.
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now this is getting odd. it seems, besides china, that more countries are repressing all the freedoms except gender prefrence, while the States, as usual, does everything backwards.
as I was told by an Aussie bud or two, there is a growing Islamic community that wants to convert Australia into an Islamic country, so I'm allready worried. could they be influincing your politicians?

I was hoping, one day, to go down there and have a visit (along with Europe and other places). there's natural beauty, cool critters, history and culture all around the world that I would like to see and absorb pieces of, and yet all these dang barriers keep popping up (with more thrown up the second they find out you're a Yank). *sigh*
as I was told by an Aussie bud or two, there is a growing Islamic community that wants to convert Australia into an Islamic country, so I'm allready worried. could they be influincing your politicians?

That came up a while ago, it was squashed like a bug.
That came up a while ago, it was squashed like a bug.

That wouldnt work at all, Australia isnt a very religous country as far as i know, so if we dont follow what is to be accepted the "major religion of christianity" with much enthusasim (its accepted but i dont think many go to church and really "believe", your not looked differently if you do, but also no one cares if you dont) the chances of the country as a whole supporting an entirely different religion is extremly unlikely.
i was just wondering if they were automatically going after a Desert stereotyped :P
I'd also heard yarps about how the Australian "culture" is disintegrating under waves of Hollywoodisim (rolls eyes) for pete's sake, dig up another Steve Irwin and throw out all the "les Pattersons".

and, please, don't fall to conservatism, you'll get sued by the american right wing for copyright violations!
A proliferation of revenue-rich speed cameras inundate all branches of our cities to deliver more illegitimate moolah to government coffers, much-needed driver training is replaced by hopeless vehicular restrictions (like the well-known 120kw/ptonne rule)

That only applies to Victoria, and it doesn't restrict you guys as badly as it does here in NSW. For example, you guys JUST scrape under the limit to owning VN SS's and such due to the PTW rule Victoria has. Ours is more blanketed for red P platers in that we can't drive V8's, turbo cars (which includes diesels!! :lol: ) and other hi-po machinery such as M3's. Which is strange as they can drive all those cars on their L's or green P's without any trouble.

It shows the stupidity of governments in this case. They think that 12mths of driving experience is going to show you how to handle 400Kw+ of supercharged LS1 if it steps out on you under power?? Please! No wonder our young driver toll is so high. Like GT Pro said, better driver education is needed here, period. I've been fighting a losing battle on that front since I was writing for a car magazine back in 2002, and the rules have become more and more draconian since around 1996-98. It's not just the governments though, the actions that we do in our cars does make them kneejerk around a lot. (ie. burnouts, street racing, general hoon behaviour, criminal activity in some circles)

It's the same with the police, they need better education when it comes to cars in general. Just last week I was talking with a bloke who owns a completely engine stock Toyota Aristo V300. He keeps getting pulled over because the police keep thinking it's a bloody Lexus GS300 (which is NA here in Australia) and hassling him over the intercooler and 2JZ that resides there from the factory due to the fact they are simply uneducated dolts, and have been for the same around of time the laws have become more draconian.

And for all those rules regarding roads, you need to complain to the respective Premiers (Brumby for Vic, Rees for NSW), not to KRudd. The only roads the Feds control are the major roads network (Pacific Hwy, Bruce Hwy, New England Hwy, Princes Hwy for examples) and that's only for roadworks/infrastructure. The speed cameras are all done by state governments aswell. ;)

I could go for days on this issue, but let's get back to censorship.......please?? :)
i was just wondering if they were automatically going after a Desert stereotyped :P
I'd also heard yarps about how the Australian "culture" is disintegrating under waves of Hollywoodisim (rolls eyes) for pete's sake, dig up another Steve Irwin and throw out all the "les Pattersons".

and, please, don't fall to conservatism, you'll get sued by the american right wing for copyright violations!

Honestly, finding a true blue Aussie is not as easy as it use to be, but when you do you'll know. Australia's younger generations have been influenced alot by international media, but Australia is probably the most multi-cultural coutry in the world. The madatory censoreship of internet in Australia is probably a good thing though in some ways, so long as they don't class it as a service and once again create a form of revenue by taxing it. Or it slows internet speeds, that would be a major problem.
Apart from those two I think it would do the younger Australian's a world of good.
That only applies to Victoria, and it doesn't restrict you guys as badly as it does here in NSW. For example, you guys JUST scrape under the limit to owning VN SS's and such due to the PTW rule Victoria has. Ours is more blanketed for red P platers in that we can't drive V8's, turbo cars (which includes diesels!! :lol: ) and other hi-po machinery such as M3's. Which is strange as they can drive all those cars on their L's or green P's without any trouble.

SA doesn't have those laws at all, no car restrictions for learners or P platers.

The madatory censoreship of internet in Australia is probably a good thing though in some ways, so long as they don't class it as a service and once again create a form of revenue by taxing it. Or it slows internet speeds, that would be a major problem.
Apart from those two I think it would do the younger Australian's a world of good.

Apart from those two I think it would do the younger Australian's a world of good.
Or, you could let adults act like adults and let parents actually parent instead of letting the government play nanny to everyone and decide that a 30+ year old person can't handle mature content.
That only applies to Victoria, and it doesn't restrict you guys as badly as it does here in NSW. For example, you guys JUST scrape under the limit to owning VN SS's and such due to the PTW rule Victoria has. Ours is more blanketed for red P platers in that we can't drive V8's, turbo cars (which includes diesels!! :lol: ) and other hi-po machinery such as M3's. Which is strange as they can drive all those cars on their L's or green P's without any trouble.

So you can't drive Dad's Straight 4 Rodeo, (turbo-diesel) that's top speed is about 130?
Turbo-diesel is allowed.

It's more rather like this:

Nothing over 8 Cylinders,
No Turbo/Superchargers,
No 'hi-po' cars, eg. Naturally Aspirated M3s, Porsches,
And also nothing over 120kw/tonne.

However, there's some exceptions. For example, the Suzuki Cappucino is allowed, even though it has a turbocharger. But there's also a few loopholes. For instance, you can drive a Lotus Exige (non-supercharged), and even a Honda S2K.

Rather not get off-topic, but I hope people can understand this more.
. But there's also a few loopholes. For instance, you can drive a Lotus Exige (non-supercharged), and even a Honda S2K.

Both of those cars are over 120kw/tonne (actually what is the power of a non supercharged Exige?).
Honestly, finding a true blue Aussie is not as easy as it use to be, but when you do you'll know. Australia's younger generations have been influenced alot by international media, but Australia is probably the most multi-cultural coutry in the world. The madatory censoreship of internet in Australia is probably a good thing though in some ways, so long as they don't class it as a service and once again create a form of revenue by taxing it. Or it slows internet speeds, that would be a major problem.
Apart from those two I think it would do the younger Australian's a world of good.

A lot of Australia's younger generations (under 30) are metro-sexuals these days, and they don't even know it! THAT'S how badly influenced a lot of them are by the media.
Turbo-diesel is allowed.

It's more rather like this:

Nothing over 8 Cylinders,
No Turbo/Superchargers,
No 'hi-po' cars, eg. Naturally Aspirated M3s, Porsches,
And also nothing over 120kw/tonne.

However, there's some exceptions. For example, the Suzuki Cappucino is allowed, even though it has a turbocharger. But there's also a few loopholes. For instance, you can drive a Lotus Exige (non-supercharged), and even a Honda S2K.

Rather not get off-topic, but I hope people can understand this more.

Staying off for one more second, sorry all.

NSW doesn't have that. Turbo diesels are naughty according to Rees and the stooges here. :dunce: But yes, the Cappucino sneaks through due to it being a Kei class car originally and once again, the government thinks 660cc isn't going to get you anywhere when they can really haul when worked. 👍 But they did ban the Charade turbos and they're only 993cc 3cyl FWD turbos.

Interestingly, they've left the older series M3's off the RTA's list. :dopey: So, E46 M3 CSL anyone?? :D
Staying off for one more second, sorry all.

NSW doesn't have that. Turbo diesels are naughty according to Rees and the stooges here. :dunce: But yes, the Cappucino sneaks through due to it being a Kei class car originally and once again, the government thinks 660cc isn't going to get you anywhere when they can really haul when worked. 👍 But they did ban the Charade turbos and they're only 993cc 3cyl FWD turbos.

Interestingly, they've left the older series M3's off the RTA's list. :dopey: So, E46 M3 CSL anyone?? :D

Eh? Not allowed in Vic atleast.

Why don't we make a new topic about this, since there seems to be a lot of debate about this one?