Autobacs Super GT Season 2 | Polling is Now Closed!!!

  • Thread starter joetruckv8
United States
Los Angeles, Cali

Winter Testing Begins Now

Ok fellas Winter testing starts this Saturday. Finish up your last min reg adjustments and have them ready by Saturday so we can test & pick final set by the of Winter Testing. The Official Series begins Feb 1, and we will be hitting Hi to Low DF tracks, with a Top Mph Rd coming up last! 👍

Previous Series Race Champions:
GT 500 Class

GT 300 Class

ZachAK47 & Phil Bell

Super GT Champion & Team Championship Awards
~The champion of every full series will be awarded to create a custom track of their own that we will race as our opening round of the next full length Autobacs Super GT Series coming up the 1st week of Jan 2014. The Manufactures Team Champions will also get to generate a track of their own that will be the final round track for our next season or season 2. Good Luck to all contenders!

Recent news: We launched our 15 round Season 1 series as a good test session before the start of the GT6 Autobacs Super GT Season 2 that will be underway this Jan/Feb. We're now adding FIA GT3 bi weekly race schedule to run with Super GT bi weekly race schedule at the same time to give drivers a 2 chassis driving experience without having to race in 2 different series via GTPlanet. We're also linking the tracks together to limit needed practice strain on drivers. Thank you all and we hope to see you guys on track.

General Info About Races:This is a race series with a nice variety of Premium Only Super GT500 race cars tuned up to the 502 horsepower range. Success ballast is also included which effectively in our series balances out the fast & slow drivers. We are very consistent when it comes to our racing every week, and we hope you can join us for some on & off track fun!

Date & Time:
Saturday, Jan 25th, 6:00pm Est
Saturday, Jan 25th, 3:00pm Pst
Saturday, Jan 25th, 10:00pm Gmt
Sunday, Jan 25th, 11:00pm Gmt

Host: Private lounge of JoeTruckV8 or ZachAK47 or Roderuner1967

Race Length: At least 200 to 250 to 300 kilometers depending on round

Reg Check: 11:45pm GMT | 3:45pm PST

Caution Period Rule: IF there is a collision, WITHIN THE FIRST 2 SECTORS of the first lap, then If 2 drivers type caution then the whole field slows and we will do the rolling start. When 1st crosses the start finish line we are go again. 1st drives round at 60mph/100kph
Tire Compounds: Soft/Med Arrangement Only

Tire Rule: You must start the race with the tire compound that you qualify on. Also the medium tire/hard tire must be used for a period of 8 laps minimum. Continued more specifically at the bottom.

Wet Race Tire Rule: If deemed a wet race from start or if the race goes from dry to wet then the 2 compound tire rule is out the window!

Front Fender Rule: When 2 drivers are approaching the next turn which ever car has the front fender over the next car will have the right of way for that turn. This principle will be used in the stewards verdicts when it comes to reported racing incidents.

Lobby 2 Rule: The grid will be split 50/50 if more than 16 drivers show. So for example 17 show, room A has 9, room B has 8

Requirements: Fun, clean and fair drivers

Founder: JoeTruckV8

Co Founder: ZachAK47

Race Officials: JoeTruckV8 ; RodeRuner1967 ; ZachAK47 ; SkengD

Qualifying Times & Race Results:
Qualifying Times
Overall Points
Team Championship

Track Leader Board

Qualifier Sheet Rd15

Race Results Rd15

Overall Points Rd15

Team Championship Points Rd15

Next Race

Room Regulations:

  • Non-fixed host room
  • High race quality
  • Microphones disabled
  • Heavy damage
  • No penalties
  • Real slipstream
  • Tire wear/Fuel consumption on "Normal"
  • Real grip reduction on wet/edge
  • Visual damage off
  • Collisions on
  • Racing line available
  • Traction control available
  • ABS available
  • All other assists off

Car Regulations:

  • Down to see complete list of cars and restrictions
  • What ever car you use for Rd 4 and beyond, you will have to stick with that chassis for the remainder of the season.

Success Ballast:

  • Ballast is cumulative. If your car weight is not divisible by 10, your new weight will be rounded up to the nearest 10th. Keep in mind that your weight can never go below the weight minimum listed under car regulations. Ballast will also carryover to any car you decide to switch to between Rounds 1 through 4.
*Note that success ballast will not be applied during the final round.

  • 1st: +40 kilograms
  • 2nd: +30 kilograms
  • 3rd: +20 kilograms
  • 4th: +10 change
  • 5th: *No Change kilograms
  • 6th: -10 kilograms
  • 7th: -20 kilograms
  • 8th: -30 kilograms
  • 9th: -40 kilograms
Also Note: Maximum Ballast Taken (+160 kilograms),

Points Scoring:

  • Pole position: 1 point
  • Fastest lap during race: 1 point
  • Pole position and fastest lap bonus will also apply to the "slower" room if there are more than 16 drivers. Also, if you made an effort to race and could not finish due to disconnect or some other reason, you will still receive points.
  • 1st: 30 points
  • 2nd: 24 points
  • 3rd: 23 points
  • 4th: 20 points
  • 5th: 18 points
  • 6th: 16 points
  • 7th: 14 points
  • 8th: 12 points
  • 9th: 10 points
  • 10th: 8 points
  • 11th: 6 points
  • 12th: 5 points
  • 13th: 4 points
  • 14th: 3 points
  • 15th: 2 points
  • 16th: 1 points
Track Boundaries:

  • Track boundaries are generally the same as those enforced by the GT5 penalty system and as defined by section 16: Offline Racing in the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines. Much of the following is taken verbatim from there.
  • Colliding with or using walls, fences or other obstacles is forbidden, whether time is gained or not.
  • Two wheels (except when airborne, where the vertical projection of the car onto the track counts) must be in contact with the track/circuit which includes the rumble strips and footpaths, but not grassed areas.
  • All green areas are not part of the track unless otherwise stated in the Race Specifics section of any given event.
  • Curbs, sidewalks/pavements are not part of the track unless otherwise stated.
  • Tarmac/Asphalt or any other kind of surface mentioned above that are situated beyond the normal limits of the track, Run-off areas for example, are not part of the track unless otherwise stated.
  • Any kind of rumble strip made of concrete, stone etc is part of the track unless otherwise stated.
  • In short: if there is no rumble strip, keep two wheels within white lines. If there is a rumble strip, keep two wheels on the rumble strip.
  • Occasionally crossing track boundaries to avoid other cars, accidents etc is to be expected, but if you continuously go out of bounds, you will be penalized.

GT6 Penalty System


  • Crossing the pit exit line will result in a 5s penalty
  • Colliding with another driver may result in a penalty up to 60s
  • Failing to yield may result in a penalty up to 60s
  • Mixing tyre compounds/using only the softer compound will result in a 60s penalty
  • Using only the harder compound will result in a 30s penalty
  • A car that fails post race scrutineering will result in 0 points for that round

  • Exceeding track limits and gaining an advantage will result in a post race 10s penalty
  • Block another driver will result in a 5s penalty
Verbal conduct:

  • Consistent abuse of a fellow driver will result in a 1 round ban
Consistent rule breaking:

  • A driver who has received 5 penalties may receive half points for the next round
  • A driver who has received 10 penalties may be excluded for the next round
  • A driver who has received 15 penalties may be banned from the championship

  • A driver who disconnects or finishes in last place will be penalized the following round
  • Most penalties are stewards discretion. It is unlikely that stewards will agree to one penalty, so an average of the time penalties will be taken.
  • Discussion of penalties on the thread is forbidden. In doing this if you void the steward investigation and no action will be taken.
Reporting procedure:

  • PM ZachAK47 a lap number an drivers involved, you do not have to be involved to report an incident. You have 24hrs from the race start to do this.
  • ZachAK47 will PM all drivers involved asking for their view on the incident. Drivers have 24hrs from when the PM is sent to respond.
  • ZachAK47 will then forward responses to stewards. Stewards have 24hrs from the sending of the PM to respond.
  • The stewards decision is final. There will be no appeal.


  • A collision that results in another driver losing control of their car will result in a 10s penalty multiplied by positions lost.
  • A collision that has clear intent to force another driver to lose control will result in a 20s penalty multiplied by positions lost.
  • If a driver is forced into a spin/into the gravel trap as a direct result of contact, a 30s penalty will be applied regardless of if the offending driver waits. This penalty will be given on-top of any collision penalty
  • When a driver overtakes unfairly and fails to yield within a reasonable time, a 30s penalty will be applied
  • The disadvantaged driver has 1 opportunity to reclaim his position. If the driver spins or crashes while another driver is trying to yield, no penalty will be applied except for the contact.


  • It is impossible for a driver who receives a 30s penalty for pushing a driver into the gravel/failing to yield, not to receive at least a 10s penalty for the initial contact.

Penalty points:

  • For every 10s time penalty received, a driver will receive that number of penalty points
  • Every 3 penalty points results in 1 reprimand been added to the drivers reprimand sheet.


  • Crossing the pit exit line will result in a reprimand regardless of if you are not around another car.
  • A reprimand will be issued for not using both tire compounds.
  • If a driver mixed soft and medium tires they will be penalized with a reprimand
  • Using a car that failures to meet the regulations (e.g. Using an illegal engine upgrade) will result in you being disqualified from the event. A reprimand will also be given
  • A driver who receives 5 or more penalties over the course of a season, shall be given a reprimand


  • Discussion of collisions between the drivers is forbidden in the thread. All discussion must take place using the private messaging service. A reprimand will be given to anyone who posts twice or more about an incident.
  • Discussion of collisions between drivers is permitted on the thread if 2 of the drivers are ZachAK47 and Joetruckv8. This is to show clarity in the penalty system. Stewards only should comment.
  • When an incident is reported to the stewards a PM will be sent out by ZachAK47 to the drivers involved, if the incident is unclear from the replay. They will then get a chance to explain their perspective and this will be noted by the stewards in subsequent action.
  • Any appeals against penalties must be declared by PMing ZachAK47. Not in the thread.


  • Post race rage (either in lounge or on thread) must end 10 minutes after the end of the race, any foul language/abuse after this time will result in a reprimand.
  • If a driver disconnects after causing a collision worthy of a penalty, the penalty will be applied to their next completed race.
  • The penalty system may be altered after an incident to result in more appropriate action applied if it occurs again.
  • If a new rule is announced, and subsequent penalties are made to enforce the rule, each driver will receive a reprimand for their first offense.
  • New drivers will receive a reprimand for their first offense, regardless of severity

  • 3 reprimands - back of the grid next round
  • 5 reprimands - 2 pt deduction
  • 6 reprimands - 3 pt deduction
  • For every reprimand afterwards the pts reduction will increase by 1.
  • So basically, only collisions result in time penalties. Every other for of incident will be a reprimand. Every 10s a driver gets, a driver gets a penalty point. 3 of these penalty points = 1 reprimand. So 30s penalty = 1 reprimand
  • Ive added in if a guy is pushed into gravel/into a spin the offending driver gets a 30s penalty no matter what. then if he doesn't wait he gets another 30s penalty. plus on the initial contact penalty of at least 10s, the driver loses a minimum of 40-70s. In effect a reward for ****ing a guy up (like I did at gsv to you)
  • along with that 40-70s penalty, they also getting a reprimand or 2 due to the penalty pts system.

Driver to Driver Pit Penalty Rule:

  • If a driver intentionally knocks another driver into the pits during green flag racing that offending driver will get last place points behind entire field plus disconnected drivers, and will start from the back of the pack for the next round as well!
*Any questions about the penalty system should be directed to ZachAK47

Lag Policy:

  • In order to create the closest racing possible, a good Internet connection is needed. To ensure that this can happen we are doing a 3 strikes policy for lagging drivers (a strike is one race)
  • Strike 1- no action, it is treated as a one off
  • Strike 2 - warning that the driver needs to try to improve their connection
  • Strike 3 - the driver will not be permitted to race unless multiple stewards can confirm on race day the driver has no lag
  • If a driver does not lag for 2 consecutive races, then one strike will be removed.

Driving Standards:

  • When a driver has their front bumper, alongside the car aheads rear bumper, a cars width must be left by the car ahead.
  • The car ahead keeps right of way until the overtake is completed, when the overtaking car is completely ahead of the defending driver.
  • The car ahead may move across the track when defending even when the overtaking car is alongside, provided the overtaking car is not forced off track.
  • When alongside, a cars width must be left by the overtaking driver and the defending driver, neither driver cannot be forced off track.
  • Bump drafting is allowed, to indicate you do not wish to bump draft, move off the racing line on the straight.
  • The overtaking driver must be in full control of their vehicle and be prepared to abandon the overtake Drivers can and will use their active flashers to insinuate that they plan on pitting after the next turn or two to reduce collisions upon pit entries while attempting to be overtaken.


  • You can qualify at any time until 1 hours before the race begins.
  • Qualifying ends in
  • Notify any of the race officials on PSN or on here that you want to qualify.
  • Success ballast is used during qualifying.
  • The qualifying room must have the same settings as listed under "Room Regulations"
  • The race official will check room settings and car settings.
  • You will do a 4 lap "Grid Start" race and the fastest lap time in the first
  • If you abandon your Qualifier laps then you must still use the tires that you attempt to qualify on.
  • A race official must watch all 3 timed laps for a qualifying attempt to be valid.
  • A race official must qualify with another race official watching the qualifying.
  • All times must be posted on the thread along with the race official's name who spectated the qualifying attempt.
  • If a driver aborts their qualifying run for whatever distractions/reasons then its their responsibility and takes whatever time they currently posted. You can only abort on your out lap since there is no Q times set yet but once a time is posted then the abort is on the driver and will have to take the best time.

None Qualifiers:

  • We actually had a problem at last weeks race that needs to be worked out so this is how we are going to fix none qualifier's. The room will be open 15 mins earlier to have a 10 min qualifying session for the late qualifiers. The drivers who qualified during the week will have priority to their grid positions regardless if in the knockout session a driver bests a already qualified drivers time. After the knockout session those late Q drivers will grid from behind the slowest already qualified driver to make up the grid for the main event.

Pre-Race Car Checks:

  • Before the race can begin, I must check that everyone's car is the right horsepower and weight.
  • Please do not access your garage or tune menu when your car passes.
  • Anyone accessing the garage or tune menu will be penalized at the race officials' discretion.
  • Cars need to be broke-in so we don't have any HP gainers during the races. This is an advantage in the race.

Tire Rule Cont:

  • The 8 laps must be FLYING LAPS. Inlaps and Outlaps WILL NOT COUNT towards the 8 lap stint.
  • So if you start the race on the medium tires. The earliest you can pit is lap 9
  • If you finish a 30 lap race on medium tires, the latest you may pit is lap 22
  • If you pit mid race and plan to pit again. Then there must be a 10 lap difference between your 2 pitstops. This is because your in lap and out lap will not be counted

Rolling Start Procedure:

  • In the final sector, there will be no weaving or sudden changes of acceleration.
  • If a driver wishes to accelerate and brake to warm tires, this MUST be done off the racing line
  • It is recommended each car is a car length apart to give the driver in-front the chance to weave to warm their tires.
  • Overtaking is allowed once you cross the start finish line. But full throttle is allowed once the leader crosses the start finish line.
  • Going off track boundaries to warm tires is allowed.
  • A driver who loses positions on the pace lap is allowed to make their way to their starting position in a safe manner.
  • Any collisions on the pace lap will be investigated
  • Leading car must cross finish line at a speed between 70mph and 80mph

Standing Start Procedure:

  • We will set the race room to 1 lap with next race results the same as previous round which will grid us up in our qualifying order without any mistakes being made by the GT5 software. This lap is ran at full pace, but all drivers must remember to cross the finish line in the respected qualifying order. Also I may add that another benefit to us running a 1 lap finish to set the grid for or main race also results in a 1st lap practice before the actually race begins which in turn helps all drivers have a cleaner 1st lap start to the race.

Race Finish:

  • When the winner passes the checkered flag and the timer pops up, you will continue to race until the end of the lap you are currently on. Once you finish your lap, you are not allowed to pass anymore cars.
Post Race Scrutineering:

  • Race penalty for failing post race scrutineering will mean all of your current round points will be ripped away and a race probation period. The race probation period means the driver whom was found over powered will have to be checked for the next 2 future rounds alongside with the top 3 to be post race scrutinized. If a driver is found guilty twice then that driver will be banned from racing for 1 round. If a driver is found guilty 3 times then that driver will be removed from our series completely. We made this our most severe offense, as it is one of the most degrading offenses to oneself and all other drivers.

Post Race Scrutineering Summarized:

  • 1st offense 2 race probation period
  • 2nd offense 1 race ban
  • 3rd offense Series ban
*We understand that there are ways for a driver to get caught out unintentionally; that's the only reason why drivers get 3 strikes. Also this Penalty is a carry over offense so if you get strike 1 in season 1 and then get the same penalty in season 2, it still will be your 2nd offense. Autobacs will take as many measures possible to make sure that all drivers are getting a fair race. Because of this being a late night race for GMT drivers, we are only post race checking the Top 3.

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Nissan Xanavi Nismo GTR

Drivers: Stalliono & Racefan

Nissan Calsonic Impul GTR

Drivers: ozwheels & Ghaek

Nissan Yellow Hat TMS GTR

Drivers: Calum.Mchale & Bazzer

Lexus Petronas Tom's SC430

Drivers: Cam_From_Nj & Freshseth

Bandai Denzo Dunlop SC430

Drivers: Open & Open

Honda Weider HSV

Drivers: Skengdigi & Willfred_1

Honda Keihin HSV

Drivers: JoeTruckV8 & TnT-2000

Honda Raybrig HSV

Drivers: ZackAK47 & Yeratel

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Nissan GTR's | 502hp @ 1100kg - 1 Spots Left

Honda HSV's | 502hp @ 1140kg - 0 Spots Left

Lexus SC430's | 502hp @ 1100kg - 2 Spots Left

*Note all cars can run Turbo 2, but not Turbo 3, or Eng 3

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Thanks for putting this together Joe! I really look forward to racing all of you as I continue to improve my track presence :)
Yea its on the to do list, ill be making several changes over the next couple of days. This is just a good rough draft so guys can talk GT500 while I finish last edits. This holiday weekend has me family obligated to point where I was barely able to get this much done. Also there are no reg's yet before you notice that next; they will be up tonight when I get home from this bar b que and have more time on hand! 👍
Sign me up for the Takata Dome please

And I'm co-owner of the league with Joe, so you may want to add us both :P
Sign me up for the Takata Dome please

And I'm co-owner of the league with Joe, so you may want to add us both :P

You better be good with it. I don't want no slouches on my team! J/K... Im sure youre doing 1:35s at Fuji F.
You better be good with it. I don't want no slouches on my team! J/K... Im sure youre doing 1:35s at Fuji F.

Haha I like the challenge of it. The others seem too easy to drive

Track list is being finalised and will probably be up by the end of today. Remember this is only a 4 round series, so your favourite track might not be on
I was thinking of using another car since its just 4 races but i think ill do that a next time .

See you guys at race 1 .
Im still about a half second faster with the HSV around most tracks. But I think success ballast will keep things close.

Heres a fun fact for you. Super GT 500 cars run a 'reverse staggered' wheel size. This means the front wheels are a larger diameter (18") than the rear wheels (17"). On a lot of high end street cars you will see a staggered wheel size with the front wheels being smaller than the rear wheels. But its the opposite with current GT 500s. This gives more rear wheel tire grip according to drivers.
Is this a teams championship ?
Yes but I would use this time to figure out the chassis you want to use for Season 1 or try a different chassis that may have been tickling your fancy so you do pick the right car for Season 1! 👍

I'm still about a half second faster with the HSV around most tracks. But I think success ballast will keep things close.

Here's a fun fact for you. Super GT 500 cars run a 'reverse staggered' wheel size. This means the front wheels are a larger diameter (18") than the rear wheels (17"). On a lot of high end street cars you will see a staggered wheel size with the front wheels being smaller than the rear wheels. But its the opposite with current GT 500s. This gives more rear wheel tire grip according to drivers.

Hmmm, did not know that. I'm a huge racing buff and I make it my personal objective to watch every single race series that I can but I have not started on Super GT yet so I guess I will start watching these series to get a grasp on facts and strong teams. There is a 90's thru 2000's tape floating around on Youtube that brings you up to date with the last 10 yrs of JGTC, and then when I finish off watching that I will complete racing series from 2008 - 2010 to current for entertainment purposes. My girl doesn't get how it just doesn't get old. :sly:👍
Well next year everything changes. They will use cars based on the new GT500/DTM chassis (tub). The main difference is the Japanese will continue with their manufacturer tires and not a spec tire like DTM run. The wheels will be 18" all around. Also iirc, the weight will drop from 1100kg to 1000kg. The other huge change is a switch in engine spec. Instead of the 3.4 V8's they will switch to turbo 4 cylinder engines, even DTM seems onboard with this.
Is there a way to get these super gt races in English? The Japanese commentary is exciting but I can't understand a word they say
Is there a way to get these super gt races in English? The Japanese commentary is exciting but I can't understand a word they say
Short answer No
however the demand for japanese motorsport to be broadcasted to the western world is growing so we may find super gt bring out english subtitles
I guess I'm waiting for them to leave the country enough times for FIA to come into play. That will make English commantary come into play!
I guess I'm waiting for them to leave the country enough times for FIA to come into play. That will make English commentary come into play!

Don't count on it the gt specials for 500 and 300s are so different to road counterparts that the aco and FIA struggle to classify them. like seth said the 500s pace is similar to a P2 prototype