Automobilista 2 - Discussion Thread

What about "more" street cars? I love many tracks there and it would be nice to have some "normal" cars. Do you think it's even planned?
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new bootfiles and 2 new yellow cars are out at the blog

It looks like I found a new king for me. The game is perfect from driving perspective. It's unbelievable good. Strange is the game is not much popular. I hope Reiza will get enough money to create polished package and show everybody how do to games.

Buy it now! :D
New updates 2021 Brazilian Stock Cars
Your video made me test those stock cars in AMS2 for the first time actually. The 2021 model didn't really click with me. Mostly because there is a panel above the driver that blocks the view when trying to raise the camera. That's also present in the 2020 model.

The 2019 model however did click! I did some quick races on some of those smaller and lesser known (at least to me) Brazilian tracks. What an absolute blast! The physics and ffb are brilliant (although a slight nitpick is that my CSW2.5 felt a bit "notchy" in that car) and it was a lot of fun to throw those cars around. The AI was also really really good, even though they sometimes punted me off the track. But I suppose that's almost to be expected with these kinds of cars – door to door racing.

I have to say I was genuinely surprised just how good the handling felt. Will be spending a lot more time in this sim going forward. Next on the test bench: The Omega 1999. Should be fun with my H-shifter.
Your video made me test those stock cars in AMS2 for the first time actually. The 2021 model didn't really click with me. Mostly because there is a panel above the driver that blocks the view when trying to raise the camera. That's also present in the 2020 model.

The 2019 model however did click! I did some quick races on some of those smaller and lesser known (at least to me) Brazilian tracks. What an absolute blast! The physics and ffb are brilliant (although a slight nitpick is that my CSW2.5 felt a bit "notchy" in that car) and it was a lot of fun to throw those cars around. The AI was also really really good, even though they sometimes punted me off the track. But I suppose that's almost to be expected with these kinds of cars – door to door racing.

I have to say I was genuinely surprised just how good the handling felt. Will be spending a lot more time in this sim going forward. Next on the test bench: The Omega 1999. Should be fun with my H-shifter.
Great to hear, the Omega is a bit of a star in my view, I loved it when I first ran it.
the Omega is a bit of a star in my view, I loved it when I first ran it.
I concur :D
Only thing that takes away slightly from the enjoyment is the shift lights bug and also a slight engine rev freeze when going from 3rd to 4th, causing me to lose time. I've reported it.
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They said it will be a really big update to celebrate the 1 year anniversary! I was hoping for more but i guess this is still something to test out.
I thought we might get Longbeach today!
Yeah, that's true. From my tests it looks like new driveline simulation is really big change. But I am not sure. Still it's better to have buggy game with awesome driving than anything else with average driving.
could a dedicated section be created for AMS 2? so as to create threads for screenshots, videos, mods and various discussions ..

This thread is a mixed bag of everything :D
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There still working hard on the PC version, I think they (Reiza) would love to release it on console (huge money for them) but while they have work to be done I think they want to concentrate on one version.
Exactly, it's probably not that impossible because it should be at least compatible with last gen easily. The problem is current state is very bad in many things. Sometimes it feels like some tech demo only. You need to choose what currently works and then it's great. No space to release it anywhere if PC version is rather early access.
I've asked and nothing.
I've also asked for Rf2 as well. The Crew 2 and GRID can have sections but all bets are off when it comes to top tier sims like AMS2 and rF2.

This thread moves less than a page per week. If we have a subforum it's just gonna be haybales and crickets. I agree it sucks that proper sims don't get the recognition they deserve in GTPlanet (not even a front page news article), but I feel it's also the demographics of the site that limits the appeal of hardcore sims like AMS/rF. I bet 90% of site traffic is basically just the GT/Forza section alone. Assetto does well but it's actually only the modding thread that gets any traffic in that subforum.

Best bet is just use the official AMS forums or Race Department 👍 You'll get the breadth and depth of discussion that you just won't get here.
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True, most of the people here don't care about games too much. It's normal on gaming forums but I thought pure racing game forum would be better.
This thread moves less than a page per week. If we have a subforum it's just gonna be haybales and crickets. I agree it sucks that proper sims don't get the recognition they deserve in GTPlanet (not even a front page news article), but I feel it's also the demographics of the site that limits the appeal of hardcore sims like AMS/rF. I bet 90% of site traffic is basically just the GT/Forza section alone. Assetto does well but it's actually only the modding thread gets any traffic in that subforum.

Best bet is just use the official AMS forums or Race Department 👍 You'll get the breadth and depth of discussion that you just won't get here.
The answer is quite simple, the titles in question need enough traffic and activity to justify having sub-forums dedicated to them.

True, most of the people here don't care about games too much. It's normal on gaming forums but I thought pure racing game forum would be better.
Given that the majority of activity on GT Planet is in the gaming sub-forums, and one of the single most active threads is related to a racing game (AC's modding thread), its an oddly inaccurate claim you are making!
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Given that the majority of activity on GT Planet is in the gaming sub-forums, and one of the single most active threads is related to a racing game (AC's modding thread), its an oddly inaccurate claim you are making!
I came here because on normal forums people don't have deep knowledge of racing games. And it makes sense, because not everybody has one favorite genre. I would like to play other games too but no time :D And knowledge here is overall better but not that much. Because then I need to check all possible forums to get some info and it's not easy. I saw some amazingly deep threads here too but currently it's not that usual.
This thread moves less than a page per week. If we have a subforum it's just gonna be haybales and crickets. I agree it sucks that proper sims don't get the recognition they deserve in GTPlanet (not even a front page news article), but I feel it's also the demographics of the site that limits the appeal of hardcore sims like AMS/rF. I bet 90% of site traffic is basically just the GT/Forza section alone. Assetto does well but it's actually only the modding thread gets any traffic in that subforum.

Best bet is just use the official AMS forums or Race Department 👍 You'll get the breadth and depth of discussion that you just won't get here.
I hear you. It's just people talking about controllers over here. It would be nice to separate the topics a bit so that other people can jump into something different other than why or why not controllers work or don't work. That should be a separate thread in and of itself. You're right though, other forums exist.
After few hours with ACC only which I really enjoyed I went back to AMS2. And it's much better :D It's very different but driving anything in AMS2 is very satisfying. ACC is still great but AMS2 shoudn't be overlooked.

Don't worry, buy it!
Went through a few time trials to see what times people were posting. While I don't claim to be the fastest out here, it seems like some of the ghost cars of times that are super fast are weirdly unobtainable. I'll load a ghost towards the top with a default setting and somehow they are finding this lateral grip whereas if I try some 15 times in a row, I can't collect myself. I know people are fast and all but is this from not resetting times from before the last update?
Has anyone else noticed this? I'll always accept the fact that people will be better than me but where is this corner grip coming from? I assume that in real life the car would be broke after 5 laps from beating the living hell out of it. LOL. I must be too easy on these virtual vehicles. :lol:
Well it has been a few weeks since last posted.

About 3 weeks ago purchased. a sim wheel stand. The one I purchased is from extreme sim racing extreme. That thing is a beast, more then I expected. It could easily last 5 or more likely 10 years. It must weigh close to 75 lbs with the wheel and pedals attached. Not exactly easy to move around. Would of been nice if it would have had some type of wheels at the bottom when folded to make much easier to move around. The base plate that the wheel mount to. There is only two Allen hex bolt that bolts it to the frame. They should of used different type of hardware as it feels a little loose even when tightened as much as possible.

Also now using my G27 which have not used in 4 years. Got a new power supply when got the wheel stand. Overall not sure if it is a lot better then the T-150, except the pedals are better on G27. Not using the H-shifter yet as it seams that PC2 or AMS2 simulate the clutch, so kind of defeats the purpose. Does ACC do a good job with simulation the clutch/requiring clutch to be used?

Anyways about got things situated to start doing longer sessions with AMS2 etc. Feels pretty good.

Also been doing a lot of American Trucker, they have a put a lot of detail into that game. Nice to just go for a drive, especially in my favorite state of Arizona.
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Does ACC do a good job with simulation the clutch/requiring clutch to be used?
ACC has all of it's cars using a sequential. They're all modern race cars.

In PC2 and AMS2, you have to turn off auto-clutch and auto blip and then you have free range to the clutch and shifting and/or miss-shifting if you don't get it right.

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