Automotive Photography Competition #4 - Poll Results

  • Thread starter Pebb

Who wins, you decide

  • Alex. [URL=][IMG]http://i

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Speedster502 [url=][IMG]http://i229.p

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Southampton, UK
Congratulations to Moglet on winning Automotive Photography Competition #3!

Click for the full size

Deadline: Friday 26th of September at 11:59pm UK time.


1. The entered picture must be taken by you and not just found on the net.
2. Only one photograph per person.
3. You may not change your photograph once it has been entered.
4. Your image must be no more than 900px on the long edge. If it is not, your picture will not be in the voting thread.
5. Each entry must also include a small thumbnail, with the long edge being 400px.
6. Shots must be taken between January 2007 - Current Day.
7. Each photographer cannot vote for their own photo, they must vote for others.
8. The picture should get submitted with the following: Subject, Location, Date and Camera used.
9. Levels, Curves, Colour Balance, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation, cropping, or anything else capable in the development process or with filters and common special lenses are allowed to use in Photoshop or other image editing softwares. Other adjustments and effects are not allowed to be used in your picture.
10.No HDRI shots allowed

Note: There will never be any themes.


Top 3 Results

1st - GT3mich

2nd - TVR&Ferrari_Fan

3rd - Tangled Web
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Completely stock as usual.
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Don't forget there is just one more day, before the deadline comes up.
Nice. 👍

Yet another simple shot from me. :D

Click for full size.

Suzuki Swift Headlight
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Canon EOS 400D

Wow! Amazing work TW.

I'll give it a shot. (Un-intentional Pun)

Click Preview For Larger Size

Subaru Impreza WRC 2001
RAF Marham
September 2008
Canon EOS 350D
Since no-one's made a point of saying it, the polls up!

I choose to vote for TVR&FF after a long session of trying to decide, I was originally going to vote for TW with his excellent shot of the Suzuki Swift but I love the composition of TVRFF's! Anyway, the quality of shots seems to keep on increasing! Hopefully, mine will will get a vote this time around.
Voted for GT3Mich's MINI picture, not that I'm biased or anything :lol:. It's a very good photo though.
Voted for GT3Mich's MINI picture, not that I'm biased or anything :lol:. It's a very good photo though.

Same here. The photo is a bit noisy in the darker areas but the composition and location are spot on. I was also impressed with TW's entry this week 👍
I went with TW's shot, the exposure seems perfect to me, and it's a great composition.

Some very good shots this week, tough call for sure. 👍

Alex's shot would probably be my pick if it had been slightly edited on the levels and that guy wasn't standing there behind the Impreza. Still, great shot.
Voted for GT3Mich's MINI picture, not that I'm biased or anything :lol:. It's a very good photo though.
Thanks. I voted for TVR&Ferrari_Fan's shot. Looks great in B&W. As for the noise, I think I shot that at 1600 iso. It was pretty dark that morning.