Avatars(or just pics) of speedometers at high speeds

  • Thread starter MazKid
Yea, but you are doing high speed driving at night through construction zones.

If you notice, these were taken during daylight(well, the B-series redline was kinda night, but 40mph isn't fast :) ) on open stretches of highway in fairly unpopulated areas.
Also, with my 1 year of driving(on a permit), I was able to pilot the MPV cruising at about 90mph for many miles with no problems. There was some light traffic, and I did slow down when I needed to, it was in daylight, and there was no dangerous conditions(no constuction or rain or anything).

I'm pretty sure that most people have a problem with the 95mph through a construction zone because there could have been workers(yes, sometimes they do work at night, and they are even harder to see then) on the road and it could have turned ugly if the car you were following slammed on the brakes for whatever reason, and you couldn't stop and drove into the roadwork.
OMG!! it was somewhere between 80-85 tops in the construction zone! we curzed at like 70-75! that was just what we got up to for a sec there!!!

tomorrow i should have pics of my car and the speed-o at around 100mph. the speed-o pics where taken at around 4-5am. ON THE HIGHWAY!!!
heres my speed-o pics:D


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Here is my speedo pic. I know its a bit crooked but when I straightened it it got all blurry. Anyways I think I have pretty much anyone beat with this one :)


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BTY I know this sort of thing is starting to develope into an issue so I thought I would mention the circumstances of the pic. It was taken in central Winsconsin at about 6:00pm. The road was a county route perfectly straight, smooth, level and very isolated. I am not challenging anyone to beat me, so if you if you try and get hurt or somthing don't blame me.
Wana b- not being insulting...what the hell happened to the inside of your Kia there? It's like coming apart...and that fan...eh.
Boom - the top small gauge...Miles Per Gallon? Why does it go up to 80? Optimistics lol.
SRT - AWSOME. Yea, I think you win here. Heh.

I also have a vid of a '93-'97 Probe GT doing 0-top speed(about 132...I know the car can go faster, but that's what it shows in the vid) on a perfectly straight road. I also have a RX-7 Turbo II doing about 145 in daylight on a highway with traffic. heh
Ha! I told you you wouldn't be disapointed. And take notice of the smaller gage off to the right of the tach, thats the fuel gage. At the start of my run it was reading a full tank, scary huh :lol: When is the last time you burned four gallons of gas in 30 seconds?
my mom got me the gear shift knob for x-mas and i got the fuzz buster after my 2nd ticket... i think. maybe after the 1st. ive got somewhere between 4 and 7 tickets over the two years of having my DL.
Originally posted by SRT Rocket
Here is my speedo pic. I know its a bit crooked but when I straightened it it got all blurry. Anyways I think I have pretty much anyone beat with this one :)

That's an awesome image man 👍. I've only gotton up to 147 in my SRT. When you drive really fast, or really hard, I get 13 MPG in it, if its just normal driving I get 28 or so (interstate). I got up to that speed going down the interstate on our way to Arkansas (we used two cars, my uncle was in his car following us to second the speed, my older brother was with me in my car (I have to have a person who holds a drivers liscense to drive for now)), after we switched cars at the last rest stop. I think it was somewhere in Tennesee at 1PM. The road was empty so I hit it. Slowed down when the radar detector started going nuts...
ya, whoever owns that car also messed w/ the boost meter b/c stock the psi is set at 9(i think)....
btw. girls and cars are tied for the lead in my priority list...
This might not be going at high speed but it looks nice. And its capeable of getting close to those speeds too ;) (no that's not KM/H )...


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I believe this was from the TOP SECRET Supra on Britain's M1 motorway...
AND the driver was pulled over.....


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My mate and I got this of my dads 95 Maxima.


We also went to this spot to do a burnout. Well, I left a fat black mark, but not enough smoke. We are going to go back next week and I will use the handbrake to get more smoke:mischievous:
Originally posted by WhiteCharisma85
How much is 328km/h in mph?
divide by 1.6, making it 205mph.

i think that was a porsche gt3 or a gt1... i've seen the video (beasts from the easts) u can get it online anywhere.
as for speedos, u'll struggle to find a higher one than this... its taken from an e39 M5 that had it's limiter removed (and little else done to it). courteousy of some nutter from the forum on bmwm5.com. he took the picture himself. (yes i know it looks a little fake but i had the video of him doing it at night too, which i'll endeavour to post some time)

320kph = 200mph


Description by the driver:

The Tacho Pic was taken on a straight autobahn part which goes down a long way. I need about 10 runs to push the M5 so hard that the picture could be taken. btw. I took the picture on my own ;-))) While testing the max speed on some turn I have a car in front or a truck was on the road ! This was absolutly luck to have a empty autobahn and also click the button of the cam in the right millisecond. After that I braked the car down, drove out to a parking place and looked after the pictures.

On plane autobahn I only reach about 6.800 to 6.900 U/min. But the needle of the speedo will stay at 320km/h from 6.600 U/min and don't move higher !

I also tried this with activated Servicemenu from Navigationsystem to have a look at the m/s speed. The highest I saw on the monitor was 86,4m/s !

If this unit is working fine and the speed is nearly okay it must be 311km/h !!! But think of the going down autobahn, this is not a right condition for testing highspeeds ;-)


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Originally posted by Nightmage82
divide by 1.6, making it 205mph.

i think that was a porsche gt3 or a gt1... i've seen the video (beasts from the easts) u can get it online anywhere.

Tsk tsk, a Supra!
oh yeah and another m5 doing what looks like 180 mph. this one is an e34. and it too had its limiter removed. (no other mods as far as i know)


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