AWD 600PP London - xx:00 / :20 / :40 / - Race of the Red Emblem

  • Thread starter nissman
Thanks for the few races tonight guys 👍 I'll be back tomorrow night for some more action, hopefully for a full night of racing
Thanks for the few races tonight guys 👍 I'll be back tomorrow night for some more action, hopefully for a full night of racing

Me too.I had to bail early,sorry for the quick exit looked like it was gonna be a good night too.Hopefully you'll all be there tommorrow.:)
Hi fellas, i just wanted to say helloand let you know i´m back on bussines, mainly (as always) on Fuji, i'll be looking after to beat GTP's again.
( As you can see time hasn´t change me so much)

I´ll see you when i´ll see you.
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I'm going for a quick jog...I'll be back in about an hour for a few races 👍

I'll be recording a few races as make sure to bring your A game :cheers:
Gotta love PD's absolutely frickin pathetic host picking program :scared::ouch::crazy: 3 races I entered and I'm host everytime...and all are DC'd once we get the grid :yuck: :grumpy: I'll BBL...
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shocking driving from the 2 GTro R8's! as soon as a non tagged player trys to overtake they just ram you off :rolleyes: maybe they should just learn to drive faster, im glad i had the camera running!

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shocking driving from the 2 GTro R8's! as soon as a non tagged player trys to overtake they just ram you off :rolleyes: maybe they should just learn to drive faster, im glad i had the camera running!

Thank you for uploading this video. It´s been so clarifying.

Lately, since i came back, i've had very rough arguments with my forum mates, specially with GTros, regarding the sacred rule of keeping at any time at least to wheels on the tarmac and the complete absence of the most minimun effort to acomplish it on too many socalled "fair drivers".

One of the sentences i did use to tell them off it was:

" A GTP Team member wouldn´t do that not even drunk"

Now i see how much wrong i was.
I cannot understand how this behave is tolerated here.
Obviously it is tolerated, if it wasn´t you and your GTP race mates should be so shamed of your shelves showing this video.

I´ll be on Fuji for a while.
Thank you for uploading this video. It´s been so clarifying.

Lately, since i came back, i've had very rough arguments with my forum mates, specially with GTros, regarding the sacred rule of keeping at any time at least to wheels on the tarmac and the complete absence of the most minimun effort to acomplish it on too many socalled "fair drivers".

One of the sentences i did use to tell them off it was:

" A GTP Team member wouldn´t do that not even drunk"

Now i see how much wrong i was.
I cannot understand how this behave is tolerated here.
Obviously it is tolerated, if it wasn´t you and your GTP race mates should be so shamed of your shelves showing this video.

I´ll be on Fuji for a while.
Well your first mistake is im not a GTP Team Member i race for myself.

i also have your friend in the Black R8 moving from side to side down the straight to stop me from drafting him





and also him cutting the chicane so whats your next excuse?

Also running slightly wide on courses is also acceptible in Real Life motorsport as long as your not taking it too far,youtube BTCC Knockhill or BTCC Brands Hatch to see for yourself.
I don´t know if he is my "friend", in case he is it doesn´t make any difference, becausse as i've said, i've been having rough arguments with friends and no friends because of that subject.

I´m not giving excuses for no one, understood?, i´m saying that you and the GTP´s shown on the video are using an ILEGAL practice to go faster and that is sad and unproper for this comunity.
Probably next will be to see GTP's on starting grid with 599 points.

Don´t give me silly excuses.

Are members of Sutil Team the only ones still caring for doing things on a fair and legal way?
Didn´t you learn anything from IFTC DQ´s?
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not really considering ive just showed one of your team swerving down the straight?

also have a video of one of the sutil team members trying to ram me off.

Listen you idiot, that is not my team. My team is Sutil.
I´ve just watched again all 5 laps of the video, and if seen you driving for outside the track to get faster like 15 times, the most of them being alone and with nobody disturbing you, but no member at all of Sutil Team and not even GTros team, what is your excuse for thata apart from not being affraid of cheating.

And if a Sutil Team member was ramming you off (i hope it was me) it was probably because watching you drive he got to the conclusion thet you prefer to stay out of the tarmac and was trying to help you getting it.

Now please, shw me that video.
Listen you idiot, that is not my team. My team is Sutil.
I´ve just watched again all 5 laps of the video, and if seen you driving for outside the track to get faster like 15 times, the most of them being alone and with nobody disturbing you, but no member at all of Sutil Team and not even GTros team, what is your excuse for thata apart from not being affraid of cheating.

And if a Sutil Team member was ramming you off (i hope it was me) it was probably because watching you drive he got to the conclusion thet you prefer to stay out of the tarmac and was trying to help you getting it.

Now please, shw me that video.

Now please tell me which form of motorsport are you involved in :) would love to know.

If youve ever read a motorsport rule book (and i have plenty of times) as long as you do NOT gain an unfair advantage then what i was doing is acceptible as you said noone was around me therefore i did not gain an unfair advantage and i guess you didnt youtube btcc knockhill or btcc brands hatch so let me help you out there.

as you can see all 4 wheels are off the track at the chicane yet noone gained an unfair advantage therefore allowed.

snetterton 2nd corner all 4 wheels off the track no unfair advantaged therefore allowed

as you can see here also in the first corner plenty of cars with all 4 wheels off the track yet did not gain an unfair advantage therefore allowed so back in your box and get yourself a motorsport rule book or better still get involved in motorsport!

here you go at 1:05 clearly pushing me off

and i take that as a threat therefore im allowed to ram you off aswell? :) fair game then
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You have to suffer some kind of mental desease, is the only one explanation i find for such a thick attitude.

In the very moment you can brake later and accelerate earlier, what it means do the corner faster and increase your speed on the straigth after, you are earning and unfair advantage and any fair driver capable of notice the difference in beetwen an egg and a chesnut would tell you that what you do there is cheating continiously.

And you should know that during this year`s Monaco GP, several pilots where threated with a penalty for the race direction becausse of cutting the chicanes.

And you haven´t given yet any valid justification for doing what you do.
(because you just don´t have it)
You have to suffer some kind of mental desease, is the only one explanation i find for such a thick attitude.


And you should know that during this year`s Monaco GP, several pilots where threated with a penalty for the race direction becausse of cutting the chicanes.

And you haven´t given yet any valid justification for doing what you do.
(because you just don´t have it)

Dont have to jusitfy anything i am not a gtp team member,ive raced plenty of gtp memebers or anyone else for that matter which have never complained of my car suffering from "understeer" which you will find is the correct term for the issue my car has when it pushes wide when im on the throttle.

Its only a game at the end of the day dont beat yourself up about it if you wanna complain get involved in real life motorsport.

Dont have to jusitfy anything i am not a gtp team member,ive raced plenty of gtp memebers or anyone else for that matter which have never complained of my car suffering from "understeer" which you will find is the correct term for the issue my car has when it pushes wide when im on the throttle.

Its only a game at the end of the day dont beat yourself up about it if you wanna complain get involved in real life motorsport.

A) I don´t care

B) It doesn´t make any diference if you are GTP or not, you cheat
Please take this discussion to PM.
The name calling that started the discussion is also no tolerated on this forum.

Please contact the person directly or contact a moderator/administrator of their team forum if you have a problem.
Gtros, i know this is not you madmax, but they have started to get a lot more inconsiderate when racing others, which surprises me as they do have some talented drivers there, i don't mean all Gtros, just some, same at other forums though, all have members who can be inconsiderate at times.
As for running wide, it may be accpeted in certain motorsport events but racing online it is a form of cheating. If you run wide because of late braking, lapse in concentration it's acceptable, to do it on purpose does give you an advantage, maybe not position wise but i guarantee that your lap time will be quicker. Just look at the TT's for Fuji, most of the time the guy in P1 will have run wide at turn 1 to gain those extra tenths or hundreds.
Anyhow not really poking the embers to restart a fire, nuff said
Chunkee_Monkey, please do not continue this discussion.
If you want to discuss this topic further, make a new thread covering this topic, rather than posting in this thread.