B-Spec friend appreciation thread

  • Thread starter brambos
Big thanks to Kyparamies and k_riens for the grinding, sorry for not grinding as much back. But I'm relying on the widget pretty much, I'll start grinding when it's back up. đź‘Ť
My props to "not in the face" (with a bunch of font/punctuation). Lately he's been rocking my guys. I haven't been remote racing as much lately with update and home stuff.
Hey all - Ive been grinding B spec since release. Have like 1200 cars and had to start a couple new drivers because the old 40's got to slow.
I really want to start doing remote races but haven't really started.
I already leave it on so if anyone could add me to friends I'd appreciate it-
PSN - gearloos

Thx- Ill set up remote and leave some Bobs there for it

Or- if I am not following some protocol by asking this way, just let me know-

Thanks Again... gear-
big thanks to all my friends... hit bspec level 40 over the weekend and i havent had to grind b spec offline at all and still have 9hr and 24 hr endurance races still to do

too many to list as im away from my paystation but a few key people are

(sorry if tehir usenames are wrong.. going from memory here)
Emanuello< if got this name wrong but you know who you are ill correct it if you post.. your all legends

ill keep trying to use the widget but i am always stuck for time

thanks again
I don't want to go through alllll the names of people who helped me, (most of them got a PSN note from me before I removed them).

I just want to thank you all for racing my bobs and I hope that I returned the favor 10 fold. I restricted my friends list to just the Freq Club members now because of some issues with never running some members.

Thank you guys :3
thank you to my b spec friends, i pm them a thankyou from time to time. hope i'm paying you all back properly ( on average 8am to 1pm daily) if not pm me :-)
Hey thanks to all who added me- I put a note up a few days ago and have been rocking the widget ever since- lots of new friends using my Bobs.
This thread rocks

PSN: gearloos
I need people to add me, I have one friend that has posted 5 bobs and that's it and he doesn't even play gt5 any more, at least not often, I don't run the widget though (mainly because i don't know how, and don't have the time to learn) anyways,

Add me PSN: Roush_fan_99
Did some cleaning out of my "friends" list simply because they never hosted races--it's nothing personal. Been running multiple races daily--manually. Installing the widget tonight on a new acct I think.

Props to my regular reciprocators:

Not in the face

And to bob0level for always raising everyone's finish by 5 or 6. Lol
SoCal Senator
Low level bobs wanted for remotes: for manual and widget racing--plz only those that return the favor!


I won't be online til sunday most likely but I have 2, 0 lvl bobs, a lvl 4, a 27, and a 40

Add me PSN: Roush_fan_99
If you look for a good B-Spec buddy, I have to say Breinholm has been quite enthusiastic about hosting remote races.

Mr Breinholm, hats off.
I would just like to say thanks to all the people running my bobs :- Killcaustic68, ABaMD, Muz-55, prioret, trizzig, csouthby, Dustinwild, Remo_of_oz. Also would like to add that I will be back manual grinding this week. thanks again to you all.
I'm hesitant to list my b-spec friends. I fear people will add them and I'll get cut me out.. gosh, I feel drug deals are going on here.. "I can't reveal my suppliers"
I'm hesitant to list my b-spec friends. I fear people will add them and I'll get cut me out.. gosh, I feel drug deals are going on here.. "I can't reveal my suppliers"
Your pathetic. So, yu think out of the 100,000 people here on Gtplanet, that the listing might cause you to lose someone who might race you higher on their list? All I can say is goodbye. Leaches like you are always a problem with this kind of system. I just hope your not on my friends list. I'll look later, if you are... bye bye

PSN: gearloos
Your pathetic. So, yu think out of the 100,000 people here on Gtplanet, that the listing might cause you to lose someone who might race you higher on their list? All I can say is goodbye. Leaches like you are always a problem with this kind of system. I just hope your not on my friends list. I'll look later, if you are... bye bye

PSN: gearloos

First of all, Hello. :) Secondly, did you really check your friends list to find out I'm not there? -because that's pretty funny. I'm not a pathetic leach. Take it easy, my post was intended as a joke. Honestly I don't want a large list of friends because my system works better that way, plus I wanted to give appreciation while respecting privacy. If you really want to see who my friends are then you can look at my psn.

bye bye :)
Your pathetic. So, yu think out of the 100,000 people here on Gtplanet, that the listing might cause you to lose someone who might race you higher on their list? All I can say is goodbye. Leaches like you are always a problem with this kind of system. I just hope your not on my friends list. I'll look later, if you are... bye bye

PSN: gearloos

And ironically enough, you're on my list of people to thank

volracer (big time ups from him)

awesome grinders
First of all, Hello. :) Secondly, did you really check your friends list to find out I'm not there? -because that's pretty funny. I'm not a pathetic leach. Take it easy, my post was intended as a joke. Honestly I don't want a large list of friends because my system works better that way, plus I wanted to give appreciation while respecting privacy. If you really want to see who my friends are then you can look at my psn.

bye bye :)

I was actually just trying to mess with you but it didn't come out right.. at all.
i just learned about the widget but couldnt race at all cause didnt have any friends playing gt5 :) i ll add as many as i can from here and i appreciate adding me too. thanx
Yeah I shouldn't have been quite that brutal lol
I'll probably just kinda not try to make any more jokes. It always comes out wrong...

PSN: gearloos
I've only been into this about 2 weeks , thanks to all too many to list but you know who you are .

BTW Chump your drivers always kick my ass